{% load i18n %} {% load humanize %} {% with goal.progress as progress %}

{% if progress.percent >= 100 %} {% trans "Success!" %} {% elif progress.percent %} {% blocktrans with percent=progress.percent %}{{ percent }}% complete!{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %} {% if goal.user == request.user %} {% blocktrans with read_count=progress.count|intcomma goal_count=goal.goal|intcomma path=goal.local_path %}You've read {{ read_count }} of {{ goal_count}} books.{% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% blocktrans with username=goal.user.display_name read_count=progress.count|intcomma goal_count=goal.goal|intcomma path=goal.local_path %}{{ username }} has read {{ read_count }} of {{ goal_count}} books.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}

{% endwith %}