StatsD-Bridge ============= StatsD-Bridge receives StatsD-style metrics and exports them as Prometheus metrics. ## Overview To pipe metrics from an existing StatsD environment into Prometheus, configure StatsD's repeater backend to repeat all received packets to a StatsD-Bridge process. This bridge translates StatsD metrics to Prometheus metrics via configured mapping rules. +----------+ +-----------------+ +--------------+ | StatsD |---(UDP repeater)--->| StatsD-Bridge |<---(scrape /metrics)---| Prometheus | +----------+ +-----------------+ +--------------+ ## Building and Running $ go build $ ./statsd_bridge --help Usage of ./statsd_bridge: -listeningAddress=":8080": The address on which to expose generated Prometheus metrics. -mappingConfig="mapping.conf": Metric mapping configuration file name. -statsdListeningAddress=":9125": The UDP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. -summaryFlushInterval=15m0s: How frequently to reset all summary metrics. ## Tests $ go test ## Metric Mapping and Configuration The StatsD-Bridge can be configured to translate specific dot-separated StatsD metrics into labeled Prometheus metrics via a simple mapping language. A mapping definition starts with a line matching the StatsD metric in question, with `*`s acting as wildcards for each dot-separated metric component. The lines following the matching expression must contain one `label="value"` pair each, and at least define the metric name (label name `name`). The Prometheus metric is then constructed from these labels. `$n`-style references in the label value are replaced by the n-th wildcard match in the matching line, starting at 1. Multiple matching definitions are separated by one or more empty lines. The first mapping rule that matches a StatsD metric wins. Metrics that don't match any mapping in the configuration file are translated into Prometheus metrics without any labels and with certain characters escaped (`_` -> `__`; `-` -> `__`; `.` -> `_`). In general, the different metric types are translated as follows, with certain suffixes appended to the Prometheus metric names: StatsD gauge -> Prometheus gauge (suffix `_gauge`) StatsD counter -> Prometheus counter (suffix `_counter`) StatsD timer -> Prometheus summary (suffix `_timer`) <-- indicates timer quantiles -> Prometheus counter (suffix `_timer_total`) <-- indicates total time spent -> Prometheus counter (suffix `_timer_count`) <-- indicates total number of timer events An example mapping configuration: test.dispatcher.*.*.* name="dispatcher_events" processor="$1" action="$2" outcome="$3" job="test_dispatcher" *.signup.*.* name="signup_events" provider="$2" outcome="$3" job="$1_server" This would transform these example StatsD metrics into Prometheus metrics as follows: test.dispatcher.FooProcessor.send.success (counter) => dispatcher_events_counter{processor="FooProcessor", action="send", outcome="success", job="test_dispatcher"} foo_product.signup.facebook.failure (counter) => signup_events_counter{provider="facebook", outcome="failure", job="foo_product_server"} (gauge) => test_web__server_foo_bar_gauge{}