Connected Servers:
@if nodes.is_empty() {There are no connected servers at this time.
} else {-
@for node in nodes {
@if let Some(domain) = node.base.as_url().domain() {
@if let Some(info) = {
Running version @info.version
@if info.reg {Registration is open
} else {Registration is closed
} }
If you are the admin of a server that supports activitypub relays, you can add this relay to your server.
Mastodon admins can add this relay by adding
@config.generate_url(UrlKind::Inbox)in their relay settings.
Pleroma admins can add this relay by adding
@config.generate_url(UrlKind::Actor)to their relay settings (I don't actually know how pleroma handles adding relays, is it still a mix command?).
Consult the documentation for your server. It's likely that it follows either Mastodon or Pleroma's relay formatting.