''' basics for an activitypub serializer ''' from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, MISSING from json import JSONEncoder from uuid import uuid4 import dateutil.parser from dateutil.parser import ParserError from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.db import transaction from django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors \ import ForwardManyToOneDescriptor, ManyToManyDescriptor, \ ReverseManyToOneDescriptor from django.db.models.fields import DateTimeField from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageFileDescriptor from django.db.models.query_utils import DeferredAttribute from django.utils import timezone import requests from bookwyrm import models class ActivitySerializerError(ValueError): ''' routine problems serializing activitypub json ''' class ActivityEncoder(JSONEncoder): ''' used to convert an Activity object into json ''' def default(self, o): return o.__dict__ @dataclass class Link: ''' for tagging a book in a status ''' href: str name: str type: str = 'Link' @dataclass class Mention(Link): ''' a subtype of Link for mentioning an actor ''' type: str = 'Mention' @dataclass class PublicKey: ''' public key block ''' id: str owner: str publicKeyPem: str @dataclass class Signature: ''' public key block ''' creator: str created: str signatureValue: str type: str = 'RsaSignature2017' @dataclass(init=False) class ActivityObject: ''' actor activitypub json ''' id: str type: str def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' this lets you pass in an object with fields that aren't in the dataclass, which it ignores. Any field in the dataclass is required or has a default value ''' for field in fields(self): try: value = kwargs[field.name] except KeyError: if field.default == MISSING and \ field.default_factory == MISSING: raise ActivitySerializerError(\ 'Missing required field: %s' % field.name) value = field.default setattr(self, field.name, value) def to_model(self, model, instance=None): ''' convert from an activity to a model instance ''' if not isinstance(self, model.activity_serializer): raise ActivitySerializerError('Wrong activity type for model') # check for an existing instance, if we're not updating a known obj if not instance: try: return model.objects.get(remote_id=self.id) except model.DoesNotExist: pass model_fields = [m.name for m in model._meta.get_fields()] mapped_fields = {} many_to_many_fields = {} one_to_many_fields = {} image_fields = {} for mapping in model.activity_mappings: if mapping.model_key not in model_fields: continue # value is None if there's a default that isn't supplied # in the activity but is supplied in the formatter value = None if mapping.activity_key: value = getattr(self, mapping.activity_key) model_field = getattr(model, mapping.model_key) formatted_value = mapping.model_formatter(value) if isinstance(model_field, DeferredAttribute) and \ isinstance(model_field.field, DateTimeField): print("DATE") try: formatted_value = timezone.make_aware( dateutil.parser.parse(formatted_value) ) except ParserError: formatted_value = None elif isinstance(model_field, ForwardManyToOneDescriptor) and \ formatted_value: # foreign key remote id reolver (work on Edition, for example) fk_model = model_field.field.related_model if isinstance(formatted_value, dict) and \ formatted_value.get('id'): # if the AP field is a serialized object (as in Add) remote_id = formatted_value['id'] else: # if the AP field is just a remote_id (as in every other case) remote_id = formatted_value reference = resolve_remote_id(fk_model, remote_id) mapped_fields[mapping.model_key] = reference elif isinstance(model_field, ManyToManyDescriptor): # status mentions book/users many_to_many_fields[mapping.model_key] = formatted_value elif isinstance(model_field, ReverseManyToOneDescriptor): # attachments on Status, for example one_to_many_fields[mapping.model_key] = formatted_value elif isinstance(model_field, ImageFileDescriptor): # image fields need custom handling image_fields[mapping.model_key] = formatted_value else: if formatted_value == MISSING: formatted_value = None mapped_fields[mapping.model_key] = formatted_value with transaction.atomic(): if instance: # updating an existing model instance for k, v in mapped_fields.items(): setattr(instance, k, v) instance.save() else: # creating a new model instance instance = model.objects.create(**mapped_fields) # --- these are all fields that can't be saved until after the # instance has an id (after it's been saved). ---------------# # add images for (model_key, value) in image_fields.items(): formatted_value = image_formatter(value) if not formatted_value: continue getattr(instance, model_key).save(*formatted_value, save=True) # add many to many fields for (model_key, values) in many_to_many_fields.items(): # mention books, mention users if values == MISSING: continue model_field = getattr(instance, model_key) model = model_field.model items = [] for link in values: # check that the Type matches the model (because Status # tags contain both user mentions and book tags) if not model.activity_serializer.type == link.get('type'): continue items.append( resolve_remote_id(model, link.get('href')) ) getattr(instance, model_key).set(items) # add one to many fields for (model_key, values) in one_to_many_fields.items(): if values == MISSING: continue model_field = getattr(instance, model_key) model = model_field.model for item in values: item = model.activity_serializer(**item) field_name = instance.__class__.__name__.lower() with transaction.atomic(): item = item.to_model(model) setattr(item, field_name, instance) item.save() return instance def serialize(self): ''' convert to dictionary with context attr ''' data = self.__dict__ data['@context'] = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' return data def resolve_remote_id(model, remote_id, refresh=False): ''' look up the remote_id in the database or load it remotely ''' result = model.objects if hasattr(model.objects, 'select_subclasses'): result = result.select_subclasses() # first, check for an existing copy in the database result = result.filter( remote_id=remote_id ).first() if result and not refresh: return result # load the data and create the object try: response = requests.get( remote_id, headers={'Accept': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}, ) except ConnectionError: raise ActivitySerializerError( 'Could not connect to host for remote_id in %s model: %s' % \ (model.__name__, remote_id)) if not response.ok: raise ActivitySerializerError( 'Could not resolve remote_id in %s model: %s' % \ (model.__name__, remote_id)) item = model.activity_serializer(**response.json()) # if we're refreshing, "result" will be set and we'll update it return item.to_model(model, instance=result) def image_formatter(image_slug): ''' helper function to load images and format them for a model ''' # when it's an inline image (User avatar/icon, Book cover), it's a json # blob, but when it's an attached image, it's just a url if isinstance(image_slug, dict): url = image_slug.get('url') elif isinstance(image_slug, str): url = image_slug else: return None if not url: return None try: response = requests.get(url) except ConnectionError: return None if not response.ok: return None image_name = str(uuid4()) + '.' + url.split('.')[-1] image_content = ContentFile(response.content) return [image_name, image_content]