/* exported BookWyrm */ /* globals TabGroup */ let BookWyrm = new class { constructor() { this.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 10 * 1000000; this.initOnDOMLoaded(); this.initReccuringTasks(); this.initEventListeners(); } initEventListeners() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-controls]') .forEach(button => button.addEventListener( 'click', this.toggleAction.bind(this)) ); document.querySelectorAll('.interaction') .forEach(button => button.addEventListener( 'submit', this.interact.bind(this)) ); document.querySelectorAll('.hidden-form input') .forEach(button => button.addEventListener( 'change', this.revealForm.bind(this)) ); document.querySelectorAll('[data-hides]') .forEach(button => button.addEventListener( 'change', this.hideForm.bind(this)) ); document.querySelectorAll('[data-back]') .forEach(button => button.addEventListener( 'click', this.back) ); document.querySelectorAll('input[type="file"]') .forEach(node => node.addEventListener( 'change', this.disableIfTooLarge.bind(this) )); document.querySelectorAll('[data-duplicate]') .forEach(node => node.addEventListener( 'click', this.duplicateInput.bind(this) )) document.querySelectorAll('details.dropdown') .forEach(node => node.addEventListener( 'toggle', this.handleDetailsDropdown.bind(this) )) } /** * Execute code once the DOM is loaded. */ initOnDOMLoaded() { const bookwyrm = this; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { document.querySelectorAll('.tab-group') .forEach(tabs => new TabGroup(tabs)); document.querySelectorAll('input[type="file"]').forEach( bookwyrm.disableIfTooLarge.bind(bookwyrm) ); document.querySelectorAll('[data-copytext]').forEach( bookwyrm.copyText.bind(bookwyrm) ); }); } /** * Execute recurring tasks. */ initReccuringTasks() { // Polling document.querySelectorAll('[data-poll]') .forEach(liveArea => this.polling(liveArea)); } /** * Go back in browser history. * * @param {Event} event * @return {undefined} */ back(event) { event.preventDefault(); history.back(); } /** * Update a counter with recurring requests to the API * The delay is slightly randomized and increased on each cycle. * * @param {Object} counter - DOM node * @param {int} delay - frequency for polling in ms * @return {undefined} */ polling(counter, delay) { const bookwyrm = this; delay = delay || 10000; delay += (Math.random() * 1000); setTimeout(function() { fetch('/api/updates/' + counter.dataset.poll) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => bookwyrm.updateCountElement(counter, data)); bookwyrm.polling(counter, delay * 1.25); }, delay, counter); } /** * Update a counter. * * @param {object} counter - DOM node * @param {object} data - json formatted response from a fetch * @return {undefined} */ updateCountElement(counter, data) { let count = data.count; const count_by_type = data.count_by_type; const currentCount = counter.innerText; const hasMentions = data.has_mentions; const allowedStatusTypesEl = document.getElementById('unread-notifications-wrapper'); // If we're on the right counter element if (counter.closest('[data-poll-wrapper]').contains(allowedStatusTypesEl)) { const allowedStatusTypes = JSON.parse(allowedStatusTypesEl.textContent); // For keys in common between allowedStatusTypes and count_by_type // This concerns 'review', 'quotation', 'comment' count = allowedStatusTypes.reduce(function(prev, currentKey) { const currentValue = count_by_type[currentKey] | 0; return prev + currentValue; }, 0); // Add all the "other" in count_by_type if 'everything' is allowed if (allowedStatusTypes.includes('everything')) { // Clone count_by_type with 0 for reviews/quotations/comments const count_by_everything_else = Object.assign( {}, count_by_type, {review: 0, quotation: 0, comment: 0} ); count = Object.keys(count_by_everything_else).reduce( function(prev, currentKey) { const currentValue = count_by_everything_else[currentKey] | 0 return prev + currentValue; }, count ); } } if (count != currentCount) { this.addRemoveClass(counter.closest('[data-poll-wrapper]'), 'is-hidden', count < 1); counter.innerText = count; this.addRemoveClass(counter.closest('[data-poll-wrapper]'), 'is-danger', hasMentions); } } /** * Show form. * * @param {Event} event * @return {undefined} */ revealForm(event) { let trigger = event.currentTarget; let hidden = trigger.closest('.hidden-form').querySelectorAll('.is-hidden')[0]; if (hidden) { this.addRemoveClass(hidden, 'is-hidden', !hidden); } } /** * Hide form. * * @param {Event} event * @return {undefined} */ hideForm(event) { let trigger = event.currentTarget; let targetId = trigger.dataset.hides let visible = document.getElementById(targetId) this.addRemoveClass(visible, 'is-hidden', true); } /** * Execute actions on targets based on triggers. * * @param {Event} event * @return {undefined} */ toggleAction(event) { let trigger = event.currentTarget; if (!trigger.dataset.allowDefault || event.currentTarget == event.target) { event.preventDefault(); } let pressed = trigger.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'false'; let targetId = trigger.dataset.controls; // Toggle pressed status on all triggers controlling the same target. document.querySelectorAll('[data-controls="' + targetId + '"]') .forEach(otherTrigger => otherTrigger.setAttribute( 'aria-pressed', otherTrigger.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'false' )); // @todo Find a better way to handle the exception. if (targetId && ! trigger.classList.contains('pulldown-menu')) { let target = document.getElementById(targetId); this.addRemoveClass(target, 'is-hidden', !pressed); this.addRemoveClass(target, 'is-active', pressed); } // Show/hide pulldown-menus. if (trigger.classList.contains('pulldown-menu')) { this.toggleMenu(trigger, targetId); } // Show/hide container. let container = document.getElementById('hide_' + targetId); if (container) { this.toggleContainer(container, pressed); } // Check checkbox, if appropriate. let checkbox = trigger.dataset.controlsCheckbox; if (checkbox) { this.toggleCheckbox(checkbox, pressed); } // Toggle form disabled, if appropriate let disable = trigger.dataset.disables; if (disable) { this.toggleDisabled(disable, !pressed); } // Set focus, if appropriate. let focus = trigger.dataset.focusTarget; if (focus) { this.toggleFocus(focus); } return false; } /** * Show or hide menus. * * @param {Event} event * @return {undefined} */ toggleMenu(trigger, targetId) { let expanded = trigger.getAttribute('aria-expanded') == 'false'; trigger.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded); if (targetId) { let target = document.getElementById(targetId); this.addRemoveClass(target, 'is-active', expanded); } } /** * Show or hide generic containers. * * @param {object} container - DOM node * @param {boolean} pressed - Is the trigger pressed? * @return {undefined} */ toggleContainer(container, pressed) { this.addRemoveClass(container, 'is-hidden', pressed); } /** * Check or uncheck a checkbox. * * @param {string} checkbox - id of the checkbox * @param {boolean} pressed - Is the trigger pressed? * @return {undefined} */ toggleCheckbox(checkbox, pressed) { document.getElementById(checkbox).checked = !!pressed; } /** * Enable or disable a form element or fieldset * * @param {string} form_element - id of the element * @param {boolean} pressed - Is the trigger pressed? * @return {undefined} */ toggleDisabled(form_element, pressed) { document.getElementById(form_element).disabled = !!pressed; } /** * Give the focus to an element. * Only move the focus based on user interactions. * * @param {string} nodeId - ID of the DOM node to focus (button, linkā€¦) * @return {undefined} */ toggleFocus(nodeId) { let node = document.getElementById(nodeId); node.focus(); setTimeout(function() { node.selectionStart = node.selectionEnd = 10000; }, 0); } /** * Make a request and update the UI accordingly. * This function is used for boosts, favourites, follows and unfollows. * * @param {Event} event * @return {undefined} */ interact(event) { event.preventDefault(); const bookwyrm = this; const form = event.currentTarget; const relatedforms = document.querySelectorAll(`.${form.dataset.id}`); // Toggle class on all related forms. relatedforms.forEach(relatedForm => bookwyrm.addRemoveClass( relatedForm, 'is-hidden', relatedForm.className.indexOf('is-hidden') == -1 )); this.ajaxPost(form).catch(error => { // @todo Display a notification in the UI instead. console.warn('Request failed:', error); }); } /** * Submit a form using POST. * * @param {object} form - Form to be submitted * @return {Promise} */ ajaxPost(form) { return fetch(form.action, { method : "POST", body: new FormData(form), headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', } }); } /** * Add or remove a class based on a boolean condition. * * @param {object} node - DOM node to change class on * @param {string} classname - Name of the class * @param {boolean} add - Add? * @return {undefined} */ addRemoveClass(node, classname, add) { if (add) { node.classList.add(classname); } else { node.classList.remove(classname); } } disableIfTooLarge(eventOrElement) { const { addRemoveClass, MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES } = this; const element = eventOrElement.currentTarget || eventOrElement; const submits = element.form.querySelectorAll('[type="submit"]'); const warns = element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.file-too-big'); const isTooBig = element.files && element.files[0] && element.files[0].size > MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES; if (isTooBig) { submits.forEach(submitter => submitter.disabled = true); warns.forEach( sib => addRemoveClass(sib, 'is-hidden', false) ); } else { submits.forEach(submitter => submitter.disabled = false); warns.forEach( sib => addRemoveClass(sib, 'is-hidden', true) ); } } /** * Display pop up window. * * @param {string} url Url to open * @param {string} windowName windowName * @return {undefined} */ displayPopUp(url, windowName) { window.open( url, windowName, "left=100,top=100,width=430,height=600" ); } duplicateInput (event ) { const trigger = event.currentTarget; const input_id = trigger.dataset['duplicate'] const orig = document.getElementById(input_id); const parent = orig.parentNode; const new_count = parent.querySelectorAll("input").length + 1 let input = orig.cloneNode(); input.id += ("-" + (new_count)) input.value = "" let label = parent.querySelector("label").cloneNode(); label.setAttribute("for", input.id) parent.appendChild(label) parent.appendChild(input) } /** * Set up a "click-to-copy" component from a textarea element * with `data-copytext`, `data-copytext-label`, `data-copytext-success` * attributes. * * @param {object} node - DOM node of the text container * @return {undefined} */ copyText(textareaEl) { const text = textareaEl.textContent; const copyButtonEl = document.createElement('button'); copyButtonEl.textContent = textareaEl.dataset.copytextLabel; copyButtonEl.classList.add( "button", "is-small", "is-primary", "is-light" ); copyButtonEl.addEventListener('click', () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function() { textareaEl.classList.add('is-success'); copyButtonEl.classList.replace('is-primary', 'is-success'); copyButtonEl.textContent = textareaEl.dataset.copytextSuccess; }); }); textareaEl.parentNode.appendChild(copyButtonEl) } /** * Handle the details dropdown component. * * @param {Event} event - Event fired by a `details` element * with the `dropdown` class name, on toggle. * @return {undefined} */ handleDetailsDropdown(event) { const detailsElement = event.target; const summaryElement = detailsElement.querySelector('summary'); const menuElement = detailsElement.querySelector('.dropdown-menu'); const htmlElement = document.querySelector('html'); if (detailsElement.open) { // Focus first menu element menuElement.querySelectorAll( 'a[href]:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled])' )[0].focus(); // Enable focus trap menuElement.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleFocusTrap); // Close on Esc detailsElement.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscKey); // Clip page if Mobile if (this.isMobile()) { htmlElement.classList.add('is-clipped'); } } else { summaryElement.focus(); // Disable focus trap menuElement.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleFocusTrap); // Unclip page if (this.isMobile()) { htmlElement.classList.remove('is-clipped'); } } function handleEscKey(event) { if (event.key !== 'Escape') { return; } summaryElement.click(); } } /** * Check if windows matches mobile media query. * * @return {Boolean} */ isMobile() { return window.matchMedia("(max-width: 768px)").matches; } /** * Focus trap handler * * @param {Event} event - Keydown event. * @return {undefined} */ handleFocusTrap(event) { if (event.key !== 'Tab') { return; } const focusableEls = event.currentTarget.querySelectorAll( [ 'a[href]:not([disabled])', 'button:not([disabled])', 'textarea:not([disabled])', 'input:not([type="hidden"]):not([disabled])', 'select:not([disabled])', 'details:not([disabled])', '[tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]):not([disabled])' ].join(',') ); const firstFocusableEl = focusableEls[0]; const lastFocusableEl = focusableEls[focusableEls.length - 1]; if (event.shiftKey ) /* Shift + tab */ { if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableEl) { lastFocusableEl.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } else /* Tab */ { if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableEl) { firstFocusableEl.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } } }();