''' handles all the activity coming out of the server ''' import re from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET from markdown import markdown from requests import HTTPError from bookwyrm import activitypub from bookwyrm import models from bookwyrm.connectors import get_data, ConnectorException from bookwyrm.broadcast import broadcast from bookwyrm.sanitize_html import InputHtmlParser from bookwyrm.status import create_notification from bookwyrm.status import create_generated_note from bookwyrm.status import delete_status from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN from bookwyrm.utils import regex @csrf_exempt @require_GET def outbox(request, username): ''' outbox for the requested user ''' user = get_object_or_404(models.User, localname=username) filter_type = request.GET.get('type') if filter_type not in models.status_models: filter_type = None return JsonResponse( user.to_outbox(**request.GET, filter_type=filter_type), encoder=activitypub.ActivityEncoder ) def handle_remote_webfinger(query): ''' webfingerin' other servers ''' user = None # usernames could be @user@domain or user@domain if query[0] == '@': query = query[1:] try: domain = query.split('@')[1] except IndexError: return None try: user = models.User.objects.get(username=query) except models.User.DoesNotExist: url = 'https://%s/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:%s' % \ (domain, query) try: data = get_data(url) except (ConnectorException, HTTPError): return None for link in data.get('links'): if link.get('rel') == 'self': try: user = activitypub.resolve_remote_id( models.User, link['href'] ) except KeyError: return None return user def handle_follow(user, to_follow): ''' someone local wants to follow someone ''' relationship, _ = models.UserFollowRequest.objects.get_or_create( user_subject=user, user_object=to_follow, ) activity = relationship.to_activity() broadcast(user, activity, privacy='direct', direct_recipients=[to_follow]) def handle_unfollow(user, to_unfollow): ''' someone local wants to follow someone ''' relationship = models.UserFollows.objects.get( user_subject=user, user_object=to_unfollow ) activity = relationship.to_undo_activity(user) broadcast(user, activity, privacy='direct', direct_recipients=[to_unfollow]) to_unfollow.followers.remove(user) def handle_accept(follow_request): ''' send an acceptance message to a follow request ''' user = follow_request.user_subject to_follow = follow_request.user_object with transaction.atomic(): relationship = models.UserFollows.from_request(follow_request) follow_request.delete() relationship.save() activity = relationship.to_accept_activity() broadcast(to_follow, activity, privacy='direct', direct_recipients=[user]) def handle_reject(follow_request): ''' a local user who managed follows rejects a follow request ''' user = follow_request.user_subject to_follow = follow_request.user_object activity = follow_request.to_reject_activity() follow_request.delete() broadcast(to_follow, activity, privacy='direct', direct_recipients=[user]) def handle_shelve(user, book, shelf): ''' a local user is getting a book put on their shelf ''' # update the database shelve = models.ShelfBook(book=book, shelf=shelf, added_by=user) shelve.save() broadcast(user, shelve.to_add_activity(user)) def handle_unshelve(user, book, shelf): ''' a local user is getting a book put on their shelf ''' # update the database row = models.ShelfBook.objects.get(book=book, shelf=shelf) activity = row.to_remove_activity(user) row.delete() broadcast(user, activity) def handle_reading_status(user, shelf, book, privacy): ''' post about a user reading a book ''' # tell the world about this cool thing that happened try: message = { 'to-read': 'wants to read', 'reading': 'started reading', 'read': 'finished reading' }[shelf.identifier] except KeyError: # it's a non-standard shelf, don't worry about it return status = create_generated_note( user, message, mention_books=[book], privacy=privacy ) status.save() broadcast(user, status.to_create_activity(user)) def handle_imported_book(user, item, include_reviews, privacy): ''' process a goodreads csv and then post about it ''' if isinstance(item.book, models.Work): item.book = item.book.default_edition if not item.book: return if item.shelf: desired_shelf = models.Shelf.objects.get( identifier=item.shelf, user=user ) # shelve the book if it hasn't been shelved already shelf_book, created = models.ShelfBook.objects.get_or_create( book=item.book, shelf=desired_shelf, added_by=user) if created: broadcast(user, shelf_book.to_add_activity(user), privacy=privacy) # only add new read-throughs if the item isn't already shelved for read in item.reads: read.book = item.book read.user = user read.save() if include_reviews and (item.rating or item.review): review_title = 'Review of {!r} on Goodreads'.format( item.book.title, ) if item.review else '' # we don't know the publication date of the review, # but "now" is a bad guess published_date_guess = item.date_read or item.date_added review = models.Review.objects.create( user=user, book=item.book, name=review_title, content=item.review, rating=item.rating, published_date=published_date_guess, privacy=privacy, ) # we don't need to send out pure activities because non-bookwyrm # instances don't need this data broadcast(user, review.to_create_activity(user), privacy=privacy) def handle_delete_status(user, status): ''' delete a status and broadcast deletion to other servers ''' delete_status(status) broadcast(user, status.to_delete_activity(user)) def handle_status(user, form): ''' generic handler for statuses ''' status = form.save(commit=False) if not status.sensitive and status.content_warning: # the cw text field remains populated when you click "remove" status.content_warning = None status.save() # inspect the text for user tags matches = [] for match in re.finditer(regex.username, status.content): username = match.group().strip().split('@')[1:] if len(username) == 1: # this looks like a local user (@user), fill in the domain username.append(DOMAIN) username = '@'.join(username) mention_user = handle_remote_webfinger(username) if not mention_user: # we can ignore users we don't know about continue matches.append((match.group(), mention_user.remote_id)) # add them to status mentions fk status.mention_users.add(mention_user) # create notification if the mentioned user is local if mention_user.local: create_notification( mention_user, 'MENTION', related_user=user, related_status=status ) # add mentions content = status.content for (username, url) in matches: content = re.sub( r'%s([^@])' % username, r'%s\g<1>' % (url, username), content) if not isinstance(status, models.GeneratedNote): status.content = to_markdown(content) if hasattr(status, 'quote'): status.quote = to_markdown(status.quote) status.save() # notify reply parent or tagged users if status.reply_parent and status.reply_parent.user.local: create_notification( status.reply_parent.user, 'REPLY', related_user=user, related_status=status ) broadcast(user, status.to_create_activity(user), software='bookwyrm') # re-format the activity for non-bookwyrm servers remote_activity = status.to_create_activity(user, pure=True) broadcast(user, remote_activity, software='other') def to_markdown(content): ''' catch links and convert to markdown ''' content = re.sub( r'([^(href=")])(https?:\/\/([A-Za-z\.\-_\/]+' \ r'\.[A-Za-z]{2,}[A-Za-z\.\-_\/]+))', r'\g<1>\g<3>', content) content = markdown(content) # sanitize resulting html sanitizer = InputHtmlParser() sanitizer.feed(content) return sanitizer.get_output() def handle_favorite(user, status): ''' a user likes a status ''' try: favorite = models.Favorite.objects.create( status=status, user=user ) except IntegrityError: # you already fav'ed that return fav_activity = favorite.to_activity() broadcast( user, fav_activity, privacy='direct', direct_recipients=[status.user]) create_notification( status.user, 'FAVORITE', related_user=user, related_status=status ) def handle_unfavorite(user, status): ''' a user likes a status ''' try: favorite = models.Favorite.objects.get( status=status, user=user ) except models.Favorite.DoesNotExist: # can't find that status, idk return fav_activity = favorite.to_undo_activity(user) favorite.delete() broadcast(user, fav_activity, direct_recipients=[status.user]) def handle_boost(user, status): ''' a user wishes to boost a status ''' # is it boostable? if not status.boostable: return if models.Boost.objects.filter( boosted_status=status, user=user).exists(): # you already boosted that. return boost = models.Boost.objects.create( boosted_status=status, privacy=status.privacy, user=user, ) boost_activity = boost.to_activity() broadcast(user, boost_activity) create_notification( status.user, 'BOOST', related_user=user, related_status=status ) def handle_unboost(user, status): ''' a user regrets boosting a status ''' boost = models.Boost.objects.filter( boosted_status=status, user=user ).first() activity = boost.to_undo_activity(user) boost.delete() broadcast(user, activity) def handle_update_book_data(user, item): ''' broadcast the news about our book ''' broadcast(user, item.to_update_activity(user)) def handle_update_user(user): ''' broadcast editing a user's profile ''' broadcast(user, user.to_update_activity(user))