#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "driver/uart.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "managed_i2c.h" #include "pax_gfx.h" #include "sdcard.h" #include "appfs.h" #include "rp2040.h" #include "rp2040bl.h" #include "fpga_test.h" #include "menu.h" #include "system_wrapper.h" #include "graphics_wrapper.h" #include "appfs_wrapper.h" #include "settings.h" #include "wifi_connection.h" #include "rp2040_updater.h" #include "ws2812.h" #include "esp32/rom/crc.h" #include "efuse.h" static const char *TAG = "main"; typedef enum action { ACTION_NONE, ACTION_APPFS, ACTION_INSTALLER, ACTION_SETTINGS, ACTION_OTA, ACTION_FPGA, ACTION_RP2040_BL, ACTION_WIFI_CONNECT, ACTION_WIFI_SCAN, ACTION_WIFI_MANUAL, ACTION_WIFI_LIST, ACTION_BACK } menu_action_t; typedef struct _menu_args { appfs_handle_t fd; menu_action_t action; } menu_args_t; void appfs_store_app(pax_buf_t* pax_buffer, ILI9341* ili9341, uint8_t* framebuffer) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Installing app..."); esp_err_t res; appfs_handle_t handle; FILE* app_fd = fopen("/sd/gnuboy.bin", "rb"); if (app_fd == NULL) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Failed to open gnuboy.bin"); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to open gnuboy.bin"); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); return; } size_t app_size; uint8_t* app = load_file_to_ram(app_fd, &app_size); if (app == NULL) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Failed to load app to RAM"); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to load application into RAM"); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); return; } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Application size %d", app_size); res = appfsCreateFile("gnuboy", app_size, &handle); if (res != ESP_OK) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Failed to create on AppFS"); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to create file on AppFS (%d)", res); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); free(app); return; } res = appfsWrite(handle, 0, app, app_size); if (res != ESP_OK) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Failed to write to AppFS"); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to write to file on AppFS (%d)", res); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); free(app); return; } free(app); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Application is now stored in AppFS"); graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "App installed!"); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); return; } void menu_launcher(xQueueHandle buttonQueue, pax_buf_t* pax_buffer, ILI9341* ili9341, uint8_t* framebuffer, menu_action_t* menu_action, appfs_handle_t* appfs_fd) { menu_t* menu = menu_alloc("Main menu"); *appfs_fd = APPFS_INVALID_FD; *menu_action = ACTION_NONE; while (1) { *appfs_fd = appfsNextEntry(*appfs_fd); if (*appfs_fd == APPFS_INVALID_FD) break; const char* name = NULL; appfsEntryInfo(*appfs_fd, &name, NULL); menu_args_t* args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); args->fd = *appfs_fd; args->action = ACTION_APPFS; menu_insert_item(menu, name, NULL, (void*) args, -1); } *appfs_fd = APPFS_INVALID_FD; menu_args_t* install_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); install_args->action = ACTION_INSTALLER; menu_insert_item(menu, "Hatchery", NULL, install_args, -1); menu_args_t* settings_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); settings_args->action = ACTION_SETTINGS; menu_insert_item(menu, "WiFi settings", NULL, settings_args, -1); menu_args_t* ota_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); ota_args->action = ACTION_OTA; menu_insert_item(menu, "Firmware update", NULL, ota_args, -1); menu_args_t* fpga_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); fpga_args->action = ACTION_FPGA; menu_insert_item(menu, "FPGA test", NULL, fpga_args, -1); menu_args_t* rp2040bl_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); rp2040bl_args->action = ACTION_RP2040_BL; menu_insert_item(menu, "RP2040 bootloader", NULL, rp2040bl_args, -1); menu_args_t* wifi_connect_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); wifi_connect_args->action = ACTION_WIFI_CONNECT; menu_insert_item(menu, "WiFi connect", NULL, wifi_connect_args, -1); bool render = true; menu_args_t* menuArgs = NULL; while (1) { rp2040_input_message_t buttonMessage = {0}; if (xQueueReceive(buttonQueue, &buttonMessage, 16 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS) == pdTRUE) { uint8_t pin = buttonMessage.input; bool value = buttonMessage.state; switch(pin) { case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_DOWN: if (value) { menu_navigate_next(menu); render = true; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_UP: if (value) { menu_navigate_previous(menu); render = true; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_BUTTON_ACCEPT: if (value) { menuArgs = menu_get_callback_args(menu, menu_get_position(menu)); } break; default: break; } } if (render) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, menu, NULL); render = false; } if (menuArgs != NULL) { *appfs_fd = menuArgs->fd; *menu_action = menuArgs->action; break; } } for (size_t index = 0; index < menu_get_length(menu); index++) { free(menu_get_callback_args(menu, index)); } menu_free(menu); } void menu_wifi_settings(xQueueHandle buttonQueue, pax_buf_t* pax_buffer, ILI9341* ili9341, uint8_t* framebuffer, menu_action_t* menu_action) { menu_t* menu = menu_alloc("WiFi settings"); *menu_action = ACTION_NONE; menu_args_t* wifi_scan_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); wifi_scan_args->action = ACTION_WIFI_SCAN; menu_insert_item(menu, "Add by scan...", NULL, wifi_scan_args, -1); menu_args_t* wifi_manual_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); wifi_manual_args->action = ACTION_WIFI_MANUAL; menu_insert_item(menu, "Add manually...", NULL, wifi_manual_args, -1); menu_args_t* wifi_list_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); wifi_list_args->action = ACTION_WIFI_LIST; menu_insert_item(menu, "List known networks", NULL, wifi_list_args, -1); menu_args_t* back_args = malloc(sizeof(menu_args_t)); back_args->action = ACTION_BACK; menu_insert_item(menu, "< Back", NULL, back_args, -1); bool render = true; menu_args_t* menuArgs = NULL; while (1) { rp2040_input_message_t buttonMessage = {0}; if (xQueueReceive(buttonQueue, &buttonMessage, 16 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS) == pdTRUE) { uint8_t pin = buttonMessage.input; bool value = buttonMessage.state; switch(pin) { case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_DOWN: if (value) { menu_navigate_next(menu); render = true; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_JOYSTICK_UP: if (value) { menu_navigate_previous(menu); render = true; } break; case RP2040_INPUT_BUTTON_ACCEPT: if (value) { menuArgs = menu_get_callback_args(menu, menu_get_position(menu)); } break; default: break; } } if (render) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, menu, NULL); render = false; } if (menuArgs != NULL) { *menu_action = menuArgs->action; break; } } for (size_t index = 0; index < menu_get_length(menu); index++) { free(menu_get_callback_args(menu, index)); } menu_free(menu); } void display_boot_screen(pax_buf_t* pax_buffer, ILI9341* ili9341) { pax_noclip(pax_buffer); pax_background(pax_buffer, 0x325aa8); pax_draw_text(pax_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 18, 0, 20*0, "Starting launcher..."); ili9341_write(ili9341, pax_buffer->buf); } void display_fatal_error(pax_buf_t* pax_buffer, ILI9341* ili9341, const char* line0, const char* line1, const char* line2, const char* line3) { pax_noclip(pax_buffer); pax_background(pax_buffer, 0xa85a32); if (line0 != NULL) pax_draw_text(pax_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 18, 0, 20*0, line0); if (line1 != NULL) pax_draw_text(pax_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 12, 0, 20*1, line1); if (line2 != NULL) pax_draw_text(pax_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 12, 0, 20*2, line2); if (line3 != NULL) pax_draw_text(pax_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 12, 0, 20*3, line3); ili9341_write(ili9341, pax_buffer->buf); } void app_main(void) { esp_err_t res; /* Initialize memory */ uint8_t* framebuffer = heap_caps_malloc(ILI9341_BUFFER_SIZE, MALLOC_CAP_8BIT); if (framebuffer == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to allocate framebuffer"); esp_restart(); } memset(framebuffer, 0, ILI9341_BUFFER_SIZE); pax_buf_t* pax_buffer = malloc(sizeof(pax_buf_t)); if (framebuffer == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to allocate buffer for PAX graphics library"); esp_restart(); } memset(pax_buffer, 0, sizeof(pax_buf_t)); pax_buf_init(pax_buffer, framebuffer, ILI9341_WIDTH, ILI9341_HEIGHT, PAX_BUF_16_565RGB); /* Initialize hardware */ efuse_protect(); if (bsp_init() != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize basic board support functions"); esp_restart(); } ILI9341* ili9341 = get_ili9341(); if (ili9341 == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "ili9341 is NULL"); esp_restart(); } display_boot_screen(pax_buffer, ili9341); if (bsp_rp2040_init() != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize the RP2040 co-processor"); display_fatal_error(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Failed to initialize", "RP2040 co-processor error", NULL, NULL); esp_restart(); } RP2040* rp2040 = get_rp2040(); if (rp2040 == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "rp2040 is NULL"); esp_restart(); } rp2040_updater(rp2040, pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer); // Handle RP2040 firmware update & bootloader mode if (bsp_ice40_init() != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize the ICE40 FPGA"); display_fatal_error(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Failed to initialize", "ICE40 FPGA error", NULL, NULL); esp_restart(); } ICE40* ice40 = get_ice40(); if (ice40 == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "ice40 is NULL"); esp_restart(); } if (bsp_bno055_init() != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialize the BNO055 position sensor"); display_fatal_error(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Failed to initialize", "BNO055 sensor error", "Check I2C bus", "Remove SAO and try again"); esp_restart(); } BNO055* bno055 = get_bno055(); if (bno055 == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "bno055 is NULL"); esp_restart(); } /* Start AppFS */ res = appfs_init(); if (res != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "AppFS init failed: %d", res); display_fatal_error(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Failed to initialize", "AppFS failed to initialize", "Flash may be corrupted", NULL); esp_restart(); } /* Start NVS */ res = nvs_init(); if (res != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "NVS init failed: %d", res); display_fatal_error(pax_buffer, ili9341, "Failed to initialize", "NVS failed to initialize", "Flash may be corrupted", NULL); esp_restart(); } /* Start SD card */ res = mount_sd(SD_CMD, SD_CLK, SD_D0, SD_PWR, "/sd", false, 5); bool sdcard_ready = (res == ESP_OK); /* Start LEDs */ ws2812_init(GPIO_LED_DATA); uint8_t ledBuffer[15] = {50, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}; ws2812_send_data(ledBuffer, sizeof(ledBuffer)); /* Start WiFi */ wifi_init(); /* Launcher menu */ while (true) { menu_action_t menu_action; appfs_handle_t appfs_fd; menu_launcher(rp2040->queue, pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, &menu_action, &appfs_fd); if (menu_action == ACTION_APPFS) { appfs_boot_app(appfs_fd); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_FPGA) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Loading..."); fpga_test(ili9341, ice40, rp2040->queue); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_RP2040_BL) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "RP2040 update..."); rp2040_reboot_to_bootloader(rp2040); esp_restart(); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_INSTALLER) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Installing..."); appfs_store_app(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_WIFI_CONNECT) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Connecting..."); nvs_handle_t handle; nvs_open("system", NVS_READWRITE, &handle); char ssid[33]; char password[33]; size_t requiredSize; esp_err_t res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", NULL, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) { strcpy(ssid, ""); } else if (requiredSize < sizeof(ssid)) { res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", ssid, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) strcpy(ssid, ""); res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.password", NULL, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) { strcpy(password, ""); } else if (requiredSize < sizeof(password)) { res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.password", password, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) strcpy(password, ""); } } nvs_close(&handle); wifi_connect(ssid, password, WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PSK, 3); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_OTA) { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Firmware update..."); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_SETTINGS) { while (true) { menu_wifi_settings(rp2040->queue, pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, &menu_action); if (menu_action == ACTION_WIFI_MANUAL) { nvs_handle_t handle; nvs_open("system", NVS_READWRITE, &handle); char ssid[33]; char password[33]; size_t requiredSize; esp_err_t res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", NULL, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) { strcpy(ssid, ""); strcpy(password, ""); } else if (requiredSize < sizeof(ssid)) { res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", ssid, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) strcpy(ssid, ""); res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.password", NULL, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) { strcpy(password, ""); } else if (requiredSize < sizeof(password)) { res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.password", password, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) strcpy(password, ""); } } bool accepted = keyboard(rp2040->queue, pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, 30, 30, pax_buffer->width - 60, pax_buffer->height - 60, "WiFi SSID", "Press HOME to exit", ssid, sizeof(ssid)); if (accepted) { accepted = keyboard(rp2040->queue, pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, 30, 30, pax_buffer->width - 60, pax_buffer->height - 60, "WiFi password", "Press HOME to exit", password, sizeof(password)); } if (accepted) { nvs_set_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", ssid); nvs_set_str(handle, "wifi.password", password); graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "WiFi settings stored"); } else { graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, "Canceled"); } nvs_close(&handle); } else if (menu_action == ACTION_WIFI_LIST) { nvs_handle_t handle; nvs_open("system", NVS_READWRITE, &handle); char ssid[33]; char password[33]; size_t requiredSize; esp_err_t res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", NULL, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) { strcpy(ssid, ""); } else if (requiredSize < sizeof(ssid)) { res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.ssid", ssid, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) strcpy(ssid, ""); res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.password", NULL, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) { strcpy(password, ""); } else if (requiredSize < sizeof(password)) { res = nvs_get_str(handle, "wifi.password", password, &requiredSize); if (res != ESP_OK) strcpy(password, ""); } } nvs_close(&handle); char buffer[300]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "SSID is %s\nPassword is %s", ssid, password); graphics_task(pax_buffer, ili9341, framebuffer, NULL, buffer); } else { break; } } } } free(framebuffer); }