Bump version

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Zellner 2023-03-17 12:46:24 +01:00
parent a761bb52eb
commit 753025a893
3 changed files with 45 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -249,3 +249,45 @@
* Add follow request banner on account header (ClearlyClaire)
* Add confirmation screen when handling reports (ClearlyClaire, Gargron, tribela)
* Add option to make the landing page be /about even when trends are enabled (ClearlyClaire)
* Update Mastodon to 4.1.1
* [Full changelog](https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.1.1)
* Add redirection from paths with url-encoded @ to their decoded form (thijskh)
* Add lang attribute to native language names in language picker in Web UI (ClearlyClaire)
* Add headers to outgoing mails to avoid auto-replies (ClearlyClaire)
* Add support for refreshing many accounts at once with tootctl accounts refresh (9p4)
* Add confirmation modal when clicking to edit a post with a non-empty compose form (PauloVilarinho)
* Add support for the HAproxy PROXY protocol through the PROXY_PROTO_V1 environment variable (CSDUMMI)
* Add SENDFILE_HEADER environment variable (Gargron)
* Add cache headers to static files served through Rails (Gargron)
* Increase contrast of upload progress bar background (toolmantim)
* Change post auto-deletion throttling constants to better scale with server size (ClearlyClaire)
* Change order of bookmark and favourite sidebar entries in single-column UI for consistency (TerryGarcia)
* Change ActivityPub::DeliveryWorker retries to be spread out more (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix “Remove all followers from the selected domains” also removing follows and notifications (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix streaming metrics format (emilweth, emilweth)
* Fix case-sensitive check for previously used hashtags in hashtag autocompletion (deanveloper)
* Fix focus point of already-attached media not saving after edit (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix sidebar behavior in settings/admin UI on mobile (wxt2005)
* Fix inefficiency when searching accounts per username in admin interface (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix duplicate “Publish” button on mobile (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix server error when failing to follow back followers from /relationships (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix server error when attempting to display the edit history of a trendable post in the admin interface (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix tootctl accounts migrate crashing because of a typo (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix original account being unfollowed on migration before the follow request to the new account could be sent (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix the “Back” button in column headers sometimes leaving Mastodon (c960657)
* Fix pgBouncer resetting application name on every transaction (Gargron)
* Fix unconfirmed accounts being counted as active users (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix /api/v1/streaming sub-paths not being redirected (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix drag'n'drop upload area text that spans multiple lines not being centered (vintprox)
* Fix sidekiq jobs not triggering Elasticsearch index updates (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix tags being unnecessarily stripped from plain-text short site description (c960657)
* Fix HTML entities not being un-escaped in extracted plain-text from remote posts (c960657)
* Fix dashboard crash on ElasticSearch server error (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix incorrect post links in strikes when the account is remote (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix misleading error code when receiving invalid WebAuthn credentials (ClearlyClaire)
* Fix duplicate mails being sent when the SMTP server is too slow to close the connection (ClearlyClaire)
* Change user backups to use expiring URLs for download when possible (Gargron)
* Add warning for object storage misconfiguration (ClearlyClaire)

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"description": "file://DESCRIPTION.md",
"changelog": "file://CHANGELOG",
"tagline": "Federated social network",
"version": "1.11.0",
"upstreamVersion": "4.1.0",
"version": "1.11.1",
"upstreamVersion": "4.1.1",
"healthCheckPath": "/about",
"httpPort": 8000,
"memoryLimit": 1610612736,

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ RUN gem install --no-document bundler
ENV RAILS_ENV production
ENV NODE_ENV production
RUN curl -L https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/archive/v${VERSION}.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components 1 -f - && \
bundle config --local set deployment 'true' && \