{% load i18n %} {% csrf_token %} {% load utilities %}
{{ list_form.name }}
{{ list_form.description }}
{% trans "List curation:" %} {% if user_groups %} {% csrf_token %}
{% else %} {% with user|username as username %} {% url 'user-groups' user|username as url %}
{% trans "You must create a " %}{% trans "Group" %}{% trans " before you can create Group lists!" %}
{% endwith %} {% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/privacy_select.html' with current=list.privacy %}
{% if list.id %}
{% trans "Delete list" as button_text %} {% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with class="is-danger" text=button_text icon_with_text="x" controls_text="delete_list" controls_uid=list.id focus="modal_title_delete_list" %}
{% endif %}