{% load bookwyrm_tags %}
{% load i18n %}
<a href="{{ status.user.local_path }}">
{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=status.user ariaHide="true" %}
{{ status.user.display_name }}

{% if status.status_type == 'GeneratedNote' %}
    {{ status.content | safe }}
{% elif status.status_type == 'Rating' %}
    {% trans "rated" %}
{% elif status.status_type == 'Review' %}
    {% trans "reviewed" %}
{% elif status.status_type == 'Comment' %}
    {% trans "commented on" %}
{% elif status.status_type == 'Quotation' %}
    {% trans "quoted" %}
{% elif status.reply_parent %}
    {% with parent_status=status|parent %}

    {% if parent_status.status_type == 'Review' %}
    {% blocktrans with username=parent_status.user.display_name user_path=parent_status.user.local_path status_path=parent_status.local_path %}replied to <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username}}'s</a> <a href="{{ status_path }}">review</a>{% endblocktrans %}
    {% elif parent_status.status_type == 'Comment' %}
    {% blocktrans with username=parent_status.user.display_name user_path=parent_status.user.local_path status_path=parent_status.local_path %}replied to <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username}}'s</a> <a href="{{ status_path }}">comment</a>{% endblocktrans %}
    {% elif parent_status.status_type == 'Quotation' %}
    {% blocktrans with username=parent_status.user.display_name user_path=parent_status.user.local_path status_path=parent_status.local_path %}replied to <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username}}'s</a> <a href="{{ status_path }}">quote</a>{% endblocktrans %}
    {% else %}
    {% blocktrans with username=parent_status.user.display_name user_path=parent_status.user.local_path status_path=parent_status.local_path %}replied to <a href="{{ user_path }}">{{ username}}'s</a> <a href="{{ status_path }}">status</a>{% endblocktrans %}
    {% endif %}

    {% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% if status.book %}
<a href="/book/{{ status.book.id }}">{{ status.book.title }}</a>
{% elif status.mention_books %}
<a href="/book/{{ status.mention_books.first.id }}">{{ status.mention_books.first.title }}</a>
{% endif %}

{% if status.progress %}
<p class="help">
    ({% if status.progress_mode == 'PG' %}page {{ status.progress }}{%else %}{{ status.progress }}%{% endif %})
{% endif %}