{% extends 'lists/layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load utilities %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {% trans "Lists" %} {{ list.name|truncatechars:30 }} {% trans "Curate" %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %} {% trans "Pending Books" %} {% if not pending.exists %} {% trans "You're all set!" %} {% else %} {% for item in pending %} {% with book=item.book %} {% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with cover_class='is-w-xs-mobile is-w-s is-h-xs-mobile is-h-s' size_mobile='xsmall' size='small' %} {% include 'snippets/book_titleby.html' %} {% if item.notes %} {% url 'user-feed' item.user|username as user_path %} {% blocktrans trimmed with username=item.user.display_name %} {{ username }} says: {% endblocktrans %} {{ item.notes }} {% endif %} {% trans "Suggested by" %} {{ item.user.display_name }} {% csrf_token %} {% trans "Approve" %} {% csrf_token %} {% trans "Discard" %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% trans "You're all set!" %}
{{ item.notes }}
{% trans "Suggested by" %} {{ item.user.display_name }}