// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Sebastian Dröge // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use ffi; use Object; use Element; use miniobject::*; use structure::*; use TagList; use std::ptr; use std::mem; use std::ffi::CStr; use glib; use glib::translate::{from_glib, from_glib_none, from_glib_full, mut_override, ToGlibPtr, ToGlib}; #[repr(C)] pub struct MessageRef(ffi::GstMessage); pub type Message = GstRc; unsafe impl MiniObject for MessageRef { type GstType = ffi::GstMessage; } impl MessageRef { pub fn get_src(&self) -> Object { unsafe { from_glib_none((*self.as_ptr()).src) } } pub fn get_seqnum(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { ffi::gst_message_get_seqnum(self.as_mut_ptr()) } } pub fn get_structure(&self) -> &StructureRef { unsafe { let structure = ffi::gst_message_get_structure(self.as_mut_ptr()); StructureRef::from_glib_borrow(structure) } } pub fn view(&self) -> MessageView { let type_ = unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).type_ }; if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_EOS { MessageView::Eos } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_ERROR { MessageView::Error(Error(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_WARNING { MessageView::Warning(Warning(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_INFO { MessageView::Info(Info(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_TAG { MessageView::Tag(Tag(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_BUFFERING { MessageView::Buffering(Buffering(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED { MessageView::StateChanged(StateChanged(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STATE_DIRTY { MessageView::StateDirty } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STEP_DONE { MessageView::StepDone(StepDone(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_CLOCK_PROVIDE { MessageView::ClockProvide(ClockProvide(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_CLOCK_LOST { MessageView::ClockLost(ClockLost(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_NEW_CLOCK { MessageView::NewClock(NewClock(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STRUCTURE_CHANGE { MessageView::StructureChange(StructureChange(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_STATUS { MessageView::StreamStatus(StreamStatus(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_APPLICATION { MessageView::Application } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_ELEMENT { MessageView::Element } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_SEGMENT_START { MessageView::SegmentStart(SegmentStart(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_SEGMENT_DONE { MessageView::SegmentDone(SegmentDone(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_DURATION_CHANGED { MessageView::DurationChanged } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_LATENCY { MessageView::Latency } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_START { MessageView::AsyncStart } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE { MessageView::AsyncDone(AsyncDone(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_REQUEST_STATE { MessageView::RequestState(RequestState(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STEP_START { MessageView::StepStart(StepStart(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_QOS { MessageView::Qos(Qos(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_PROGRESS { MessageView::Progress(Progress(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_TOC { MessageView::Toc(Toc(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_RESET_TIME { MessageView::ResetTime(ResetTime(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_START { MessageView::StreamStart(StreamStart(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_NEED_CONTEXT { MessageView::NeedContext(NeedContext(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_HAVE_CONTEXT { MessageView::HaveContext(HaveContext(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_DEVICE_ADDED { MessageView::DeviceAdded(DeviceAdded(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_DEVICE_REMOVED { MessageView::DeviceRemoved(DeviceRemoved(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_NOTIFY { MessageView::PropertyNotify(PropertyNotify(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_COLLECTION { MessageView::StreamCollection(StreamCollection(self)) } else if type_ == ffi::GST_MESSAGE_STREAMS_SELECTED { MessageView::StreamsSelected(StreamsSelected(self)) } else { MessageView::Other } } } impl glib::types::StaticType for GstRc { fn static_type() -> glib::types::Type { unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gst_message_get_type()) } } } pub enum MessageView<'a> { Eos, Error(Error<'a>), Warning(Warning<'a>), Info(Info<'a>), Tag(Tag<'a>), Buffering(Buffering<'a>), StateChanged(StateChanged<'a>), StateDirty, StepDone(StepDone<'a>), ClockProvide(ClockProvide<'a>), ClockLost(ClockLost<'a>), NewClock(NewClock<'a>), StructureChange(StructureChange<'a>), StreamStatus(StreamStatus<'a>), Application, Element, SegmentStart(SegmentStart<'a>), SegmentDone(SegmentDone<'a>), DurationChanged, Latency, AsyncStart, AsyncDone(AsyncDone<'a>), RequestState(RequestState<'a>), StepStart(StepStart<'a>), Qos(Qos<'a>), Progress(Progress<'a>), Toc(Toc<'a>), ResetTime(ResetTime<'a>), StreamStart(StreamStart<'a>), NeedContext(NeedContext<'a>), HaveContext(HaveContext<'a>), DeviceAdded(DeviceAdded<'a>), DeviceRemoved(DeviceRemoved<'a>), PropertyNotify(PropertyNotify<'a>), StreamCollection(StreamCollection<'a>), StreamsSelected(StreamsSelected<'a>), Redirect(Redirect<'a>), Other, __NonExhaustive, } pub struct Error<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Error<'a> { pub fn get_error(&self) -> glib::Error { unsafe { let mut error = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_error(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut error, ptr::null_mut()); from_glib_full(error) } } pub fn get_debug(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let mut debug = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_error(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut debug); from_glib_full(debug) } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_details(&self) -> Option<&StructureRef> { unsafe { let mut details = ptr::null(); ffi::gst_message_parse_error_details(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut details); if details.is_null() { None } else { Some(StructureRef::from_glib_borrow(details)) } } } } pub struct Warning<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Warning<'a> { pub fn get_error(&self) -> glib::Error { unsafe { let mut error = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_warning(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut error, ptr::null_mut()); from_glib_full(error) } } pub fn get_debug(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let mut debug = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_warning(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut debug); from_glib_full(debug) } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_details(&self) -> Option<&StructureRef> { unsafe { let mut details = ptr::null(); ffi::gst_message_parse_error_details(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut details); if details.is_null() { None } else { Some(StructureRef::from_glib_borrow(details)) } } } } pub struct Info<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Info<'a> { pub fn get_error(&self) -> glib::Error { unsafe { let mut error = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_info(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut error, ptr::null_mut()); from_glib_full(error) } } pub fn get_debug(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let mut debug = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_info(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut debug); from_glib_full(debug) } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_details(&self) -> Option<&StructureRef> { unsafe { let mut details = ptr::null(); ffi::gst_message_parse_error_details(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut details); if details.is_null() { None } else { Some(StructureRef::from_glib_borrow(details)) } } } } pub struct Tag<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Tag<'a> { pub fn get_tags(&self) -> TagList { unsafe { let mut tags = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_tag(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut tags); from_glib_full(tags) } } } pub struct Buffering<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Buffering<'a> { pub fn get_percent(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { let mut p = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_buffering(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut p); p } } pub fn get_buffering_stats(&self) -> (::BufferingMode, i32, i32, i64) { unsafe { let mut mode = mem::uninitialized(); let mut avg_in = mem::uninitialized(); let mut avg_out = mem::uninitialized(); let mut buffering_left = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_buffering_stats( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut mode, &mut avg_in, &mut avg_out, &mut buffering_left, ); (from_glib(mode), avg_in, avg_out, buffering_left) } } } pub struct StateChanged<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StateChanged<'a> { pub fn get_old(&self) -> ::State { unsafe { let mut state = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_state_changed( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut state, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), ); from_glib(state) } } pub fn get_current(&self) -> ::State { unsafe { let mut state = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_state_changed( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut state, ptr::null_mut(), ); from_glib(state) } } pub fn get_pending(&self) -> ::State { unsafe { let mut state = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_state_changed( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut state, ); from_glib(state) } } } pub struct StepDone<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StepDone<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (::Format, u64, f64, bool, bool, u64, bool) { unsafe { let mut format = mem::uninitialized(); let mut amount = mem::uninitialized(); let mut rate = mem::uninitialized(); let mut flush = mem::uninitialized(); let mut intermediate = mem::uninitialized(); let mut duration = mem::uninitialized(); let mut eos = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_step_done( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut format, &mut amount, &mut rate, &mut flush, &mut intermediate, &mut duration, &mut eos, ); ( from_glib(format), amount, rate, from_glib(flush), from_glib(intermediate), duration, from_glib(eos), ) } } } pub struct ClockProvide<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> ClockProvide<'a> { pub fn get_clock(&self) -> Option<::Clock> { let mut clock = ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { ffi::gst_message_parse_clock_provide(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut clock, ptr::null_mut()); from_glib_none(clock) } } pub fn get_ready(&self) -> bool { unsafe { let mut ready = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_clock_provide(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut ready); from_glib(ready) } } } pub struct ClockLost<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> ClockLost<'a> { pub fn get_clock(&self) -> Option<::Clock> { let mut clock = ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { ffi::gst_message_parse_clock_lost(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut clock); from_glib_none(clock) } } } pub struct NewClock<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> NewClock<'a> { pub fn get_clock(&self) -> Option<::Clock> { let mut clock = ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { ffi::gst_message_parse_new_clock(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut clock); from_glib_none(clock) } } } pub struct StructureChange<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StructureChange<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (::StructureChangeType, Option, bool) { unsafe { let mut type_ = mem::uninitialized(); let mut owner = ptr::null_mut(); let mut busy = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_structure_change( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut type_, &mut owner, &mut busy, ); (from_glib(type_), from_glib_none(owner), from_glib(busy)) } } } pub struct StreamStatus<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StreamStatus<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (::StreamStatusType, Option) { unsafe { let mut type_ = mem::uninitialized(); let mut owner = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_stream_status(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut type_, &mut owner); (from_glib(type_), from_glib_none(owner)) } } pub fn get_stream_status_object(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let value = ffi::gst_message_get_stream_status_object(self.0.as_mut_ptr()); from_glib_none(value) } } } pub struct SegmentStart<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> SegmentStart<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (::Format, i64) { unsafe { let mut format = mem::uninitialized(); let mut position = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_segment_start(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut format, &mut position); (from_glib(format), position) } } } pub struct SegmentDone<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> SegmentDone<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (::Format, i64) { unsafe { let mut format = mem::uninitialized(); let mut position = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_segment_done(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut format, &mut position); (from_glib(format), position) } } } pub struct AsyncDone<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> AsyncDone<'a> { pub fn get_running_time(&self) -> u64 { unsafe { let mut running_time = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_async_done(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut running_time); running_time } } } pub struct RequestState<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> RequestState<'a> { pub fn get_requested_state(&self) -> ::State { unsafe { let mut state = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_request_state(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut state); from_glib(state) } } } pub struct StepStart<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StepStart<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (bool, ::Format, u64, f64, bool, bool) { unsafe { let mut active = mem::uninitialized(); let mut format = mem::uninitialized(); let mut amount = mem::uninitialized(); let mut rate = mem::uninitialized(); let mut flush = mem::uninitialized(); let mut intermediate = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_step_start( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut active, &mut format, &mut amount, &mut rate, &mut flush, &mut intermediate, ); ( from_glib(active), from_glib(format), amount, rate, from_glib(flush), from_glib(intermediate), ) } } } pub struct Qos<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Qos<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (bool, u64, u64, u64, u64) { unsafe { let mut live = mem::uninitialized(); let mut running_time = mem::uninitialized(); let mut stream_time = mem::uninitialized(); let mut timestamp = mem::uninitialized(); let mut duration = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_qos( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut live, &mut running_time, &mut stream_time, &mut timestamp, &mut duration, ); ( from_glib(live), running_time, stream_time, timestamp, duration, ) } } pub fn get_values(&self) -> (i64, f64, i32) { unsafe { let mut jitter = mem::uninitialized(); let mut proportion = mem::uninitialized(); let mut quality = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_qos_values( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut jitter, &mut proportion, &mut quality, ); (jitter, proportion, quality) } } pub fn get_stats(&self) -> (::Format, u64, u64) { unsafe { let mut format = mem::uninitialized(); let mut processed = mem::uninitialized(); let mut dropped = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_qos_stats( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut format, &mut processed, &mut dropped, ); (from_glib(format), processed, dropped) } } } pub struct Progress<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Progress<'a> { pub fn get(&self) -> (::ProgressType, Option<&'a str>, Option<&'a str>) { unsafe { let mut type_ = mem::uninitialized(); let mut code = ptr::null_mut(); let mut text = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_progress(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut type_, &mut code, &mut text); let code = if code.is_null() { None } else { Some(CStr::from_ptr(code).to_str().unwrap()) }; let text = if text.is_null() { None } else { Some(CStr::from_ptr(text).to_str().unwrap()) }; (from_glib(type_), code, text) } } } pub struct Toc<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Toc<'a> { // TODO get_toc() } pub struct ResetTime<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> ResetTime<'a> { pub fn get_running_time(&self) -> u64 { unsafe { let mut running_time = mem::uninitialized(); ffi::gst_message_parse_reset_time(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut running_time); running_time } } } pub struct StreamStart<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StreamStart<'a> { pub fn get_group_id(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let mut group_id = mem::uninitialized(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_message_parse_group_id( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut group_id, )) { Some(group_id) } else { None } } } } pub struct NeedContext<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> NeedContext<'a> { pub fn get_context_type(&self) -> Option<&str> { unsafe { let mut context_type = ptr::null(); if from_glib(ffi::gst_message_parse_context_type( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut context_type, )) && !context_type.is_null() { Some(CStr::from_ptr(context_type).to_str().unwrap()) } else { None } } } } pub struct HaveContext<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> HaveContext<'a> { // TODO: get_context() } pub struct DeviceAdded<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> DeviceAdded<'a> { pub fn get_device(&self) -> ::Device { unsafe { let mut device = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_device_added(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut device); from_glib_none(device) } } } pub struct DeviceRemoved<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> DeviceRemoved<'a> { pub fn get_device(&self) -> ::Device { unsafe { let mut device = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_device_removed(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut device); from_glib_none(device) } } } pub struct PropertyNotify<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> PropertyNotify<'a> { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get(&self) -> (Object, &str, ::Value) { unsafe { let mut object = ptr::null_mut(); let mut property_name = ptr::null(); let mut value = ptr::null(); ffi::gst_message_parse_property_notify( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut object, &mut property_name, &mut value, ); ( from_glib_none(object), CStr::from_ptr(property_name).to_str().unwrap(), from_glib_none(value), ) } } } pub struct StreamCollection<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StreamCollection<'a> { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_stream_collection(&self) -> ::StreamCollection { unsafe { let mut collection = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_stream_collection(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut collection); from_glib_full(collection) } } } pub struct StreamsSelected<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> StreamsSelected<'a> { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_stream_collection(&self) -> ::StreamCollection { unsafe { let mut collection = ptr::null_mut(); ffi::gst_message_parse_streams_selected(self.0.as_mut_ptr(), &mut collection); from_glib_full(collection) } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_streams(&self) -> Vec<::Stream> { unsafe { let n = ffi::gst_message_streams_selected_get_size(self.0.as_mut_ptr()); (0..n) .map(|i| { from_glib_full(ffi::gst_message_streams_selected_get_stream( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), i, )) }) .collect() } } } pub struct Redirect<'a>(&'a MessageRef); impl<'a> Redirect<'a> { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn get_entries(&self) -> Vec<(&str, Option, Option<&StructureRef>)> { unsafe { let n = ffi::gst_message_get_num_redirect_entries(self.0.as_mut_ptr()); (0..n) .map(|i| { let mut location = ptr::null(); let mut tags = ptr::null_mut(); let mut structure = ptr::null(); ffi::gst_message_parse_redirect_entry( self.0.as_mut_ptr(), i, &mut location, &mut tags, &mut structure, ); let structure = if structure.is_null() { None } else { Some(StructureRef::from_glib_borrow(structure)) }; ( CStr::from_ptr(location).to_str().unwrap(), from_glib_none(tags), structure, ) }) .collect() } } } macro_rules! message_builder_generic_impl { ($new_fn:expr) => { pub fn src(self, src: Option<&'a Object>) -> Self { Self { src: src, .. self } } pub fn seqnum(self, seqnum: u32) -> Self { Self { seqnum: Some(seqnum), .. self } } pub fn build(mut self) -> Message { assert_initialized_main_thread!(); unsafe { let src = self.src.to_glib_none().0; let msg = $new_fn(&mut self, src); if let Some(seqnum) = self.seqnum { ffi::gst_message_set_seqnum(msg, seqnum); } from_glib_full(msg) } } } } pub struct EosBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, } impl<'a> EosBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|_, src| ffi::gst_message_new_eos(src)); } pub struct ErrorBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, error: &'a glib::Error, debug: Option<&'a str>, details: Option, } impl<'a> ErrorBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(error: &'a glib::Error) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, error: error, debug: None, details: None, } } pub fn debug(self, debug: &'a str) -> Self { Self { debug: Some(debug), ..self } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn details(self, details: Structure) -> Self { Self { details: Some(details), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] { let details = match s.details.take() { None => ptr::null_mut(), Some(details) => details.into_ptr(), }; ffi::gst_message_new_error_with_details( src, mut_override(s.error.to_glib_none().0), s.debug.to_glib_none().0, details, ) } #[cfg(not(feature = "v1_10"))] { ffi::gst_message_new_error( src, mut_override(s.error.to_glib_none().0), s.debug.to_glib_none().0, ) } }); } pub struct WarningBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, error: &'a glib::Error, debug: Option<&'a str>, details: Option, } impl<'a> WarningBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(error: &'a glib::Error) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, error: error, debug: None, details: None, } } pub fn debug(self, debug: &'a str) -> Self { Self { debug: Some(debug), ..self } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn details(self, details: Structure) -> Self { Self { details: Some(details), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] { let details = match s.details.take() { None => ptr::null_mut(), Some(details) => details.into_ptr(), }; ffi::gst_message_new_warning_with_details( src, mut_override(s.error.to_glib_none().0), s.debug.to_glib_none().0, details, ) } #[cfg(not(feature = "v1_10"))] { ffi::gst_message_new_warning( src, mut_override(s.error.to_glib_none().0), s.debug.to_glib_none().0, ) } }); } pub struct InfoBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, error: &'a glib::Error, debug: Option<&'a str>, details: Option, } impl<'a> InfoBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(error: &'a glib::Error) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, error: error, debug: None, details: None, } } pub fn debug(self, debug: &'a str) -> Self { Self { debug: Some(debug), ..self } } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] pub fn details(self, details: Structure) -> Self { Self { details: Some(details), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] { let details = match s.details.take() { None => ptr::null_mut(), Some(details) => details.into_ptr(), }; ffi::gst_message_new_info_with_details( src, mut_override(s.error.to_glib_none().0), s.debug.to_glib_none().0, details, ) } #[cfg(not(feature = "v1_10"))] { ffi::gst_message_new_info( src, mut_override(s.error.to_glib_none().0), s.debug.to_glib_none().0, ) } }); } pub struct TagBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, tags: &'a TagList, } impl<'a> TagBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(tags: &'a TagList) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, tags: tags, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_tag(src, s.tags.to_glib_full()) }); } pub struct BufferingBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, percent: i32, stats: Option<(::BufferingMode, i32, i32, i64)>, } impl<'a> BufferingBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(percent: i32) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, percent: percent, stats: None, } } pub fn stats( self, mode: ::BufferingMode, avg_in: i32, avg_out: i32, buffering_left: i64, ) -> Self { Self { stats: Some((mode, avg_in, avg_out, buffering_left)), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { let msg = ffi::gst_message_new_buffering(src, s.percent); if let Some((mode, avg_in, avg_out, buffering_left)) = s.stats { ffi::gst_message_set_buffering_stats( msg, mode.to_glib(), avg_in, avg_out, buffering_left, ); } msg }); } pub struct StateChangedBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, old: ::State, new: ::State, pending: ::State, } impl<'a> StateChangedBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(old: ::State, new: ::State, pending: ::State) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, old: old, new: new, pending: pending, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_state_changed( src, s.old.to_glib(), s.new.to_glib(), s.pending.to_glib(), ) }); } pub struct StateDirtyBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, } impl<'a> StateDirtyBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|_, src| ffi::gst_message_new_state_dirty(src)); } pub struct StepDoneBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, format: ::Format, amount: u64, rate: f64, flush: bool, intermediate: bool, duration: u64, eos: bool, } impl<'a> StepDoneBuilder<'a> { pub fn new( format: ::Format, amount: u64, rate: f64, flush: bool, intermediate: bool, duration: u64, eos: bool, ) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, format: format, amount: amount, rate: rate, flush: flush, intermediate: intermediate, duration: duration, eos: eos, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_step_done( src, s.format.to_glib(), s.amount, s.rate, s.flush.to_glib(), s.intermediate.to_glib(), s.duration, s.eos.to_glib(), ) }); } pub struct ClockProvideBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, clock: &'a ::Clock, ready: bool, } impl<'a> ClockProvideBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(clock: &'a ::Clock, ready: bool) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, clock: clock, ready: ready, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_clock_provide(src, s.clock.to_glib_none().0, s.ready.to_glib()) }); } pub struct ClockLostBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, clock: &'a ::Clock, } impl<'a> ClockLostBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(clock: &'a ::Clock) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, clock: clock, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_clock_lost(src, s.clock.to_glib_none().0) }); } pub struct NewClockBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, clock: &'a ::Clock, } impl<'a> NewClockBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(clock: &'a ::Clock) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, clock: clock, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_new_clock(src, s.clock.to_glib_none().0) }); } pub struct StructureChangeBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, type_: ::StructureChangeType, owner: &'a ::Element, busy: bool, } impl<'a> StructureChangeBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(type_: ::StructureChangeType, owner: &'a ::Element, busy: bool) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, type_: type_, owner: owner, busy: busy, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_structure_change( src, s.type_.to_glib(), s.owner.to_glib_none().0, s.busy.to_glib(), ) }); } pub struct StreamStatusBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, type_: ::StreamStatusType, owner: &'a ::Element, status_object: Option<&'a glib::Value>, } impl<'a> StreamStatusBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(type_: ::StreamStatusType, owner: &'a ::Element) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, type_: type_, owner: owner, status_object: None, } } pub fn status_object(self, status_object: &'a glib::Value) -> Self { Self { status_object: Some(status_object), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { let msg = ffi::gst_message_new_stream_status(src, s.type_.to_glib(), s.owner.to_glib_none().0); if let Some(status_object) = s.status_object { ffi::gst_message_set_stream_status_object(msg, status_object.to_glib_none().0); } msg }); } pub struct ApplicationBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, structure: Option<::Structure>, } impl<'a> ApplicationBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(structure: ::Structure) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, structure: Some(structure), } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_application(src, s.structure.take().unwrap().into_ptr()) }); } pub struct ElementBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, structure: Option<::Structure>, } impl<'a> ElementBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(structure: ::Structure) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, structure: Some(structure), } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_element(src, s.structure.take().unwrap().into_ptr()) }); } pub struct SegmentStartBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, format: ::Format, position: i64, } impl<'a> SegmentStartBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(format: ::Format, position: i64) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, format: format, position: position, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_segment_start(src, s.format.to_glib(), s.position) }); } pub struct SegmentDoneBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, format: ::Format, position: i64, } impl<'a> SegmentDoneBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(format: ::Format, position: i64) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, format: format, position: position, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_segment_done(src, s.format.to_glib(), s.position) }); } pub struct DurationChangedBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, } impl<'a> DurationChangedBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|_, src| ffi::gst_message_new_duration_changed(src)); } pub struct LatencyBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, } impl<'a> LatencyBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|_, src| ffi::gst_message_new_latency(src)); } pub struct AsyncStartBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, } impl<'a> AsyncStartBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|_, src| ffi::gst_message_new_async_start(src)); } pub struct AsyncDoneBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, running_time: u64, } impl<'a> AsyncDoneBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(running_time: u64) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, running_time: running_time, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_async_done(src, s.running_time) }); } pub struct RequestStateBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, state: ::State, } impl<'a> RequestStateBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(state: ::State) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, state: state, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_request_state(src, s.state.to_glib()) }); } pub struct StepStartBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, active: bool, format: ::Format, amount: u64, rate: f64, flush: bool, intermediate: bool, } impl<'a> StepStartBuilder<'a> { pub fn new( active: bool, format: ::Format, amount: u64, rate: f64, flush: bool, intermediate: bool, ) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, active: active, format: format, amount: amount, rate: rate, flush: flush, intermediate: intermediate, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_step_start( src, s.active.to_glib(), s.format.to_glib(), s.amount, s.rate, s.flush.to_glib(), s.intermediate.to_glib(), ) }); } pub struct QosBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, live: bool, running_time: u64, stream_time: u64, timestamp: u64, duration: u64, values: Option<(i64, f64, i32)>, stats: Option<(::Format, u64, u64)>, } impl<'a> QosBuilder<'a> { pub fn new( live: bool, running_time: u64, stream_time: u64, timestamp: u64, duration: u64, ) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, live: live, running_time: running_time, stream_time: stream_time, timestamp: timestamp, duration: duration, values: None, stats: None, } } pub fn values(self, jitter: i64, proportion: f64, quality: i32) -> Self { Self { values: Some((jitter, proportion, quality)), ..self } } pub fn stats(self, format: ::Format, processed: u64, dropped: u64) -> Self { Self { stats: Some((format, processed, dropped)), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { let msg = ffi::gst_message_new_qos( src, s.live.to_glib(), s.running_time, s.stream_time, s.timestamp, s.duration, ); if let Some((jitter, proportion, quality)) = s.values { ffi::gst_message_set_qos_values(msg, jitter, proportion, quality); } if let Some((format, processed, dropped)) = s.stats { ffi::gst_message_set_qos_stats(msg, format.to_glib(), processed, dropped); } msg }); } pub struct ProgressBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, type_: ::ProgressType, code: Option<&'a str>, text: Option<&'a str>, } impl<'a> ProgressBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(type_: ::ProgressType) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, type_: type_, code: None, text: None, } } pub fn code(self, code: &'a str) -> Self { Self { code: Some(code), ..self } } pub fn text(self, text: &'a str) -> Self { Self { text: Some(text), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_progress( src, s.type_.to_glib(), s.code.to_glib_none().0, s.text.to_glib_none().0, ) }); } // TODO Toc pub struct TocBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, toc: (), updated: bool, } impl<'a> TocBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(toc: () /* &'a Toc */, updated: bool) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, toc: toc, updated: updated, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_toc( src, ptr::null_mut(), /*s.structure.to_glib_full()*/ s.updated.to_glib(), ) }); } pub struct ResetTimeBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, running_time: u64, } impl<'a> ResetTimeBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(running_time: u64) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, running_time: running_time, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_reset_time(src, s.running_time) }); } pub struct StreamStartBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, group_id: Option, } impl<'a> StreamStartBuilder<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, group_id: None, } } pub fn group_id(self, group_id: u32) -> Self { Self { group_id: Some(group_id), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { let msg = ffi::gst_message_new_stream_start(src); if let Some(group_id) = s.group_id { ffi::gst_message_set_group_id(msg, group_id); } msg }); } pub struct NeedContextBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, context_type: &'a str, } impl<'a> NeedContextBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(context_type: &'a str) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, context_type: context_type, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_need_context(src, s.context_type.to_glib_none().0) }); } // TODO Context pub struct HaveContextBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, context: (), } impl<'a> HaveContextBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(context: () /* ::Context */) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, context: (), } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_have_context(src, ptr::null_mut() /*s.context.to_glib_full().0*/) }); } pub struct DeviceAddedBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, device: &'a ::Device, } impl<'a> DeviceAddedBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(device: &'a ::Device) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, device: device, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_device_added(src, s.device.to_glib_none().0) }); } pub struct DeviceRemovedBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, device: &'a ::Device, } impl<'a> DeviceRemovedBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(device: &'a ::Device) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, device: device, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_device_removed(src, s.device.to_glib_none().0) }); } pub struct PropertyNotifyBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, property_name: &'a str, value: &'a glib::Value, } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] impl<'a> PropertyNotifyBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(property_name: &'a str, value: &'a glib::Value) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, property_name: property_name, value: value, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_property_notify( src, s.property_name.to_glib_none().0, mut_override(s.value.to_glib_none().0), ) }); } pub struct StreamCollectionBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] collection: &'a ::StreamCollection, } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] impl<'a> StreamCollectionBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(collection: &'a ::StreamCollection) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, collection: collection, } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { ffi::gst_message_new_stream_collection(src, s.collection.to_glib_none().0) }); } pub struct StreamsSelectedBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] collection: &'a ::StreamCollection, #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] streams: Option<&'a [&'a ::Stream]>, } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] impl<'a> StreamsSelectedBuilder<'a> { pub fn new(collection: &'a ::StreamCollection) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, collection: collection, streams: None, } } pub fn streams(self, streams: &'a [&'a ::Stream]) -> Self { Self { streams: Some(streams), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { let msg = ffi::gst_message_new_streams_selected(src, s.collection.to_glib_none().0); if let Some(streams) = s.streams { for stream in streams { ffi::gst_message_streams_selected_add(msg, stream.to_glib_none().0); } } msg }); } pub struct RedirectBuilder<'a> { src: Option<&'a Object>, seqnum: Option, location: &'a str, tag_list: Option<&'a TagList>, entry_struct: Option, entries: Option<&'a [(&'a str, Option<&'a TagList>, Option<&'a Structure>)]>, } #[cfg(feature = "v1_10")] impl<'a> RedirectBuilder<'a> { pub fn new( location: &'a str, tag_list: Option<&'a TagList>, entry_struct: Option, ) -> Self { Self { src: None, seqnum: None, location: location, tag_list: tag_list, entry_struct: entry_struct, entries: None, } } pub fn entries( self, entries: &'a [(&'a str, Option<&'a TagList>, Option<&'a Structure>)], ) -> Self { Self { entries: Some(entries), ..self } } message_builder_generic_impl!(|s: &mut Self, src| { let entry_struct = s.entry_struct.take(); let entry_struct_ptr = if let Some(entry_struct) = entry_struct { entry_struct.into_ptr() } else { ptr::null_mut() }; let msg = ffi::gst_message_new_redirect( src, s.location.to_glib_none().0, s.tag_list.to_glib_full(), entry_struct_ptr, ); if let Some(entries) = s.entries { for &(location, tag_list, entry_struct) in entries { let entry_struct = entry_struct.map(|s| s.clone()); let entry_struct_ptr = if let Some(entry_struct) = entry_struct { entry_struct.into_ptr() } else { ptr::null_mut() }; ffi::gst_message_add_redirect_entry( msg, location.to_glib_none().0, tag_list.to_glib_full(), entry_struct_ptr, ); } } msg }); }