{% extends 'settings/layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %} {% include "settings/reports/report_header.html" with report=report %} {% endblock %} {% block header %} {% include "settings/reports/report_header.html" with report=report %} {% trans "Back to reports" %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %}
{% include 'settings/reports/report_preview.html' with report=report %}
{% trans "Message reporter" %}
{% trans "Update on your report:" as dm_template %} {% include 'snippets/create_status/status.html' with type="direct" uuid=1 mention=report.reporter prepared_content=dm_template no_script=True %}
{% if report.statuses.exists %}

{% trans "Reported statuses" %}

{% endif %} {% if report.links.exists %}

{% trans "Reported links" %}

{% include "settings/reports/report_links_table.html" with links=report.links.all %}
{% endif %} {% include 'settings/users/user_info.html' with user=report.user %} {% include 'settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html' with user=report.user %}

{% trans "Moderator Comments" %}

{% for comment in report.reportcomment_set.all %}

{{ comment.note }}

{% endfor %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endblock %}