use cstr_core::{CStr, CString}; use embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::Rgb565; use embedded_graphics::prelude::*; use embedded_graphics_simulator::{ OutputSettingsBuilder, SimulatorDisplay, SimulatorEvent, Window, }; use lvgl; use lvgl::style::Style; use lvgl::widgets::{Label, LabelAlign}; use lvgl::{Align, Color, LvError, Part, State, Widget, UI}; use lvgl_sys; use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; fn main() -> Result<(), LvError> { let display: SimulatorDisplay = SimulatorDisplay::new(Size::new( lvgl_sys::LV_HOR_RES_MAX, lvgl_sys::LV_VER_RES_MAX, )); let output_settings = OutputSettingsBuilder::new().scale(2).build(); let mut window = Window::new("PineTime", &output_settings); let mut ui = UI::init()?; // Implement and register your display: ui.disp_drv_register(display).unwrap(); // Create screen and widgets let mut screen = ui.scr_act()?; let mut screen_style = Style::default(); screen_style.set_bg_color(State::DEFAULT, Color::from_rgb((0, 0, 0))); screen_style.set_radius(State::DEFAULT, 0); screen.add_style(Part::Main, screen_style)?; let mut time = Label::new(&mut screen)?; let mut style_time = Style::default(); //style_time.set_text_font(font_noto_sans_numeric_28); style_time.set_text_color(State::DEFAULT, Color::from_rgb((255, 255, 255))); time.add_style(Part::Main, style_time)?; time.set_align(&mut screen, Align::Center, 0, 0)?; time.set_text(CString::new("20:46").unwrap().as_c_str())?; time.set_width(240)?; time.set_height(240)?; let mut bt = Label::new(&mut screen)?; bt.set_width(50)?; bt.set_height(80)?; bt.set_recolor(true)?; bt.set_text(CString::new("#5794f2 \u{F293}#").unwrap().as_c_str())?; bt.set_label_align(LabelAlign::Left)?; bt.set_align(&mut screen, Align::InTopLeft, 0, 0)?; fn set_text(text: S) -> Result<(), ()> where S: AsRef, { let _v: *const i8 = text.as_ref().as_ptr(); Ok(()) } let mut t: heapless::String = heapless::String::from("test"); t.push('\0').unwrap(); set_text(CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(t.as_bytes()).unwrap()).unwrap(); set_text(cstr_core::CStr::from_bytes_with_nul("test\0".as_bytes()).unwrap()).unwrap(); set_text(cstr_core::CString::new("test").unwrap().as_c_str()).unwrap(); let mut power = Label::new(&mut screen)?; power.set_recolor(true)?; power.set_width(80)?; power.set_height(20)?; power.set_text(CString::new("#fade2a 20%#").unwrap().as_c_str())?; power.set_label_align(LabelAlign::Right)?; power.set_align(&mut screen, Align::InTopRight, 0, 0)?; let threaded_ui = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ui)); let (stop_ch, read_ch) = mpsc::channel(); let closure_ui = threaded_ui.clone(); let mut loop_started = Instant::now(); let tick_thr = std::thread::spawn(move || loop { // Needs to be called periodically for LittlevGL internal timing calculations. { let mut ui = closure_ui.lock().unwrap(); ui.tick_inc(loop_started.elapsed()); } sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)); if read_ch.try_recv().is_ok() { break; } loop_started = Instant::now(); }); let mut i = 0; 'running: loop { if i > 59 { i = 0; } let val = format!("21:{:02}", i); time.set_text(CString::new(val.as_str()).unwrap().as_c_str())?; i = 1 + i; sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); threaded_ui.lock().unwrap().task_handler(); if let Some(disp) = threaded_ui.lock().unwrap().get_display_ref() { window.update(disp); } for event in { match event { SimulatorEvent::Quit => break 'running, _ => {} } } } stop_ch.send(true).unwrap(); tick_thr.join().unwrap(); Ok(()) } // Reference to native font for LittlevGL, defined in the file: "fonts_noto_sans_numeric_80.c" // TODO: Create a macro for defining a safe wrapper for fonts. // Maybe sometihng like: // // font_declare! { // NotoSansNumeric80 = noto_sans_numeric_80; // }; // extern "C" { pub static mut noto_sans_numeric_80: lvgl_sys::lv_font_t; }