#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "esp_vfs.h" #include "esp_vfs_fat.h" #include "appfs.h" #include "ili9341.h" #include "pax_gfx.h" #include "menu.h" #include "rp2040.h" #include "appfs_wrapper.h" #include "bootscreen.h" static const char *TAG = "file browser"; void list_files_in_folder(const char* path) { DIR* dir = opendir(path); if (dir == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to open directory %s", path); return; } struct dirent *ent; char type; char size[12]; char tpath[255]; char tbuffer[80]; struct stat sb; struct tm *tm_info; char *lpath = NULL; int statok; uint64_t total = 0; int nfiles = 0; printf("T Size Date/Time Name\n"); printf("-----------------------------------\n"); while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { sprintf(tpath, path); if (path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') { strcat(tpath,"/"); } strcat(tpath,ent->d_name); tbuffer[0] = '\0'; // Get file stat statok = stat(tpath, &sb); if (statok == 0) { tm_info = localtime(&sb.st_mtime); strftime(tbuffer, 80, "%d/%m/%Y %R", tm_info); } else { sprintf(tbuffer, " "); } if (ent->d_type == DT_REG) { type = 'f'; nfiles++; if (statok) { strcpy(size, " ?"); } else { total += sb.st_size; if (sb.st_size < (1024*1024)) sprintf(size,"%8d", (int)sb.st_size); else if ((sb.st_size/1024) < (1024*1024)) sprintf(size,"%6dKB", (int)(sb.st_size / 1024)); else sprintf(size,"%6dMB", (int)(sb.st_size / (1024 * 1024))); } } else { type = 'd'; strcpy(size, " -"); } printf("%c %s %s %s\r\n", type, size, tbuffer, ent->d_name); } printf("-----------------------------------\n"); if (total < (1024*1024)) printf(" %8d", (int)total); else if ((total/1024) < (1024*1024)) printf(" %6dKB", (int)(total / 1024)); else printf(" %6dMB", (int)(total / (1024 * 1024))); printf(" in %d file(s)\n", nfiles); printf("-----------------------------------\n"); closedir(dir); free(lpath); } typedef struct _file_browser_menu_args { char type; char path[512]; char label[512]; } file_browser_menu_args_t; void find_parent_dir(char* path, char* parent) { size_t last_separator = 0; for (size_t index = 0; index < strlen(path); index++) { if (path[index] == '/') last_separator = index; } strcpy(parent, path); parent[last_separator] = '\0'; } void file_browser(xQueueHandle buttonQueue, pax_buf_t* pax_buffer, ILI9341* ili9341, const char* initial_path) { display_boot_screen(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Please wait..."); char path[512] = {0}; strncpy(path, initial_path, sizeof(path)); while (true) { menu_t* menu = menu_alloc(path); DIR* dir = opendir(path); if (dir == NULL) { if (path[0] != 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to open directory %s", path); display_boot_screen(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Failed to open directory"); vTaskDelay(200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } return; } struct dirent *ent; file_browser_menu_args_t* pd_args = malloc(sizeof(file_browser_menu_args_t)); pd_args->type = 'd'; find_parent_dir(path, pd_args->path); menu_insert_item(menu, "../", NULL, pd_args, -1); while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { file_browser_menu_args_t* args = malloc(sizeof(file_browser_menu_args_t)); sprintf(args->path, path); if (path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') { strcat(args->path,"/"); } strcat(args->path,ent->d_name); if (ent->d_type == DT_REG) { args->type = 'f'; } else { args->type = 'd'; } snprintf(args->label, sizeof(args->label), "%s%s", ent->d_name, (args->type == 'd') ? "/" : ""); menu_insert_item(menu, args->label, NULL, args, -1); } closedir(dir); bool render = true; bool renderbg = true; bool exit = false; file_browser_menu_args_t* menuArgs = NULL; while (1) { rp2040_input_message_t buttonMessage = {0}; if (xQueueReceive(buttonQueue, &buttonMessage, 16 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS) == pdTRUE) { uint8_t pin = buttonMessage.input; bool value = buttonMessage.state; switch(pin) { case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_DOWN: if (value) { menu_navigate_next(menu); render = true; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_UP: if (value) { menu_navigate_previous(menu); render = true; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_BUTTON_BACK: if (value) { menuArgs = pd_args; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_BUTTON_ACCEPT: case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_PRESS: if (value) { menuArgs = menu_get_callback_args(menu, menu_get_position(menu)); } break; case RP2040_INPUT_BUTTON_HOME: if (value) exit = true; break; default: break; } } if (renderbg) { pax_background(pax_buffer, 0xFFFFFF); pax_noclip(pax_buffer); const pax_font_t *font = pax_get_font("saira regular"); pax_draw_text(pax_buffer, 0xFF000000, font, 18, 5, 240 - 19, "[A] install [B] back"); renderbg = false; } if (render) { menu_render(pax_buffer, menu, 0, 0, 320, 220, 0xFF000000); ili9341_write(ili9341, pax_buffer->buf); render = false; } if (menuArgs != NULL) { if (menuArgs->type == 'd') { strcpy(path, menuArgs->path); break; } else { printf("File selected: %s\n", menuArgs->path); appfs_store_app(pax_buffer, ili9341, menuArgs->path, menuArgs->label); } menuArgs = NULL; render = true; renderbg = true; } if (exit) { break; } } for (size_t index = 0; index < menu_get_length(menu); index++) { free(menu_get_callback_args(menu, index)); } menu_free(menu); } }