{% load i18n %} {% block content %}
{% blocktrans %}{{ account }} is not a valid username{% endblocktrans %}.
{% trans 'Check you have the correct username before trying again' %}.
{% blocktrans %}{{ account }} could not be found or {{ remote_domain }}
does not support identity discovery{% endblocktrans %}.
{% trans 'Check you have the correct username before trying again' %}.
{% blocktrans %}{{ account }} was found but {{ remote_domain }}
does not support 'remote follow'{% endblocktrans %}.
{% blocktrans %}Try searching for {{ user }} on {{ remote_domain }}
instead{% endblocktrans %}.
{% blocktrans %}Something went wrong trying to follow {{ account }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans 'Check you have the correct username before trying again.' %}
{% blocktrans %}You have blocked {{ account }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}{{ account }} has blocked you{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}You are already following {{ account }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}You have already requested to follow {{ account }}{% endblocktrans %}