// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use std::ffi::CStr; use std::fmt; use std::mem; use std::ptr; use glib::translate::{ from_glib, from_glib_full, from_glib_none, FromGlibPtrContainer, IntoGlib, IntoGlibPtr, ToGlibPtr, }; use crate::TagList; use crate::TagMergeMode; use crate::TocEntryType; use crate::TocLoopType; use crate::TocScope; mini_object_wrapper!(Toc, TocRef, ffi::GstToc, || { ffi::gst_toc_get_type() }); impl Toc { #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_new")] pub fn new(scope: TocScope) -> Self { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); unsafe { from_glib_full(ffi::gst_toc_new(scope.into_glib())) } } } impl TocRef { #[doc(alias = "get_scope")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_get_scope")] pub fn scope(&self) -> TocScope { unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gst_toc_get_scope(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_find_entry")] pub fn find_entry(&self, uid: &str) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::gst_toc_find_entry(self.as_ptr(), uid.to_glib_none().0)) } } #[doc(alias = "get_entries")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_get_entries")] pub fn entries(&self) -> Vec { unsafe { FromGlibPtrContainer::from_glib_none(ffi::gst_toc_get_entries(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_append_entry")] pub fn append_entry(&mut self, entry: TocEntry) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_append_entry(self.as_mut_ptr(), entry.into_glib_ptr()); } } #[doc(alias = "get_tags")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_get_tags")] pub fn tags(&self) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::gst_toc_get_tags(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_set_tags")] pub fn set_tags(&mut self, tag_list: Option) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_set_tags( self.as_mut_ptr(), tag_list .map(|t| t.into_glib_ptr()) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()), ); } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_merge_tags")] pub fn merge_tags(&mut self, tag_list: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_merge_tags( self.as_mut_ptr(), tag_list.map(|l| l.as_mut_ptr()).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()), mode.into_glib(), ); } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_dump")] pub fn dump(&self) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_dump(self.as_mut_ptr()); } } } impl fmt::Debug for Toc { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { TocRef::fmt(self, f) } } impl fmt::Debug for TocRef { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Toc") .field("scope", &self.scope()) .field("tags", &self.tags()) .field("entries", &self.entries()) .finish() } } mini_object_wrapper!(TocEntry, TocEntryRef, ffi::GstTocEntry, || { ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_type() }); impl TocEntry { #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_new")] pub fn new(type_: TocEntryType, uid: &str) -> Self { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); unsafe { from_glib_full(ffi::gst_toc_entry_new( type_.into_glib(), uid.to_glib_none().0, )) } } } impl TocEntryRef { #[doc(alias = "get_entry_type")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_get_entry_type")] pub fn entry_type(&self) -> TocEntryType { unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_entry_type(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "get_uid")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_get_uid")] pub fn uid(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_uid(self.as_ptr())) .to_str() .unwrap() } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_append_sub_entry")] pub fn append_sub_entry(&mut self, subentry: TocEntry) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_entry_append_sub_entry(self.as_mut_ptr(), subentry.into_glib_ptr()); } } #[doc(alias = "get_sub_entries")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_get_sub_entries")] pub fn sub_entries(&self) -> Vec { unsafe { FromGlibPtrContainer::from_glib_none(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_sub_entries(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "get_parent")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_get_parent")] pub fn parent(&self) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_parent(self.as_mut_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "get_start_stop_times")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_get_start_stop_times")] pub fn start_stop_times(&self) -> Option<(i64, i64)> { unsafe { let mut start = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let mut stop = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_start_stop_times( self.as_ptr(), start.as_mut_ptr(), stop.as_mut_ptr(), )) { Some((start.assume_init(), stop.assume_init())) } else { None } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_set_start_stop_times")] pub fn set_start_stop_times(&mut self, start: i64, stop: i64) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_entry_set_start_stop_times(self.as_mut_ptr(), start, stop); } } #[doc(alias = "get_tags")] #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_get_tags")] pub fn tags(&self) -> Option { unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_tags(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_set_tags")] pub fn set_tags(&mut self, tag_list: Option) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_entry_set_tags( self.as_mut_ptr(), tag_list .map(|t| t.into_glib_ptr()) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()), ); } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_merge_tags")] pub fn merge_tags(&mut self, tag_list: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_entry_merge_tags( self.as_mut_ptr(), tag_list.map(|l| l.as_mut_ptr()).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()), mode.into_glib(), ); } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_is_alternative")] pub fn is_alternative(&self) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gst_toc_entry_is_alternative(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_is_sequence")] pub fn is_sequence(&self) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gst_toc_entry_is_sequence(self.as_ptr())) } } #[doc(alias = "get_loop")] pub fn loop_(&self) -> Option<(TocLoopType, i32)> { unsafe { let mut loop_type = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let mut repeat_count = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_toc_entry_get_loop( self.as_ptr(), loop_type.as_mut_ptr(), repeat_count.as_mut_ptr(), )) { Some(( from_glib(loop_type.assume_init()), repeat_count.assume_init(), )) } else { None } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_toc_entry_set_loop")] pub fn set_loop(&mut self, loop_type: TocLoopType, repeat_count: i32) { unsafe { ffi::gst_toc_entry_set_loop(self.as_mut_ptr(), loop_type.into_glib(), repeat_count); } } } impl fmt::Debug for TocEntry { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { TocEntryRef::fmt(self, f) } } impl fmt::Debug for TocEntryRef { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TocEntry") .field("entry_type", &self.entry_type()) .field("uid", &self.uid()) .field("start_stop", &self.start_stop_times()) .field("tags", &self.tags()) .field("is_alternative", &self.is_alternative()) .field("is_sequence", &self.is_sequence()) .field("loop", &self.loop_()) .field("sub_entries", &self.sub_entries()) .finish() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_simple() { crate::init().unwrap(); // Top level toc entry let mut toc_entry = TocEntry::new(TocEntryType::Chapter, "chapter"); toc_entry.get_mut().unwrap().set_start_stop_times(1, 10); // Toc sub entry let toc_sub_entry = TocEntry::new(TocEntryType::Angle, "angle"); let parent = toc_sub_entry.parent(); assert!(parent.is_none()); // Append sub entry toc_entry.get_mut().unwrap().append_sub_entry(toc_sub_entry); // Toc let mut toc = Toc::new(TocScope::Global); assert_eq!(toc.scope(), TocScope::Global); // Append toc entry toc.get_mut().unwrap().append_entry(toc_entry); assert_eq!(toc.scope(), TocScope::Global); // Check toc entries let toc_entries = toc.entries(); assert_eq!(toc_entries.len(), 1); let toc_parent_entry = &toc_entries[0]; assert_eq!(toc_parent_entry.entry_type(), TocEntryType::Chapter); assert_eq!(toc_parent_entry.uid(), "chapter"); let start_stop_times = toc_parent_entry.start_stop_times(); assert!(start_stop_times.is_some()); assert_eq!(start_stop_times.unwrap(), (1, 10)); // Check sub entry let toc_sub_entries = toc_parent_entry.sub_entries(); assert_eq!(toc_sub_entries.len(), 1); let toc_sub_entry = &toc_sub_entries[0]; assert_eq!(toc_sub_entry.entry_type(), TocEntryType::Angle); let parent = toc_sub_entry.parent(); assert!(parent.is_some()); assert_eq!(parent.unwrap().entry_type(), TocEntryType::Chapter); } }