{% load bookwyrm_tags %} {% load i18n %} {% load utilities %} {% load status_display %} {% comment %} ----- Variables book: the Edition object this status is related to. Required unless the status is a reply draft: the content of an existing Status object to be edited (used in delete and redraft) uuid: a unique identifier used to make html "id" attributes unique and clarify javascript controls type: used for uniquely identifying the html elements when mutliple types of posts are available for a book, and usually the endpoint name that the form posts to reply_parent: the Status object this post will be in reply to, if applicable {% endcomment %} {% block form_open %} {# default form tag syntax, can be overriddden #} <form class="is-flex-grow-1{% if not no_script %} submit-status{% endif %}" name="{{ type }}" action="{% url "create-status" type %}" method="post" id="form_{{ type }}_{{ book.id }}{{ reply_parent.id }}" > {% endblock %} {% csrf_token %} {% block initial_fields %} <input type="hidden" name="book" value="{{ book.id }}"> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="{{ request.user.id }}"> <input type="hidden" name="reply_parent" value="{% firstof draft.reply_parent.id reply_parent.id %}"> {% endblock %} {% include "snippets/create_status/content_warning_field.html" %} {# fields that go between the content warnings and the content field (ie, quote) #} {% block pre_content_additions %}{% endblock %} <label class="label" for="id_content_{{ type }}_{{ book.id }}{{ reply_parent.id }}{{ uuid }}"> {% block content_label %} {% trans "Comment:" %} {% endblock %} </label> <div class="field"> {% include "snippets/create_status/content_field.html" with placeholder=placeholder %} </div> {# additional fields that go after the content block (ie, progress) #} {% block post_content_additions %}{% endblock %} {% block options_block %} {# cw, post privacy, and submit button #} {% include "snippets/create_status/post_options_block.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block form_close %} </form> {% endblock %}