''' handles all the activity coming out of the server ''' from datetime import datetime from urllib.parse import urlencode from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound, JsonResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt import requests from fedireads import activitypub from fedireads import models from fedireads.broadcast import get_recipients, broadcast from fedireads.status import create_review, create_status from fedireads.status import create_quotation, create_comment from fedireads.status import create_tag, create_notification, create_rating from fedireads.remote_user import get_or_create_remote_user @csrf_exempt def outbox(request, username): ''' outbox for the requested user ''' if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotFound() try: user = models.User.objects.get(localname=username) except models.User.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseNotFound() # paginated list of messages if request.GET.get('page'): limit = 20 min_id = request.GET.get('min_id') max_id = request.GET.get('max_id') # filters for use in the django queryset min/max filters = {} # params for the outbox page id params = {'page': 'true'} if min_id != None: params['min_id'] = min_id filters['id__gt'] = min_id if max_id != None: params['max_id'] = max_id filters['id__lte'] = max_id page_id = user.outbox + '?' + urlencode(params) statuses = models.Status.objects.filter( user=user, **filters ).select_subclasses().all()[:limit] return JsonResponse( activitypub.get_outbox_page(user, page_id, statuses, max_id, min_id) ) # collection overview size = models.Status.objects.filter(user=user).count() return JsonResponse(activitypub.get_outbox(user, size)) def handle_account_search(query): ''' webfingerin' other servers ''' user = None domain = query.split('@')[1] try: user = models.User.objects.get(username=query) except models.User.DoesNotExist: url = 'https://%s/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:%s' % \ (domain, query) response = requests.get(url) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() for link in data['links']: if link['rel'] == 'self': try: user = get_or_create_remote_user(link['href']) except KeyError: return HttpResponseNotFound() return user def handle_follow(user, to_follow): ''' someone local wants to follow someone ''' activity = activitypub.get_follow_request(user, to_follow) broadcast(user, activity, [to_follow.inbox]) def handle_unfollow(user, to_unfollow): ''' someone local wants to follow someone ''' relationship = models.UserFollows.objects.get( user_subject=user, user_object=to_unfollow ) activity = activitypub.get_unfollow(relationship) broadcast(user, activity, [to_unfollow.inbox]) to_unfollow.followers.remove(user) def handle_accept(user, to_follow, follow_request): ''' send an acceptance message to a follow request ''' with transaction.atomic(): relationship = models.UserFollows.from_request(follow_request) follow_request.delete() relationship.save() activity = activitypub.get_accept(to_follow, follow_request) recipient = get_recipients(to_follow, 'direct', direct_recipients=[user]) broadcast(to_follow, activity, recipient) def handle_reject(user, to_follow, relationship): ''' a local user who managed follows rejects a follow request ''' relationship.delete() activity = activitypub.get_reject(to_follow, relationship) recipient = get_recipients(to_follow, 'direct', direct_recipients=[user]) broadcast(to_follow, activity, recipient) def handle_shelve(user, book, shelf): ''' a local user is getting a book put on their shelf ''' # update the database models.ShelfBook(book=book, shelf=shelf, added_by=user).save() activity = activitypub.get_add(user, book, shelf) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, activity, recipients) # tell the world about this cool thing that happened verb = { 'to-read': 'wants to read', 'reading': 'started reading', 'read': 'finished reading' }[shelf.identifier] message = '%s "%s"' % (verb, book.title) status = create_status(user, message, mention_books=[book]) status.status_type = 'Update' status.save() if shelf.identifier == 'reading': read = models.ReadThrough( user=user, book=book, start_date=datetime.now()) read.save() elif shelf.identifier == 'read': read = models.ReadThrough.objects.filter( user=user, book=book, finish_date=None).order_by('-created_date').first() if not read: read = models.ReadThrough( user=user, book=book, start_date=datetime.now()) read.finish_date = datetime.now() read.save() activity = activitypub.get_status(status) create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, activity) broadcast(user, create_activity, recipients) def handle_unshelve(user, book, shelf): ''' a local user is getting a book put on their shelf ''' # update the database row = models.ShelfBook.objects.get(book=book, shelf=shelf) row.delete() activity = activitypub.get_remove(user, book, shelf) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, activity, recipients) def handle_import_books(user, items): ''' process a goodreads csv and then post about it ''' new_books = [] for item in items: if item.shelf: desired_shelf = models.Shelf.objects.get( identifier=item.shelf, user=user ) if isinstance(item.book, models.Work): item.book = item.book.default_edition if not item.book: continue _, created = models.ShelfBook.objects.get_or_create( book=item.book, shelf=desired_shelf, added_by=user) if created: new_books.append(item.book) activity = activitypub.get_add(user, item.book, desired_shelf) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, activity, recipients) for read in item.reads: read.book = item.book read.user = user read.save() if new_books: message = 'imported {} books'.format(len(new_books)) status = create_status(user, message, mention_books=new_books) status.status_type = 'Update' status.save() create_activity = activitypub.get_create( user, activitypub.get_status(status)) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, create_activity, recipients) def handle_rate(user, book, rating): ''' a review that's just a rating ''' rating = create_rating(user, book, rating) rating_activity = activitypub.get_rating(rating) rating_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, rating_activity) fr_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='fedireads') broadcast(user, rating_create_activity, fr_recipients) # re-format the activity for non-fedireads servers note_activity = activitypub.get_rating_note(rating) note_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, note_activity) other_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='other') broadcast(user, note_create_activity, other_recipients) def handle_review(user, book, name, content, rating): ''' post a review ''' # validated and saves the review in the database so it has an id review = create_review(user, book, name, content, rating) review_activity = activitypub.get_review(review) review_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, review_activity) fr_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='fedireads') broadcast(user, review_create_activity, fr_recipients) # re-format the activity for non-fedireads servers article_activity = activitypub.get_review_article(review) article_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, article_activity) other_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='other') broadcast(user, article_create_activity, other_recipients) def handle_quotation(user, book, content, quote): ''' post a review ''' # validated and saves the review in the database so it has an id quotation = create_quotation(user, book, content, quote) quotation_activity = activitypub.get_quotation(quotation) quotation_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, quotation_activity) fr_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='fedireads') broadcast(user, quotation_create_activity, fr_recipients) # re-format the activity for non-fedireads servers article_activity = activitypub.get_quotation_article(quotation) article_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, article_activity) other_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='other') broadcast(user, article_create_activity, other_recipients) def handle_comment(user, book, content): ''' post a review ''' # validated and saves the review in the database so it has an id comment = create_comment(user, book, content) comment_activity = activitypub.get_comment(comment) comment_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, comment_activity) fr_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='fedireads') broadcast(user, comment_create_activity, fr_recipients) # re-format the activity for non-fedireads servers article_activity = activitypub.get_comment_article(comment) article_create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, article_activity) other_recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public', limit='other') broadcast(user, article_create_activity, other_recipients) def handle_tag(user, book, name): ''' tag a book ''' tag = create_tag(user, book, name) tag_activity = activitypub.get_add_tag(tag) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, tag_activity, recipients) def handle_untag(user, book, name): ''' tag a book ''' book = models.Book.objects.get(fedireads_key=book) tag = models.Tag.objects.get(name=name, book=book, user=user) tag_activity = activitypub.get_remove_tag(tag) tag.delete() recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, tag_activity, recipients) def handle_reply(user, review, content): ''' respond to a review or status ''' # validated and saves the comment in the database so it has an id reply = create_status(user, content, reply_parent=review) if reply.reply_parent: create_notification( reply.reply_parent.user, 'REPLY', related_user=user, related_status=reply, ) reply_activity = activitypub.get_status(reply) create_activity = activitypub.get_create(user, reply_activity) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, create_activity, recipients) def handle_favorite(user, status): ''' a user likes a status ''' try: favorite = models.Favorite.objects.create( status=status, user=user ) except IntegrityError: # you already fav'ed that return fav_activity = activitypub.get_favorite(favorite) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'direct', [status.user]) broadcast(user, fav_activity, recipients) def handle_unfavorite(user, status): ''' a user likes a status ''' try: favorite = models.Favorite.objects.get( status=status, user=user ) except models.Favorite.DoesNotExist: # can't find that status, idk return fav_activity = activitypub.get_unfavorite(favorite) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'direct', [status.user]) broadcast(user, fav_activity, recipients) def handle_boost(user, status): ''' a user wishes to boost a status ''' if models.Boost.objects.filter( boosted_status=status, user=user).exists(): # you already boosted that. return boost = models.Boost.objects.create( boosted_status=status, user=user, ) boost.save() boost_activity = activitypub.get_boost(boost) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, boost_activity, recipients) def handle_update_book(user, book): ''' broadcast the news about our book ''' book_activity = activitypub.get_book(book) update_activity = activitypub.get_update(user, book_activity) recipients = get_recipients(None, 'public') broadcast(user, update_activity, recipients) def handle_update_user(user): ''' broadcast editing a user's profile ''' actor = activitypub.get_actor(user) update_activity = activitypub.get_update(user, actor) recipients = get_recipients(user, 'public') broadcast(user, update_activity, recipients)