{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{{ list.name }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} <header class="columns content is-mobile"> <div class="column"> <h1 class="title">{{ list.name }} <span class="subtitle">{% include 'snippets/privacy-icons.html' with item=list %}</span></h1> <p class="subtitle help"> {% include 'lists/created_text.html' with list=list %} </p> </div> <div class="column is-narrow is-flex"> {% if request.user == list.user %} {% trans "Edit List" as button_text %} {% include 'snippets/toggle/open_button.html' with text=button_text icon_with_text="pencil" controls_text="edit_list" focus="edit_list_header" %} {% endif %} {% include "lists/bookmark_button.html" with list=list %} </div> </header> <div class="block content"> {% include 'snippets/trimmed_text.html' with full=list.description %} </div> <div class="block"> {% if request.user == list.user %} {% include 'lists/edit_form.html' with controls_text="edit_list" user_groups=user_groups %} {% endif %} </div> {% block panel %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %}