"""ISNI author checking utilities""" import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import requests from bookwyrm import activitypub, models def request_isni_data(search_index, search_term, max_records=5): """Request data from the ISNI API""" search_string = f'{search_index}="{search_term}"' query_params = { "query": search_string, "version": "1.1", "operation": "searchRetrieve", "recordSchema": "isni-b", "maximumRecords": max_records, "startRecord": "1", "recordPacking": "xml", "sortKeys": "RLV,pica,0,,", } result = requests.get( "http://isni.oclc.org/sru/", params=query_params, timeout=10 ) # the OCLC ISNI server asserts the payload is encoded # in latin1, but we know better result.encoding = "utf-8" return result.text def make_name_string(element): """create a string of form 'personal_name surname'""" # NOTE: this will often be incorrect, many naming systems # list "surname" before personal name forename = element.find(".//forename") surname = element.find(".//surname") if forename is not None: return "".join([forename.text, " ", surname.text]) return surname.text def get_other_identifier(element, code): """Get other identifiers associated with an author from their ISNI record""" identifiers = element.findall(".//otherIdentifierOfIdentity") for section_head in identifiers: if ( section_head.find(".//type") is not None and section_head.find(".//type").text == code and section_head.find(".//identifier") is not None ): return section_head.find(".//identifier").text # if we can't find it in otherIdentifierOfIdentity, # try sources for source in element.findall(".//sources"): code_of_source = source.find(".//codeOfSource") if ( code_of_source is not None and code_of_source.text == code.upper() or code_of_source.text == code.lower() ): return source.find(".//sourceIdentifier").text return "" def get_external_information_uri(element, match_string): """Get URLs associated with an author from their ISNI record""" sources = element.findall(".//externalInformation") for source in sources: information = source.find(".//information") uri = source.find(".//URI") if ( uri is not None and information is not None and information.text.lower() == match_string.lower() ): return uri.text return "" def find_authors_by_name(name_string, description=False): """Query the ISNI database for possible author matches by name""" payload = request_isni_data("pica.na", name_string) # parse xml root = ET.fromstring(payload) # build list of possible authors possible_authors = [] for element in root.iter("responseRecord"): personal_name = element.find(".//forename/..") bio = element.find(".//nameTitle") if not personal_name: continue author = get_author_from_isni(element.find(".//isniUnformatted").text) if bool(description): titles = element.findall(".//title") if titles: # some of the "titles" in ISNI are a little ...iffy title_element = [e for e in titles if not e.text.replace('@', '').isnumeric()][0] title = ( title_element.text.replace('@', '') if titles is not None and title_element is not None and len(title_element.text) > 4 else None ) author.bio = ( title if title is not None else bio.text if bio is not None else "More information at isni.org" ) possible_authors.append(author) return possible_authors def get_author_from_isni(isni): """Find data to populate a new author record from their ISNI""" payload = request_isni_data("pica.isn", isni) # parse xml root = ET.fromstring(payload) # there should only be a single responseRecord # but let's use the first one just in case element = root.find(".//responseRecord") name = make_name_string(element.find(".//forename/..")) viaf = get_other_identifier(element, "viaf") # use a set to dedupe aliases in ISNI aliases = set() aliases_element = element.findall(".//personalNameVariant") for entry in aliases_element: aliases.add(make_name_string(entry)) # aliases needs to be list not set aliases = list(aliases) bio = element.find(".//nameTitle") bio = bio.text if bio is not None else "" wikipedia = get_external_information_uri(element, "Wikipedia") author = activitypub.Author( id=element.find(".//isniURI").text, name=name, isni=isni, viafId=viaf, aliases=aliases, bio=bio, wikipediaLink=wikipedia ) return author def build_author_from_isni(match_value): """Build dict with basic author details from ISNI or author name""" # if it is an isni value get the data if match_value.startswith("https://isni.org/isni/"): isni = match_value.replace("https://isni.org/isni/", "") return { "author": get_author_from_isni(isni) } # otherwise it's a name string return {} def augment_author_metadata(author, isni): """Update any missing author fields from ISNI data""" isni_author = get_author_from_isni(isni) isni_author.to_model(model=models.Author, instance=author, overwrite=False) # we DO want to overwrite aliases because we're adding them to the # existing aliases and ISNI will usually have more. # We need to dedupe because ISNI records often have lots of dupe aliases aliases = set(isni_author["aliases"]) for alias in author.aliases: aliases.add(alias) author.aliases = list(aliases) author.save() return