{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load static %} {% block title %}{% blocktrans %}{{ year }} in the books{% endblocktrans %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% trans "That’s great!" %}
{% blocktrans %}That makes an average of {{ pages_average }} pages per book.{% endblocktrans %}
{% if no_page_number %}{% blocktrans %}({{ no_page_number }} books don’t have pages){% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}{% trans "by" %} {% include 'snippets/authors.html' with book=book_pages_lowest %}
{% endif %}{% with pages=book_pages_lowest.pages %} {% blocktrans %}{{ pages }} pages{% endblocktrans%} {% endwith %}
{{ book_pages_highest.title }}
{% if book_pages_highest.authors.exists %}{% trans "by" %} {% include 'snippets/authors.html' with book=book_pages_highest %}
{% endif %}{% with pages=book_pages_highest.pages %} {% blocktrans %}{{ pages }} pages{% endblocktrans%} {% endwith %}
{{ book_rating_highest.book.title }}
{% if book_rating_highest.book.authors.exists %}{% trans "by" %} {% include 'snippets/authors.html' with book=book_rating_highest.book %}
{% endif %}{% with rating=book_rating_highest.rating|floatformat %} {% blocktrans %}Your rating: {{ rating }}{% endblocktrans%} {% endwith %}