# LVGL Rust to WASM Example of LVGL in Rust compiling to WASM. The same project can run natively and in the browser. Access the web live version [here](https://rafaelcaricio.github.io/lvgl-rs-wasm). ![Project Running Natively](docs/images/native.png) ## Setup - Install Emscripten ``` # Get the emsdk repo git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git # Enter that directory cd emsdk # Download and install the latest SDK tools. ./emsdk install latest # Make the "latest" SDK "active" for the current user. (writes .emscripten file) ./emsdk activate latest # Activate PATH and other environment variables in the current terminal source ./emsdk_env.sh ``` https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/downloads.html - Compile SDL2: ``` $ embuilder.py build sdl2 ``` ## Compiling Compile the Web version: ``` make web ``` Compile the native version: ``` make native ``` ## Running To access the web version you need to serve the static files as web pages locally. We use `python3` for that. If you have [Python 3](https://www.python.org/downloads/) installed, you can run: ``` make serve ``` Now you can access locally the project running at http://localhost:8000/lvgl_example.html . For running natively, you can do: ``` cargo +nightly run --release ``` # References - https://gregkatz.github.io/2017-05-20-rust-emscripten.html - https://dev.to/kibebr/i-made-a-game-in-c-run-in-a-web-browser-and-so-can-you-4deb - https://puddleofcode.com/story/definitive-guide-to-rust-sdl2-and-emscriptem