{% load bookwyrm_tags %} {% load i18n %} {% with status_type=status.status_type %} <div class="block" {% if status_type == "Review" %} itemprop="rating" itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating" {% endif %} > <div class="columns"> {% if not hide_book %} {% with book=status.book|default:status.mention_books.first %} {% if book %} <div class="column is-narrow is-hidden-mobile"> <a href="{{ book.local_path }}">{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book %}</a> {% include 'snippets/stars.html' with rating=book|rating:request.user %} {% include 'snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button.html' with book=book %} </div> {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} <article class="column"> {% if status_type == 'Review' %} <header class="mb-2"> <h3 class="title is-5 has-subtitle" dir="auto" itemprop="name" > {{ status.name|escape }} </h3> <h4 class="subtitle is-6"> <span class="is-hidden" {% if status_type == "Review" %} itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating" {% endif %} > <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="{{ status.rating|floatformat }}"> {# @todo Is it possible to not hard-code the value? #} <meta itemprop="bestRating" content="5"> </span> {% include 'snippets/stars.html' with rating=status.rating %} </h4> </header> {% endif %} {% if status.content_warning %} <div> <p>{{ status.content_warning }}</p> {% trans "Show more" as button_text %} {% with text=button_text class="is-small" controls_text="show-status-cw" controls_uid=status.id %} {% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' %} {% endwith %} </div> {% endif %} <div {% if status.content_warning %} id="show-status-cw-{{ status.id }}" class="is-hidden" {% endif %} > {% if status.content_warning %} {% trans "Show less" as button_text %} {% with text=button_text class="is-small" controls_text="show-status-cw" controls_uid=status.id %} {% include 'snippets/toggle/close_button.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if status.quote %} <div class="quote block"> <blockquote dir="auto" class="content mb-2">{{ status.quote | safe }}</blockquote> <p> — {% include 'snippets/book_titleby.html' with book=status.book %}</p> </div> {% endif %} {% if status.content and status_type != 'GeneratedNote' and status_type != 'Announce' %} {% with full=status.content|safe no_trim=status.content_warning itemprop="reviewBody" %} {% include 'snippets/trimmed_text.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if status.attachments.exists %} <div class="block"> <div class="columns"> {% for attachment in status.attachments.all %} <div class="column is-narrow"> <figure class="image is-128x128"> <a href="/images/{{ attachment.image }}" target="_blank" aria-label="{% trans 'Open image in new window' %}" > <img src="/images/{{ attachment.image }}" {% if attachment.caption %} alt="{{ attachment.caption }}" title="{{ attachment.caption }}" {% endif %} > </a> </figure> </div> {% endfor %} </div> </div> {% endif %} </div> </article> </div> </div> {% endwith %}