{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load humanize %} {% load utilities %} {% load markdown %} {% load layout %} {% block title %}{{ user.display_name }}{% endblock %} {% block opengraph_images %} {% include 'snippets/opengraph_images.html' with image=user.preview_image %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} <header class="block"> {% block header %} <h1 class="title"> {% trans "User Profile" %} </h1> {% endblock %} </header> {# user bio #} <div class="block"> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-two-fifths"> {% include 'user/user_preview.html' with user=user %} </div> {% if user.summary %} {% spaceless %} <div class="column box has-background-white-bis content preserve-whitespace"> {{ user.summary|to_markdown|safe }} {% endspaceless %} </div> {% endif %} </div> {% if not is_self and request.user.is_authenticated %} {% include 'snippets/follow_button.html' with user=user %} {% endif %} {% if is_self and user.follower_requests.all %} <div class="follow-requests"> <h2>{% trans "Follow Requests" %}</h2> {% for requester in user.follower_requests.all %} <div class="row shrink"> <p> <a href="{{ requester.local_path }}">{{ requester.display_name }}</a> ({{ requester.username }}) </p> {% include 'snippets/follow_request_buttons.html' with user=requester %} </div> {% endfor %} </div> {% endif %} </div> {% block tabs %} {% with user|username as username %} <nav class="tabs"> <ul> {% url 'user-feed' user|username as url %} <li{% if url == request.path or url == request.path|add:'/' %} class="is-active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Activity" %}</a> </li> {% if is_self or user.goal.exists %} {% now 'Y' as year %} {% url 'user-goal' user|username year as url %} <li{% if url in request.path %} class="is-active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Reading Goal" %}</a> </li> {% endif %} {% if is_self or user.list_set.exists %} {% url 'user-lists' user|username as url %} <li{% if url in request.path %} class="is-active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Lists" %}</a> </li> {% endif %} {% if user.shelf_set.exists %} {% url 'user-shelves' user|username as url %} <li{% if url in request.path %} class="is-active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ url }}">{% trans "Books" %}</a> </li> {% endif %} </ul> </nav> {% endwith %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %}