{% load book_display_tags %} {% load rating_tags %} {% load markdown %} {% load i18n %} {% if book %} {% with book=book %} <div class="columns is-gapless"> <div class="column is-7-tablet is-cover"> <a class="align to-b to-l" href="{{ book.local_path }}" >{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with cover_class='is-w-l-mobile is-w-auto-tablet' size='xxlarge' %}</a> {% include 'snippets/stars.html' with rating=book|rating:request.user %} </div> <div class="column mt-3-mobile ml-3-tablet"> <h3 class="title is-5"> <a href="{{ book.local_path }}">{{ book.title }}</a> </h3> {% if book.authors %} <p class="subtitle is-5"> {% trans "by" %} {% include 'snippets/authors.html' with limit=3 %} </p> {% endif %} {% if book|book_description %} <blockquote class="content"> {{ book|book_description|to_markdown|safe|truncatewords_html:50 }} </blockquote> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endwith %} {% endif %}