{% load i18n %} {% load utilities %} {% load humanize %} {% if suggested_users %}
{% for user in suggested_users %}
{% include 'snippets/avatar.html' with user=user large=True %} {{ user.display_name|truncatechars:10 }} @{{ user|username|truncatechars:8 }} {% include 'snippets/add_to_group_button.html' with user=user group=group %} {% if user.mutuals %}

{% blocktrans trimmed with mutuals=user.mutuals|intcomma count counter=user.mutuals %} {{ mutuals }} follower you follow {% plural %} {{ mutuals }} followers you follow{% endblocktrans %}

{% elif user.shared_books %}

{% blocktrans trimmed with shared_books=user.shared_books|intcomma count counter=user.shared_books %} {{ shared_books }} book on your shelves {% plural %} {{ shared_books }} books on your shelves {% endblocktrans %}

{% elif request.user in user.following.all %}

{% trans "Follows you" %}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}

No potential members found for "{{ user_query }}"

{% endif %}