""" using a bookwyrm instance as a source of book data """ from functools import reduce import operator from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchRank, SearchQuery from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery, F, Q from bookwyrm import models from .abstract_connector import AbstractConnector, SearchResult class Connector(AbstractConnector): """instantiate a connector""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def search(self, query, min_confidence=0.1, raw=False, filters=None): """search your local database""" filters = filters or [] if not query: return [] # first, try searching unqiue identifiers results = search_identifiers(query, *filters) if not results: # then try searching title/author results = search_title_author(query, min_confidence, *filters) search_results = [] for result in results: if raw: search_results.append(result) else: search_results.append(self.format_search_result(result)) if len(search_results) >= 10: break if not raw: search_results.sort(key=lambda r: r.confidence, reverse=True) return search_results def isbn_search(self, query, raw=False): """search your local database""" if not query: return [] filters = [{f: query} for f in ["isbn_10", "isbn_13"]] results = models.Edition.objects.filter( reduce(operator.or_, (Q(**f) for f in filters)) ).distinct() # when there are multiple editions of the same work, pick the default. # it would be odd for this to happen. default_editions = models.Edition.objects.filter( parent_work=OuterRef("parent_work") ).order_by("-edition_rank") results = ( results.annotate( default_id=Subquery(default_editions.values("id")[:1]) ).filter(default_id=F("id")) or results ) search_results = [] for result in results: if raw: search_results.append(result) else: search_results.append(self.format_search_result(result)) if len(search_results) >= 10: break return search_results def format_search_result(self, search_result): cover = None if search_result.cover: cover = "%s%s" % (self.covers_url, search_result.cover) return SearchResult( title=search_result.title, key=search_result.remote_id, author=search_result.author_text, year=search_result.published_date.year if search_result.published_date else None, connector=self, cover=cover, confidence=search_result.rank if hasattr(search_result, "rank") else 1, ) def format_isbn_search_result(self, search_result): return self.format_search_result(search_result) def is_work_data(self, data): pass def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data): pass def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data): pass def get_authors_from_data(self, data): return None def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data): """it's already in the right format, don't even worry about it""" return data def parse_search_data(self, data): """it's already in the right format, don't even worry about it""" return data def expand_book_data(self, book): pass def search_identifiers(query, *filters): """tries remote_id, isbn; defined as dedupe fields on the model""" # pylint: disable=W0212 or_filters = [ {f.name: query} for f in models.Edition._meta.get_fields() if hasattr(f, "deduplication_field") and f.deduplication_field ] results = models.Edition.objects.filter( *filters, reduce(operator.or_, (Q(**f) for f in or_filters)) ).distinct() if results.count() <= 1: return results # when there are multiple editions of the same work, pick the default. # it would be odd for this to happen. default_editions = models.Edition.objects.filter( parent_work=OuterRef("parent_work") ).order_by("-edition_rank") return ( results.annotate(default_id=Subquery(default_editions.values("id")[:1])).filter( default_id=F("id") ) or results ) def search_title_author(query, min_confidence, *filters): """searches for title and author""" query = SearchQuery(query, config="simple") | SearchQuery(query, config="english") results = ( models.Edition.objects.annotate(rank=SearchRank("search_vector", query)) .filter(*filters, search_vector=query, rank__gt=min_confidence) .order_by("-rank") ) # when there are multiple editions of the same work, pick the closest editions_of_work = results.values("parent_work__id").values_list("parent_work__id") # filter out multiple editions of the same work for work_id in set(editions_of_work): editions = results.filter(parent_work=work_id) default = editions.order_by("-edition_rank").first() default_rank = default.rank if default else 0 # if mutliple books have the top rank, pick the default edition if default_rank == editions.first().rank: yield default else: yield editions.first()