
325 lines
12 KiB

use std::cell::RefCell;
use comrak::{
format_commonmark, format_html,
nodes::{Ast, AstNode, ListType, NodeValue},
parse_document, Arena, ComrakExtensionOptions, ComrakOptions, ComrakParseOptions,
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum MarkdownError {
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
Utf8Error(#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),
fn build_comrak_options() -> ComrakOptions {
ComrakOptions {
extension: ComrakExtensionOptions {
autolink: true,
parse: ComrakParseOptions::default(),
render: ComrakRenderOptions {
hardbreaks: true,
escape: true,
fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, func: &F) -> Result<(), MarkdownError>
F: Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>) -> Result<(), MarkdownError>,
for child in node.children() {
iter_nodes(child, func)?;
fn node_to_markdown<'a>(
node: &'a AstNode<'a>,
options: &ComrakOptions,
) -> Result<String, MarkdownError> {
let mut output = vec![];
format_commonmark(node, options, &mut output)?;
let markdown = String::from_utf8(output)?
fn replace_node_value(node: &AstNode, value: NodeValue) -> () {
let mut borrowed_node = node.data.borrow_mut();
*borrowed_node = Ast::new(value, borrowed_node.sourcepos.start);
fn create_node<'a>(value: NodeValue) -> AstNode<'a> {
// Position doesn't matter
Node::new(RefCell::new(Ast::new(value, (0, 1).into())))
fn replace_with_markdown<'a>(
node: &'a AstNode<'a>,
options: &ComrakOptions,
) -> Result<(), MarkdownError> {
// Replace node with text node containing markdown
let markdown = node_to_markdown(node, options)?;
for child in node.children() {
let text = NodeValue::Text(markdown);
replace_node_value(node, text);
fn fix_microsyntaxes<'a>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>) -> Result<(), MarkdownError> {
if let Some(prev) = node.previous_sibling() {
if let NodeValue::Text(ref prev_text) = prev.data.borrow().value {
// Remove autolink if mention or object link syntax is found
if prev_text.ends_with('@') || prev_text.ends_with("[[") {
let mut link_text = String::new();
for child in node.children() {
let child_value = &child.data.borrow().value;
if let NodeValue::Text(child_text) = child_value {
let text = NodeValue::Text(link_text);
replace_node_value(node, text);
fn document_to_html<'a>(
document: &'a AstNode<'a>,
options: &ComrakOptions,
) -> Result<String, MarkdownError> {
let mut output = vec![];
format_html(document, options, &mut output)?;
let html = String::from_utf8(output)?;
/// Removes extra soft breaks from a HTML document generated by comrak
fn fix_linebreaks(html: &str) -> String {
// Fix hardbreaks
.replace("<br />\n", "<br>")
// Remove extra soft breaks
.replace(">\n<", "><")
/// Markdown Lite
/// Supported features:
/// - bold and italic
/// - links and autolinks
/// - inline code and code blocks
pub fn markdown_lite_to_html(text: &str) -> Result<String, MarkdownError> {
let options = build_comrak_options();
let arena = Arena::new();
let root = parse_document(&arena, text, &options);
// Re-render blockquotes, headings, HRs, images and lists
// Headings: poorly degrade on Pleroma
// TODO: disable parser rules https://github.com/kivikakk/comrak/issues/244
iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
let node_value = node.data.borrow().value.clone();
match node_value {
// Blocks
NodeValue::BlockQuote | NodeValue::Heading(_) | NodeValue::ThematicBreak => {
// Replace children with paragraph containing markdown
let mut markdown = node_to_markdown(node, &options)?;
if matches!(node_value, NodeValue::BlockQuote) {
// Fix greentext
markdown = markdown.replace("> ", ">");
for child in node.children() {
let text = NodeValue::Text(markdown);
let text_node = arena.alloc(create_node(text));
replace_node_value(node, NodeValue::Paragraph);
NodeValue::Image(_) => replace_with_markdown(node, &options)?,
NodeValue::List(_) => {
// Replace list and list item nodes
// while preserving their contents
let mut replacements: Vec<&AstNode> = vec![];
for list_item in node.children() {
let mut contents = vec![];
for paragraph in list_item.children() {
for content_node in paragraph.children() {
let mut list_prefix_markdown = node_to_markdown(list_item, &options)?;
if let NodeValue::Item(item) = list_item.data.borrow().value {
if item.list_type == ListType::Ordered {
// Preserve numbering in ordered lists
let item_index_str = item.start.to_string();
list_prefix_markdown =
list_prefix_markdown.replace('1', &item_index_str);
if !replacements.is_empty() {
// Insert line break before next list item
let linebreak = NodeValue::LineBreak;
let linebreak_node = arena.alloc(create_node(linebreak));
let list_prefix = NodeValue::Text(list_prefix_markdown);
let list_prefix_node = arena.alloc(create_node(list_prefix));
for content_node in contents {
for child_node in replacements {
replace_node_value(node, NodeValue::Paragraph);
NodeValue::Link(_) => fix_microsyntaxes(node)?,
_ => (),
let html = document_to_html(root, &options)?;
let html = fix_linebreaks(&html);
/// Markdown Basic
/// Supported features: links, linebreaks
pub fn markdown_basic_to_html(text: &str) -> Result<String, MarkdownError> {
let options = build_comrak_options();
let arena = Arena::new();
let root = parse_document(&arena, text, &options);
iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
let node_value = node.data.borrow().value.clone();
match node_value {
| NodeValue::Text(_)
| NodeValue::SoftBreak
| NodeValue::LineBreak => (),
NodeValue::Link(_) => fix_microsyntaxes(node)?,
NodeValue::Paragraph => {
if node.next_sibling().is_some() {
// If this is not the last paragraph,
// insert a line break, otherwise line break will not
// be preserved during HTML cleaning.
if let Some(last_child) = node.last_child() {
let last_child_value = &last_child.data.borrow().value;
if !matches!(last_child_value, NodeValue::LineBreak) {
let line_break = NodeValue::LineBreak;
let line_break_node = arena.alloc(create_node(line_break));
_ => replace_with_markdown(node, &options)?,
let html = document_to_html(root, &options)?;
let html = fix_linebreaks(&html);
/// Full markdown
pub fn markdown_to_html(text: &str) -> String {
let options = build_comrak_options();
comrak::markdown_to_html(text, &options)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_markdown_lite_to_html() {
let text = "# heading\n\ntest **bold** test *italic* test ~~strike~~ with `code`, <span>html</span> and https://example.com\nnew line\n\ntwo new lines and a list:\n- item 1\n- item 2\n\n>greentext\n\n---\n\nimage: ![logo](logo.png)\n\ncode block:\n```\nlet test\ntest = 1\n```";
let html = markdown_lite_to_html(text).unwrap();
let expected_html = concat!(
r#"<p># heading</p><p>test <strong>bold</strong> test <em>italic</em> test ~~strike~~ with <code>code</code>, &lt;span&gt;html&lt;/span&gt; and <a href="https://example.com">https://example.com</a><br>new line</p><p>two new lines and a list:</p><p>- item 1<br>- item 2</p><p>&gt;greentext</p><p>-----</p><p>image: ![logo](logo.png)</p><p>code block:</p>"#,
"<pre><code>let test\ntest = 1\n</code></pre>",
assert_eq!(html, expected_html);
fn test_markdown_lite_to_html_ordered_list() {
let text = "1. item 1\n2. item 2\n";
let html = markdown_lite_to_html(text).unwrap();
let expected_html = r#"<p>1. item 1<br>2. item 2</p>"#;
assert_eq!(html, expected_html);
fn test_markdown_lite_to_html_mention() {
let text = "@user@example.org test";
let html = markdown_lite_to_html(text).unwrap();
assert_eq!(html, format!("<p>{}</p>", text));
fn test_markdown_lite_to_html_hashtag() {
let text = "#hashtag test";
let html = markdown_lite_to_html(text).unwrap();
assert_eq!(html, format!("<p>{}</p>", text));
fn test_markdown_lite_to_html_object_link() {
let text = "[[https://example.org/objects/1]] test";
let html = markdown_lite_to_html(text).unwrap();
assert_eq!(html, format!("<p>{}</p>", text));
fn test_markdown_basic_to_html() {
let text = "test **bold** test *italic* test ~~strike~~ with `code`, <span>html</span> and https://example.com\nnew line\n\nanother line";
let html = markdown_basic_to_html(text).unwrap();
let expected_html = concat!(
"test **bold** test *italic* test ~~strike~~ with `code`, &lt;span&gt;html&lt;/span&gt;",
r#" and <a href="https://example.com">https://example.com</a>"#,
"<br>new line<br></p>",
"<p>another line</p>",
assert_eq!(html, expected_html);
fn test_markdown_basic_to_html_mention() {
let text = "@user@example.org test";
let html = markdown_basic_to_html(text).unwrap();
assert_eq!(html, format!("<p>{}</p>", text));
fn test_markdown_to_html() {
let text = "# heading\n\ntest";
let html = markdown_to_html(text);
assert_eq!(html, "<h1>heading</h1>\n<p>test</p>\n",);