""" shelf views """ from collections import namedtuple from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery, F from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.views import View from bookwyrm import forms, models from bookwyrm.activitypub import ActivitypubResponse from bookwyrm.settings import PAGE_LENGTH from bookwyrm.views.helpers import is_api_request, get_user_from_username # pylint: disable=no-self-use class Shelf(View): """shelf page""" def get(self, request, username, shelf_identifier=None): """display a shelf""" user = get_user_from_username(request.user, username) is_self = user == request.user if is_self: shelves = user.shelf_set.all() else: shelves = models.Shelf.privacy_filter(request.user).filter(user=user).all() # get the shelf and make sure the logged in user should be able to see it if shelf_identifier: shelf = get_object_or_404(user.shelf_set, identifier=shelf_identifier) shelf.raise_visible_to_user(request.user) books = shelf.books else: # this is a constructed "all books" view, with a fake "shelf" obj FakeShelf = namedtuple( "Shelf", ("identifier", "name", "user", "books", "privacy") ) books = ( models.Edition.viewer_aware_objects(request.user) .filter( # privacy is ensured because the shelves are already filtered above shelfbook__shelf__in=shelves ) .distinct() ) shelf = FakeShelf("all", _("All books"), user, books, "public") if is_api_request(request) and shelf_identifier: return ActivitypubResponse(shelf.to_activity(**request.GET)) reviews = models.Review.objects if not is_self: reviews = models.Review.privacy_filter(request.user) reviews = reviews.filter( user=user, rating__isnull=False, book__id=OuterRef("id"), deleted=False, ).order_by("-published_date") reading = models.ReadThrough.objects reading = reading.filter(user=user, book__id=OuterRef("id")).order_by( "start_date" ) if shelf_identifier: books = books.annotate(shelved_date=F("shelfbook__shelved_date")) else: # sorting by shelved date will cause duplicates in the "all books" view books = books.annotate(shelved_date=F("updated_date")) books = books.annotate( rating=Subquery(reviews.values("rating")[:1]), start_date=Subquery(reading.values("start_date")[:1]), finish_date=Subquery(reading.values("finish_date")[:1]), author=Subquery( models.Book.objects.filter(id=OuterRef("id")).values("authors__name")[ :1 ] ), ).prefetch_related("authors") books = sort_books(books, request.GET.get("sort")) paginated = Paginator( books, PAGE_LENGTH, ) page = paginated.get_page(request.GET.get("page")) data = { "user": user, "is_self": is_self, "shelves": shelves, "shelf": shelf, "books": page, "edit_form": forms.ShelfForm(instance=shelf if shelf_identifier else None), "create_form": forms.ShelfForm(), "sort": request.GET.get("sort"), "page_range": paginated.get_elided_page_range( page.number, on_each_side=2, on_ends=1 ), } return TemplateResponse(request, "shelf/shelf.html", data) @method_decorator(login_required, name="dispatch") # pylint: disable=unused-argument def post(self, request, username, shelf_identifier): """edit a shelf""" user = get_user_from_username(request.user, username) shelf = get_object_or_404(user.shelf_set, identifier=shelf_identifier) shelf.raise_not_editable(request.user) # you can't change the name of the default shelves if not shelf.editable and request.POST.get("name") != shelf.name: return HttpResponseBadRequest() form = forms.ShelfForm(request.POST, instance=shelf) if not form.is_valid(): return redirect(shelf.local_path) shelf = form.save() return redirect(shelf.local_path) def sort_books(books, sort): """Books in shelf sorting""" sort_fields = [ "title", "author", "shelved_date", "start_date", "finish_date", "rating", ] if sort in sort_fields: books = books.order_by(sort) elif sort and sort[1:] in sort_fields: books = books.order_by(F(sort[1:]).desc(nulls_last=True)) else: books = books.order_by("-shelved_date") return books