LittlevGL - Open-source Embedded GUI Library in Rust

![Original LittlevGL demo image](lv_demo.png)

LittlevGL provides everything you need to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on embedded systems with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and low memory footprint.

LittlevGL is compatible with #![no_std] environments by default.

Official LittlevGL Website · C library repository · Live demo

--- ![Rust bindings usage demo code.](demo.png) ## Usage Edit your `Cargo.toml` file dependencies with: ``` $ cargo add lvgl ``` The build requires the environment variable bellow to be set: - `DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH`: Path to the directory containing the `lv_conf.h` header file used for configuration of LittlevGL library. We recommend the `lv_conf.h` file to be in your project's root directory. If so, the command to build your project would be: ```shell script $ DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd` cargo build ``` ### Building for embedded environments We make use of `bindgen` for generating the bindings to LittlevGL at build time. There is a problem in cargo when building for `no_std`, so we need to use a workaround to build "lvgl-rs". The mainstrem issue in cargo is being tracked at [rust-lang/cargo#7915]( ```shell $ DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd` cargo build -Zfeatures=build_dep ``` #### Requirements / Limitations LittlevGL C libary do allocate memory dynamically and we need to allocate memory on the heap in the Rust side as well ([`Box`]( That is required, so we can safely provide Rust pointers through FFI. For that reason, we do require [`alloc`]( module to be available. ## Running the demo [This project contains examples that can run in a desktop simulator.](./examples) First, make sure to pull `lvgl-rs` submodules: ```shell $ git submodule init $ git submodule update ``` Then run the `demo` example: ```shell $ DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd`/examples/include cargo run --example demo ``` ## Feature Support The bindings are still in development. There are many features of LVGL that needs to be exposed by `lvgl-rs`. In this section you can check what is implemented at the moment. ### Features List of LVGL features that impacts the library usage in general. - [x] Displays: We use [`embedded_graphics`]( library to draw to the display. You can use `lvgl-rs` with any of the [`embedded_graphics` supported displays]( - [x] Events: You can listen and trigger events in widget objects. - [x] Styles: You can set styles in any exposed object. We are still missing the possibility of defining base styles. - [ ] Input Devices - [ ] Fonts - [ ] Images - [ ] File system - [ ] Animations - [ ] Tasks ### Widgets - [x] Base object (lv_obj) - [ ] Arc (lv_arc) - [x] Bar (lv_bar) - [x] Button (lv_btn) - [ ] Button matrix (lv_btnm) - [ ] Calendar (lv_calendar) - [ ] Canvas (lv_canvas) - [ ] Checkbox (lv_cb) - [ ] Chart (lv_chart) - [ ] Container (lv_cont) - [ ] Color picker (lv_cpicker) - [ ] Drop-down list (lv_ddlist) - [ ] Gauge (lv_gauge) - [ ] Image (lv_img) - [ ] Image button (lv_imgbtn) - [ ] Keyboard (lv_kb) - [x] Label (lv_label) - [ ] LED (lv_led) - [ ] Line (lv_line) - [ ] List (lv_list) - [ ] Line meter (lv_lmeter) - [ ] Message box (lv_mbox) - [ ] Page (lv_page) - [ ] Preloader (lv_preload) - [ ] Roller (lv_roller) - [ ] Slider (lv_slider) - [ ] Spinbox (lv_spinbox) - [ ] Switch (lv_sw) - [ ] Table (lv_table) - [ ] Tabview (lv_tabview) - [ ] Text area (lv_ta) - [ ] Tile view (lv_tileview) - [ ] Window (lv_win) Widgets currently implemented might have some missing features. If the widget you want to use is not exposed or is missing a feature you want to make use, please send a Pull Request or open an issue.