''' handles all of the activity coming in to the server ''' import json from urllib.parse import urldefrag import django.db.utils from django.http import HttpResponse from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseNotFound from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST import requests from bookwyrm import activitypub, models, outgoing from bookwyrm import status as status_builder from bookwyrm.tasks import app from bookwyrm.signatures import Signature @csrf_exempt @require_POST def inbox(request, username): ''' incoming activitypub events ''' try: models.User.objects.get(localname=username) except models.User.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseNotFound() return shared_inbox(request) @csrf_exempt @require_POST def shared_inbox(request): ''' incoming activitypub events ''' try: resp = request.body activity = json.loads(resp) if isinstance(activity, str): activity = json.loads(activity) activity_object = activity['object'] except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, KeyError): return HttpResponseBadRequest() if not has_valid_signature(request, activity): if activity['type'] == 'Delete': # Pretend that unauth'd deletes succeed. Auth may be failing because # the resource or owner of the resource might have been deleted. return HttpResponse() return HttpResponse(status=401) handlers = { 'Follow': handle_follow, 'Accept': handle_follow_accept, 'Reject': handle_follow_reject, 'Create': handle_create, 'Delete': handle_delete_status, 'Like': handle_favorite, 'Announce': handle_boost, 'Add': { 'Edition': handle_add, 'Work': handle_add, }, 'Undo': { 'Follow': handle_unfollow, 'Like': handle_unfavorite, 'Announce': handle_unboost, }, 'Update': { 'Person': handle_update_user, 'Edition': handle_update_edition, 'Work': handle_update_work, }, } activity_type = activity['type'] handler = handlers.get(activity_type, None) if isinstance(handler, dict): handler = handler.get(activity_object['type'], None) if not handler: return HttpResponseNotFound() handler.delay(activity) return HttpResponse() def has_valid_signature(request, activity): ''' verify incoming signature ''' try: signature = Signature.parse(request) key_actor = urldefrag(signature.key_id).url if key_actor != activity.get('actor'): raise ValueError("Wrong actor created signature.") remote_user = activitypub.resolve_remote_id(models.User, key_actor) if not remote_user: return False try: signature.verify(remote_user.key_pair.public_key, request) except ValueError: old_key = remote_user.key_pair.public_key remote_user = activitypub.resolve_remote_id( models.User, remote_user.remote_id, refresh=True ) if remote_user.key_pair.public_key == old_key: raise # Key unchanged. signature.verify(remote_user.key_pair.public_key, request) except (ValueError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): return False return True @app.task def handle_follow(activity): ''' someone wants to follow a local user ''' try: relationship = activitypub.Follow( **activity ).to_model(models.UserFollowRequest) except django.db.utils.IntegrityError as err: if err.__cause__.diag.constraint_name != 'userfollowrequest_unique': raise relationship = models.UserFollowRequest.objects.get( remote_id=activity['id'] ) # send the accept normally for a duplicate request manually_approves = relationship.user_object.manually_approves_followers status_builder.create_notification( relationship.user_object, 'FOLLOW_REQUEST' if manually_approves else 'FOLLOW', related_user=relationship.user_subject ) if not manually_approves: outgoing.handle_accept(relationship) @app.task def handle_unfollow(activity): ''' unfollow a local user ''' obj = activity['object'] requester = activitypub.resolve_remote_id(models.User, obj['actor']) to_unfollow = models.User.objects.get(remote_id=obj['object']) # raises models.User.DoesNotExist to_unfollow.followers.remove(requester) @app.task def handle_follow_accept(activity): ''' hurray, someone remote accepted a follow request ''' # figure out who they want to follow requester = models.User.objects.get(remote_id=activity['object']['actor']) # figure out who they are accepter = activitypub.resolve_remote_id(models.User, activity['actor']) try: request = models.UserFollowRequest.objects.get( user_subject=requester, user_object=accepter ) request.delete() except models.UserFollowRequest.DoesNotExist: pass accepter.followers.add(requester) @app.task def handle_follow_reject(activity): ''' someone is rejecting a follow request ''' requester = models.User.objects.get(remote_id=activity['object']['actor']) rejecter = activitypub.resolve_remote_id(models.User, activity['actor']) request = models.UserFollowRequest.objects.get( user_subject=requester, user_object=rejecter ) request.delete() #raises models.UserFollowRequest.DoesNotExist @app.task def handle_create(activity): ''' someone did something, good on them ''' # deduplicate incoming activities activity = activity['object'] status_id = activity['id'] if models.Status.objects.filter(remote_id=status_id).count(): return serializer = activitypub.activity_objects[activity['type']] activity = serializer(**activity) try: model = models.activity_models[activity.type] except KeyError: # not a type of status we are prepared to deserialize return if activity.type == 'Note': # keep notes if they are replies to existing statuses reply = models.Status.objects.filter( remote_id=activity.inReplyTo ).first() if not reply: discard = True # keep notes if they mention local users tags = [l['href'] for l in activity.tag if l['type'] == 'Mention'] for tag in tags: if models.User.objects.filter( remote_id=tag, local=True).exists(): # we found a mention of a known use boost discard = False break if discard: return status = activity.to_model(model) # create a notification if this is a reply if status.reply_parent and status.reply_parent.user.local: status_builder.create_notification( status.reply_parent.user, 'REPLY', related_user=status.user, related_status=status, ) if status.mention_users.exists(): for mentioned_user in status.mention_users.all(): if not mentioned_user.local: continue status_builder.create_notification( mentioned_user, 'MENTION', related_user=status.user, related_status=status, ) @app.task def handle_delete_status(activity): ''' remove a status ''' try: status_id = activity['object']['id'] except TypeError: # this isn't a great fix, because you hit this when mastadon # is trying to delete a user. return try: status = models.Status.objects.get( remote_id=status_id ) except models.Status.DoesNotExist: return models.Notification.objects.filter(related_status=status).all().delete() status_builder.delete_status(status) @app.task def handle_favorite(activity): ''' approval of your good good post ''' fav = activitypub.Like(**activity) fav = fav.to_model(models.Favorite) if fav.user.local: return status_builder.create_notification( fav.status.user, 'FAVORITE', related_user=fav.user, related_status=fav.status, ) @app.task def handle_unfavorite(activity): ''' approval of your good good post ''' like = models.Favorite.objects.filter( remote_id=activity['object']['id'] ).first() if not like: return like.delete() @app.task def handle_boost(activity): ''' someone gave us a boost! ''' try: boost = activitypub.Boost(**activity).to_model(models.Boost) except activitypub.ActivitySerializerError: # this probably just means we tried to boost an unknown status return if not boost.user.local: status_builder.create_notification( boost.boosted_status.user, 'BOOST', related_user=boost.user, related_status=boost.boosted_status, ) @app.task def handle_unboost(activity): ''' someone gave us a boost! ''' boost = models.Boost.objects.filter( remote_id=activity['object']['id'] ).first() if boost: boost.delete() @app.task def handle_add(activity): ''' putting a book on a shelf ''' #this is janky as heck but I haven't thought of a better solution try: activitypub.AddBook(**activity).to_model(models.ShelfBook) except activitypub.ActivitySerializerError: activitypub.AddBook(**activity).to_model(models.Tag) @app.task def handle_update_user(activity): ''' receive an updated user Person activity object ''' try: user = models.User.objects.get(remote_id=activity['object']['id']) except models.User.DoesNotExist: # who is this person? who cares return activitypub.Person( **activity['object'] ).to_model(models.User, instance=user) # model save() happens in the to_model function @app.task def handle_update_edition(activity): ''' a remote instance changed a book (Document) ''' activitypub.Edition(**activity['object']).to_model(models.Edition) @app.task def handle_update_work(activity): ''' a remote instance changed a book (Document) ''' activitypub.Work(**activity['object']).to_model(models.Work)