
278 lines
9 KiB

use crate::activitypub::actors::helpers::ACTOR_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE;
use crate::activitypub::fetcher::fetchers::fetch_file;
use crate::mastodon_api::oauth::utils::generate_access_token;
use crate::validators::users::validate_local_username;
use fedimovies_config::Instance;
use fedimovies_models::database::DatabaseClient;
use fedimovies_models::profiles::queries::update_profile;
use fedimovies_models::profiles::types::{ExtraField, ProfileImage, ProfileUpdateData};
use fedimovies_models::users::queries::create_user;
use fedimovies_models::users::types::{Role, User, UserCreateData};
use fedimovies_utils::crypto_rsa::{generate_rsa_key, serialize_private_key};
use fedimovies_utils::markdown::markdown_basic_to_html;
use fedimovies_utils::passwords::hash_password;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
pub async fn lookup_and_create_movie_user(
instance: &Instance,
db_client: &mut impl DatabaseClient,
api_key: &str,
media_dir: &Path,
username: &str,
default_movie_user_password: Option<String>,
) -> Result<User, MovieError> {
let (movie_title, year) = username.rsplit_once('_').ok_or(MovieError::NotMovie)?;
let year = year.parse::<u32>().map_err(|_| MovieError::NotMovie)?;
let movie_info = get_movie_info(api_key, movie_title, year).await?;
let user = create_movie_user(
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum MovieError {
#[error("error calling TMDB API: {0}")]
NotFoundError(&'static str),
#[error("not a movie")]
#[error("error creating movie user: {0}")]
UserCreationError(#[from] anyhow::Error),
pub async fn get_movie_info(
api_key: &str,
movie_username: &str,
year: u32,
) -> Result<MovieInfo, MovieError> {
// Expand movie title to reverse the camel case on spaces
let movie_title = movie_username
.map(|c| {
if c.is_uppercase() {
format!(" {}", c)
} else {
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let url = format!(
let response = client
.header("User-Agent", "FediMovies.rocks/1.0")
.map_err(|_| MovieError::NotFoundError("sending request"))?;
let response = response
.map_err(|err| {
log::error!("error parsing result from TMDB API ({url}): {err:?}");
MovieError::NotFoundError("error parsing result from TMDB API")
let movie_info = response.results.first().ok_or_else(|| {
log::error!("movie not found in TMDB API ({url})");
MovieError::NotFoundError("movie not found in TMDB API")
if movie_info.movie_username().starts_with(movie_username)
&& movie_info.release_date.starts_with(&year.to_string())
&& !movie_info.adult
} else {
let movie_username_gen = movie_info.movie_username();
log::error!("does not movie match any movie found in TMDB API ({url}) - {movie_username_gen} != {movie_username}");
"does not movie match any movie found in TMDB API",
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MovieSearchResponse {
pub page: u32,
pub results: Vec<MovieInfo>,
pub total_results: u32,
pub total_pages: u32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MovieInfo {
pub poster_path: Option<String>,
pub adult: bool,
pub overview: String,
pub release_date: String,
pub id: u32,
pub original_title: String,
pub original_language: String,
pub title: String,
pub backdrop_path: Option<String>,
pub popularity: f32,
pub vote_count: u32,
pub video: bool,
pub vote_average: f32,
impl MovieInfo {
pub fn movie_username(&self) -> String {
// Sanitize the movie title by removing all non-alphanumeric characters and replacing
// space with camel case letter.
let title = self
.replace(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric() && !c.is_whitespace(), "");
let title = title
.map(|word| {
let mut chars = word.chars();
match chars.next() {
None => String::new(),
Some(first_char) => first_char.to_uppercase().chain(chars).collect(),
format!("{}_{}", title, self.release_date.split('-').next().unwrap())
pub fn poster_url(&self) -> Option<String> {
.map(|path| format!("https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185{}", path))
pub fn background_url(&self) -> Option<String> {
.map(|path| format!("https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780{}", path))
pub fn movie_url(&self) -> String {
format!("https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/{}", self.id)
pub async fn create_movie_user(
instance: &Instance,
db_client: &mut impl DatabaseClient,
movie_info: &MovieInfo,
password: &str,
media_dir: &Path,
) -> Result<User, anyhow::Error> {
let username = movie_info.movie_username();
let password_hash = hash_password(password)?;
let private_key = generate_rsa_key()?;
let private_key_pem = serialize_private_key(&private_key)?;
let user_data = UserCreateData {
username: username.clone(),
password_hash: Some(password_hash),
wallet_address: None,
invite_code: None,
role: Role::NormalUser,
let mut user = create_user(db_client, user_data).await?;
log::info!("user {username} created");
// Update profile
let mut profile_data = ProfileUpdateData::from(&user.profile);
let tmdb_profile_url = movie_info.movie_url();
profile_data.extra_fields = vec![ExtraField {
name: "TMDB Profile".to_string(),
value: markdown_basic_to_html(&tmdb_profile_url)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| tmdb_profile_url.clone()),
value_source: Some(tmdb_profile_url),
profile_data.bio = Some(movie_info.overview.clone());
profile_data.display_name = Some(movie_info.title.clone());
match movie_info.poster_url() {
Some(poster_url) => {
profile_data.avatar =
match fetch_file(instance, &poster_url, None, ACTOR_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE, media_dir).await
Ok((file_name, file_size, maybe_media_type)) => {
let image = ProfileImage::new(file_name, file_size, maybe_media_type);
Err(error) => {
log::warn!("failed to fetch movie poster ({})", error);
None => profile_data.avatar = None,
match movie_info.background_url() {
Some(background_url) => {
profile_data.banner = match fetch_file(
Ok((file_name, file_size, maybe_media_type)) => {
let image = ProfileImage::new(file_name, file_size, maybe_media_type);
Err(error) => {
log::warn!("failed to fetch movie background ({})", error);
None => profile_data.banner = None,
user.profile = update_profile(db_client, &user.id, profile_data).await?;
log::info!("user {username} profile updated");
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_movie_username() {
let movie = MovieInfo {
poster_path: None,
adult: false,
overview: String::new(),
release_date: String::from("2022-01-01"),
id: 0,
original_title: String::new(),
original_language: String::new(),
title: String::from("Avatar: The Way of Water"),
backdrop_path: None,
popularity: 0.0,
vote_count: 0,
video: false,
vote_average: 0.0,
assert_eq!(movie.movie_username(), "AvatarTheWayOfWater_2022");