''' models for storing different kinds of Activities ''' from dataclasses import MISSING import re from django.apps import apps from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator, MinValueValidator from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager from bookwyrm import activitypub from .base_model import ActivitypubMixin, OrderedCollectionPageMixin from .base_model import BookWyrmModel from . import fields from .fields import image_serializer class Status(OrderedCollectionPageMixin, BookWyrmModel): ''' any post, like a reply to a review, etc ''' user = fields.ForeignKey( 'User', on_delete=models.PROTECT, activitypub_field='attributedTo') content = fields.HtmlField(blank=True, null=True) mention_users = fields.TagField('User', related_name='mention_user') mention_books = fields.TagField('Edition', related_name='mention_book') local = models.BooleanField(default=True) content_warning = fields.CharField( max_length=500, blank=True, null=True, activitypub_field='summary') privacy = fields.PrivacyField(max_length=255) sensitive = fields.BooleanField(default=False) # created date is different than publish date because of federated posts published_date = fields.DateTimeField( default=timezone.now, activitypub_field='published') deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False) deleted_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) favorites = models.ManyToManyField( 'User', symmetrical=False, through='Favorite', through_fields=('status', 'user'), related_name='user_favorites' ) reply_parent = fields.ForeignKey( 'self', null=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT, activitypub_field='inReplyTo', ) objects = InheritanceManager() activity_serializer = activitypub.Note serialize_reverse_fields = [('attachments', 'attachment', 'id')] deserialize_reverse_fields = [('attachments', 'attachment')] @classmethod def ignore_activity(cls, activity): ''' keep notes if they are replies to existing statuses ''' if activity.type != 'Note': return False if cls.objects.filter( remote_id=activity.inReplyTo).exists(): return False # keep notes if they mention local users if activity.tag == MISSING or activity.tag is None: return True tags = [l['href'] for l in activity.tag if l['type'] == 'Mention'] for tag in tags: user_model = apps.get_model('bookwyrm.User', require_ready=True) if user_model.objects.filter( remote_id=tag, local=True).exists(): # we found a mention of a known use boost return False return True @classmethod def replies(cls, status): ''' load all replies to a status. idk if there's a better way to write this so it's just a property ''' return cls.objects.filter( reply_parent=status ).select_subclasses().order_by('published_date') @property def status_type(self): ''' expose the type of status for the ui using activity type ''' return self.activity_serializer.__name__ @property def boostable(self): ''' you can't boost dms ''' return self.privacy in ['unlisted', 'public'] def to_replies(self, **kwargs): ''' helper function for loading AP serialized replies to a status ''' return self.to_ordered_collection( self.replies(self), remote_id='%s/replies' % self.remote_id, **kwargs ) def to_activity(self, pure=False):# pylint: disable=arguments-differ ''' return tombstone if the status is deleted ''' if self.deleted: return activitypub.Tombstone( id=self.remote_id, url=self.remote_id, deleted=self.deleted_date.isoformat(), published=self.deleted_date.isoformat() ).serialize() activity = ActivitypubMixin.to_activity(self) activity['replies'] = self.to_replies() # "pure" serialization for non-bookwyrm instances if pure and hasattr(self, 'pure_content'): activity['content'] = self.pure_content if 'name' in activity: activity['name'] = self.pure_name activity['type'] = self.pure_type activity['attachment'] = [ image_serializer(b.cover, b.alt_text) \ for b in self.mention_books.all()[:4] if b.cover] if hasattr(self, 'book') and self.book.cover: activity['attachment'].append( image_serializer(self.book.cover, self.book.alt_text) ) return activity def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' update user active time ''' if self.user.local: self.user.last_active_date = timezone.now() self.user.save() return super().save(*args, **kwargs) class GeneratedNote(Status): ''' these are app-generated messages about user activity ''' @property def pure_content(self): ''' indicate the book in question for mastodon (or w/e) users ''' message = self.content books = ', '.join( '<a href="%s">"%s"</a>' % (book.remote_id, book.title) \ for book in self.mention_books.all() ) return '%s %s %s' % (self.user.display_name, message, books) activity_serializer = activitypub.GeneratedNote pure_type = 'Note' class Comment(Status): ''' like a review but without a rating and transient ''' book = fields.ForeignKey( 'Edition', on_delete=models.PROTECT, activitypub_field='inReplyToBook') @property def pure_content(self): ''' indicate the book in question for mastodon (or w/e) users ''' return '%s<p>(comment on <a href="%s">"%s"</a>)</p>' % \ (self.content, self.book.remote_id, self.book.title) activity_serializer = activitypub.Comment pure_type = 'Note' class Quotation(Status): ''' like a review but without a rating and transient ''' quote = fields.HtmlField() book = fields.ForeignKey( 'Edition', on_delete=models.PROTECT, activitypub_field='inReplyToBook') @property def pure_content(self): ''' indicate the book in question for mastodon (or w/e) users ''' quote = re.sub(r'^<p>', '<p>"', self.quote) quote = re.sub(r'</p>$', '"</p>', quote) return '%s <p>-- <a href="%s">"%s"</a></p>%s' % ( quote, self.book.remote_id, self.book.title, self.content, ) activity_serializer = activitypub.Quotation pure_type = 'Note' class Review(Status): ''' a book review ''' name = fields.CharField(max_length=255, null=True) book = fields.ForeignKey( 'Edition', on_delete=models.PROTECT, activitypub_field='inReplyToBook') rating = fields.IntegerField( default=None, null=True, blank=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(5)] ) @property def pure_name(self): ''' clarify review names for mastodon serialization ''' if self.rating: #pylint: disable=bad-string-format-type return 'Review of "%s" (%d stars): %s' % ( self.book.title, self.rating, self.name ) return 'Review of "%s": %s' % ( self.book.title, self.name ) @property def pure_content(self): ''' indicate the book in question for mastodon (or w/e) users ''' return self.content activity_serializer = activitypub.Review pure_type = 'Article' class Boost(Status): ''' boost'ing a post ''' boosted_status = fields.ForeignKey( 'Status', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='boosters', activitypub_field='object', ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' the user field is "actor" here instead of "attributedTo" ''' super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) reserve_fields = ['user', 'boosted_status'] self.simple_fields = [f for f in self.simple_fields if \ f.name in reserve_fields] self.activity_fields = self.simple_fields self.many_to_many_fields = [] self.image_fields = [] self.deserialize_reverse_fields = [] activity_serializer = activitypub.Boost # This constraint can't work as it would cross tables. # class Meta: # unique_together = ('user', 'boosted_status')