{% extends 'components/dropdown.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load bookwyrm_tags %} {% block dropdown-trigger %} {% trans "More options" %} {% endblock %} {% block dropdown-list %} {% if status.user == request.user %} {# things you can do to your own statuses #}
  • {% if status.status_type != 'GeneratedNote' and status.status_type != 'Rating' %}
  • {% endif %} {% else %} {# things you can do to other people's statuses #}
  • {% trans "Send direct message" %}
  • {% include 'snippets/report_button.html' with user=status.user status=status %}
  • {% include 'snippets/block_button.html' with user=status.user class="is-fullwidth" %}
  • {% endif %} {% endblock %}