''' responds to various requests to /.well-know ''' from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound from django.http import JsonResponse from django.utils import timezone from bookwyrm import models from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN def webfinger(request): ''' allow other servers to ask about a user ''' if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotFound() resource = request.GET.get('resource') if not resource and not resource.startswith('acct:'): return HttpResponseNotFound() username = resource.replace('acct:', '') try: user = models.User.objects.get(username=username) except models.User.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseNotFound('No account found') return JsonResponse({ 'subject': 'acct:%s' % (user.username), 'links': [ { 'rel': 'self', 'type': 'application/activity+json', 'href': user.remote_id } ] }) def nodeinfo_pointer(request): ''' direct servers to nodeinfo ''' if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotFound() return JsonResponse({ 'links': [ { 'rel': 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0', 'href': 'https://%s/nodeinfo/2.0' % DOMAIN } ] }) def nodeinfo(request): ''' basic info about the server ''' if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotFound() status_count = models.Status.objects.filter(user__local=True).count() user_count = models.User.objects.filter(local=True).count() month_ago = timezone.now() - relativedelta(months=1) last_month_count = models.User.objects.filter( local=True, last_active_date__gt=month_ago ).count() six_months_ago = timezone.now() - relativedelta(months=6) six_month_count = models.User.objects.filter( local=True, last_active_date__gt=six_months_ago ).count() site = models.SiteSettings.get() return JsonResponse({ 'version': '2.0', 'software': { 'name': 'bookwyrm', 'version': '0.0.1' }, 'protocols': [ 'activitypub' ], 'usage': { 'users': { 'total': user_count, 'activeMonth': last_month_count, 'activeHalfyear': six_month_count, }, 'localPosts': status_count, }, 'openRegistrations': site.allow_registration, }) def instance_info(request): ''' let's talk about your cool unique instance ''' if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotFound() user_count = models.User.objects.filter(local=True).count() status_count = models.Status.objects.filter(user__local=True).count() site = models.SiteSettings.get() return JsonResponse({ 'uri': DOMAIN, 'title': site.name, 'short_description': '', 'description': site.instance_description, 'version': '0.0.1', 'stats': { 'user_count': user_count, 'status_count': status_count, }, 'thumbnail': 'https://%s/static/images/logo.png' % DOMAIN, 'languages': [ 'en' ], 'registrations': site.allow_registration, 'approval_required': False, }) def peers(request): ''' list of federated servers this instance connects with ''' if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotFound() names = models.FederatedServer.objects.values_list('server_name', flat=True) return JsonResponse(list(names), safe=False)