{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% block content %} {% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}

{{ site.name }}: Social Reading and Reviewing

{% include 'snippets/about.html' %}
{% if site.allow_registration %}

Join {{ site.name }}

{% include 'snippets/register_form.html' %}
{% else %}

This instance is closed

Contact an administrator to get an invite

{% endif %}
{% else %}


{% endif %}

Recent Books

{% include 'snippets/discover/large-book.html' with book=books.0 %}
{% include 'snippets/discover/small-book.html' with book=books.1 %}
{% include 'snippets/discover/small-book.html' with book=books.2 %}
{% include 'snippets/discover/small-book.html' with book=books.3 %}
{% include 'snippets/discover/small-book.html' with book=books.4 %}
{% include 'snippets/discover/large-book.html' with book=books.5 %}
{% endblock %}