// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use glib::translate::*; pub trait IsMiniObject: AsRef + FromGlibPtrFull<*mut Self::FfiType> + Send + Sync + 'static { type RefType; type FfiType; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! mini_object_wrapper ( ($name:ident, $ref_name:ident, $ffi_name:path) => { pub struct $name { obj: std::ptr::NonNull<$ffi_name>, } #[repr(transparent)] pub struct $ref_name($ffi_name); impl $crate::miniobject::IsMiniObject for $name { type RefType = $ref_name; type FfiType = $ffi_name; } impl $name { pub unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(!ptr.is_null()); $crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_ref(ptr as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject); $name { obj: std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut $ffi_name), } } pub unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(!ptr.is_null()); $name { obj: std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut $ffi_name), } } pub unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> $crate::glib::translate::Borrowed { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(!ptr.is_null()); $crate::glib::translate::Borrowed::new($name { obj: std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut $ffi_name), }) } pub unsafe fn replace_ptr(&mut self, ptr: *mut $ffi_name) { assert!(!ptr.is_null()); self.obj = std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr); } pub fn make_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $ref_name { unsafe { if self.is_writable() { return &mut *(self.obj.as_mut() as *mut $ffi_name as *mut $ref_name); } let ptr = $crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_make_writable( self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject ); self.replace_ptr(ptr as *mut $ffi_name); assert!(self.is_writable()); &mut *(self.obj.as_mut() as *mut $ffi_name as *mut $ref_name) } } pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut $ref_name> { if self.is_writable() { Some(unsafe { &mut *(self.obj.as_mut() as *mut $ffi_name as *mut $ref_name) }) } else { None } } #[doc(alias = "gst_mini_object_is_writable")] pub fn is_writable(&self) -> bool { unsafe { $crate::glib::translate::from_glib($crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_is_writable( self.as_ptr() as *const $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject )) } } pub fn upcast(self) -> $crate::miniobject::MiniObject { unsafe { from_glib_full(self.into_ptr() as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject) } } pub unsafe fn into_ptr(self) -> *mut $ffi_name { let s = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self); s.as_mut_ptr() } } impl Clone for $name { fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { $name::from_glib_none(self.as_ptr()) } } } impl Drop for $name { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { $crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_unref(self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject); } } } impl std::ops::Deref for $name { type Target = $ref_name; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { unsafe { &*(self.obj.as_ref() as *const $ffi_name as *const $ref_name) } } } impl AsRef<$ref_name> for $name { fn as_ref(&self) -> &$ref_name { &*self } } impl std::borrow::Borrow<$ref_name> for $name { fn borrow(&self) -> &$ref_name { &*self } } impl<'a> $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *const $ffi_name> for $name { type Storage = &'a Self; fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> $crate::glib::translate::Stash<'a, *const $ffi_name, Self> { $crate::glib::translate::Stash(unsafe { self.as_ptr() }, self) } fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *const $ffi_name { unsafe { $crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_ref(self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject); self.as_ptr() } } } impl<'a> $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut $ffi_name> for $name { type Storage = &'a Self; fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> $crate::glib::translate::Stash<'a, *mut $ffi_name, Self> { $crate::glib::translate::Stash(unsafe { self.as_mut_ptr() }, self) } fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *mut $ffi_name { unsafe { $crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_ref(self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject); self.as_mut_ptr() } } } impl<'a> $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtrMut<'a, *mut $ffi_name> for $name { type Storage = &'a mut Self; fn to_glib_none_mut(&'a mut self) -> $crate::glib::translate::StashMut<*mut $ffi_name, Self> { self.make_mut(); $crate::glib::translate::StashMut(unsafe { self.as_mut_ptr() }, self) } } impl<'a> $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type Storage = ( Vec<$crate::glib::translate::Stash<'a, *mut $ffi_name, Self>>, Option>, ); fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [$name]) -> (*mut *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) { skip_assert_initialized!(); let v: Vec<_> = t.iter().map(|s| $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(s)).collect(); let mut v_ptr: Vec<_> = v.iter().map(|s| s.0).collect(); v_ptr.push(std::ptr::null_mut() as *mut $ffi_name); (v_ptr.as_ptr() as *mut *mut $ffi_name, (v, Some(v_ptr))) } fn to_glib_container_from_slice(t: &'a [$name]) -> (*mut *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) { skip_assert_initialized!(); let v: Vec<_> = t.iter().map(|s| $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(s)).collect(); let v_ptr = unsafe { let v_ptr = $crate::glib::ffi::g_malloc0(std::mem::size_of::<*mut $ffi_name>() * t.len() + 1) as *mut *mut $ffi_name; for (i, s) in v.iter().enumerate() { std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(i), s.0); } v_ptr }; (v_ptr, (v, None)) } fn to_glib_full_from_slice(t: &[$name]) -> *mut *mut $ffi_name { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let v_ptr = $crate::glib::ffi::g_malloc0(std::mem::size_of::<*mut $ffi_name>() * t.len() + 1) as *mut *mut $ffi_name; for (i, s) in t.iter().enumerate() { std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(i), $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_full(s)); } v_ptr } } } impl<'a> $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *const *mut $ffi_name> for $name { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type Storage = ( Vec<$crate::glib::translate::Stash<'a, *mut $ffi_name, $name>>, Option>, ); fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [$name]) -> (*const *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) { skip_assert_initialized!(); let (ptr, stash) = $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice::<'a, *mut *mut $ffi_name>::to_glib_none_from_slice(t); (ptr as *const *mut $ffi_name, stash) } fn to_glib_container_from_slice(_: &'a [$name]) -> (*const *mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) { skip_assert_initialized!(); // Can't have consumer free a *const pointer unimplemented!() } fn to_glib_full_from_slice(_: &[$name]) -> *const *mut $ffi_name { skip_assert_initialized!(); // Can't have consumer free a *const pointer unimplemented!() } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*const $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self { Self::from_glib_none(ptr) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> Self { Self::from_glib_none(ptr) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*const $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self { Self::from_glib_full(ptr) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> Self { Self::from_glib_full(ptr) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrBorrow<*const $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> $crate::glib::translate::Borrowed { Self::from_glib_borrow(ptr) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrBorrow<*mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> $crate::glib::translate::Borrowed { Self::from_glib_borrow(ptr) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec { if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() { return Vec::new(); } let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(num); for i in 0..num { res.push($crate::glib::translate::from_glib_none(std::ptr::read(ptr.add(i)))); } res } unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec { let res = $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, num); $crate::glib::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _); res } unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec { if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() { return Vec::new(); } let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(num); for i in 0..num { res.push($crate::glib::translate::from_glib_full(std::ptr::read(ptr.add(i)))); } $crate::glib::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _); res } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec { $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, glib::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr)) } unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec { $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr, glib::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr)) } unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec { $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr, glib::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr)) } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *const *mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *const *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec { $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr as *mut *mut _, num) } unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name, _: usize) -> Vec { // Can't free a *const unimplemented!() } unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name, _: usize) -> Vec { // Can't free a *const unimplemented!() } } impl $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *const *mut $ffi_name> for $name { unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *const *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec { $crate::glib::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr as *mut *mut _) } unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec { // Can't free a *const unimplemented!() } unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(_: *const *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec { // Can't free a *const unimplemented!() } } impl $crate::glib::translate::GlibPtrDefault for $name { type GlibType = *mut $ffi_name; } impl $ref_name { pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const $ffi_name { self as *const Self as *const $ffi_name } pub unsafe fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut $ffi_name { self as *const Self as *mut $ffi_name } pub unsafe fn from_ptr<'a>(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> &'a Self { assert!(!ptr.is_null()); &*(ptr as *const Self) } pub unsafe fn from_mut_ptr<'a>(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> &'a mut Self { assert!(!ptr.is_null()); assert_ne!( $crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_is_writable(ptr as *mut $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject), $crate::glib::ffi::GFALSE ); &mut *(ptr as *mut Self) } #[doc(alias = "gst_mini_object_copy")] pub fn copy(&self) -> $name { unsafe { $name::from_glib_full($crate::ffi::gst_mini_object_copy( self.as_ptr() as *const $crate::ffi::GstMiniObject ) as *const $ffi_name) } } pub fn upcast_ref(&self) -> &$crate::miniobject::MiniObjectRef { unsafe { &*(self.as_ptr() as *const $crate::miniobject::MiniObjectRef) } } pub fn upcast_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $crate::miniobject::MiniObjectRef { unsafe { &mut *(self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $crate::miniobject::MiniObjectRef) } } } impl $crate::glib::translate::GlibPtrDefault for $ref_name { type GlibType = *mut $ffi_name; } impl ToOwned for $ref_name { type Owned = $name; fn to_owned(&self) -> $name { self.copy() } } unsafe impl Sync for $ref_name {} unsafe impl Send for $ref_name {} unsafe impl Sync for $name {} unsafe impl Send for $name {} }; ($name:ident, $ref_name:ident, $ffi_name:path, $get_type:expr) => { $crate::mini_object_wrapper!($name, $ref_name, $ffi_name); impl $crate::glib::types::StaticType for $name { fn static_type() -> $crate::glib::types::Type { $ref_name::static_type() } } impl $crate::glib::types::StaticType for $ref_name { fn static_type() -> $crate::glib::types::Type { unsafe { $crate::glib::translate::from_glib($get_type()) } } } impl glib::value::ValueType for $name { type Type = Self; } unsafe impl<'a> $crate::glib::value::FromValue<'a> for $name { type Checker = $crate::glib::value::GenericValueTypeOrNoneChecker; unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a $crate::glib::Value) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); $crate::glib::translate::from_glib_none( $crate::glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_get_boxed($crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(value).0) as *mut $ffi_name ) } } impl $crate::glib::value::ToValue for $name { fn to_value(&self) -> $crate::glib::Value { let mut value = $crate::glib::Value::for_value_type::(); unsafe { $crate::glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_set_boxed( $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0, $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none(self).0 as *mut _, ) } value } fn value_type(&self) -> $crate::glib::Type { ::static_type() } } impl $crate::glib::value::ToValueOptional for $name { fn to_value_optional(s: Option<&Self>) -> $crate::glib::Value { skip_assert_initialized!(); let mut value = $crate::glib::Value::for_value_type::(); unsafe { $crate::glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_set_boxed( $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0, $crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none(&s).0 as *mut _, ) } value } } unsafe impl<'a> $crate::glib::value::FromValue<'a> for &'a $ref_name { type Checker = $crate::glib::value::GenericValueTypeOrNoneChecker; unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a $crate::glib::Value) -> Self { skip_assert_initialized!(); &*($crate::glib::gobject_ffi::g_value_get_boxed($crate::glib::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(value).0) as *const $ref_name) } } // Can't have SetValue/SetValueOptional impls as otherwise one could use it to get // immutable references from a mutable reference without borrowing via the value }; ); #[cfg(not(any(feature = "v1_20", feature = "dox")))] mini_object_wrapper!(MiniObject, MiniObjectRef, ffi::GstMiniObject); #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_20", feature = "dox"))] mini_object_wrapper!(MiniObject, MiniObjectRef, ffi::GstMiniObject, || { ffi::gst_mini_object_get_type() }); impl MiniObject { pub fn downcast(self) -> Result { if self.type_().is_a(T::static_type()) { unsafe { Ok(from_glib_full(self.into_ptr() as *mut T::FfiType)) } } else { Err(self) } } } impl MiniObjectRef { pub fn type_(&self) -> glib::Type { unsafe { from_glib((*self.as_ptr()).type_) } } pub fn downcast_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { if self.type_().is_a(T::static_type()) { unsafe { Some(&*(self as *const Self as *const T)) } } else { None } } pub fn downcast_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { if self.type_().is_a(T::static_type()) { unsafe { Some(&mut *(self as *mut Self as *mut T)) } } else { None } } }