{% endif %}
{% trans "Load data" as button_text %}
{% if author.openlibrary_key %}
{% trans "View on OpenLibrary" %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and perms.bookwyrm.edit_book %}
{% with controls_text="ol_sync" controls_uid=author.id %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text focus="modal_title_ol_sync" class="is-small" icon_with_text="download" %}
{% include "author/sync_modal.html" with source="openlibrary.org" source_name="OpenLibrary" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.inventaire_id %}
{% trans "View on Inventaire" %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and perms.bookwyrm.edit_book %}
{% with controls_text="iv_sync" controls_uid=author.id %}
{% include 'snippets/toggle/toggle_button.html' with text=button_text focus="modal_title_iv_sync" class="is-small" icon_with_text="download" %}
{% include "author/sync_modal.html" with source="inventaire.io" source_name="Inventaire" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}