// Generated by gir (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir @ e0d8d8d645b1) // from gir-files (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir-files @ 5502d32880f5) // from gst-gir-files (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gir-files-rs.git @ ded95f916ad9) // DO NOT EDIT use gstreamer_gl_sys::*; use std::env; use std::error::Error; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::mem::{align_of, size_of}; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; use std::str; use tempfile::Builder; static PACKAGES: &[&str] = &["gstreamer-gl-1.0"]; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Compiler { pub args: Vec, } impl Compiler { pub fn new() -> Result> { let mut args = get_var("CC", "cc")?; args.push("-Wno-deprecated-declarations".to_owned()); // For _Generic args.push("-std=c11".to_owned()); // For %z support in printf when using MinGW. args.push("-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO".to_owned()); args.extend(get_var("CFLAGS", "")?); args.extend(get_var("CPPFLAGS", "")?); args.extend(pkg_config_cflags(PACKAGES)?); Ok(Self { args }) } pub fn compile(&self, src: &Path, out: &Path) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut cmd = self.to_command(); cmd.arg(src); cmd.arg("-o"); cmd.arg(out); let status = cmd.spawn()?.wait()?; if !status.success() { return Err(format!("compilation command {:?} failed, {}", &cmd, status).into()); } Ok(()) } fn to_command(&self) -> Command { let mut cmd = Command::new(&self.args[0]); cmd.args(&self.args[1..]); cmd } } fn get_var(name: &str, default: &str) -> Result, Box> { match env::var(name) { Ok(value) => Ok(shell_words::split(&value)?), Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => Ok(shell_words::split(default)?), Err(err) => Err(format!("{} {}", name, err).into()), } } fn pkg_config_cflags(packages: &[&str]) -> Result, Box> { if packages.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); } let pkg_config = env::var_os("PKG_CONFIG").unwrap_or_else(|| OsString::from("pkg-config")); let mut cmd = Command::new(pkg_config); cmd.arg("--cflags"); cmd.args(packages); let out = cmd.output()?; if !out.status.success() { return Err(format!("command {:?} returned {}", &cmd, out.status).into()); } let stdout = str::from_utf8(&out.stdout)?; Ok(shell_words::split(stdout.trim())?) } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] struct Layout { size: usize, alignment: usize, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] struct Results { /// Number of successfully completed tests. passed: usize, /// Total number of failed tests (including those that failed to compile). failed: usize, } impl Results { fn record_passed(&mut self) { self.passed += 1; } fn record_failed(&mut self) { self.failed += 1; } fn summary(&self) -> String { format!("{} passed; {} failed", self.passed, self.failed) } fn expect_total_success(&self) { if self.failed == 0 { println!("OK: {}", self.summary()); } else { panic!("FAILED: {}", self.summary()); }; } } #[test] #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn cross_validate_constants_with_c() { let mut c_constants: Vec<(String, String)> = Vec::new(); for l in get_c_output("constant").unwrap().lines() { let mut words = l.trim().split(';'); let name = words.next().expect("Failed to parse name").to_owned(); let value = words .next() .and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) .expect("Failed to parse value"); c_constants.push((name, value)); } let mut results = Results::default(); for ((rust_name, rust_value), (c_name, c_value)) in RUST_CONSTANTS.iter().zip(c_constants.iter()) { if rust_name != c_name { results.record_failed(); eprintln!("Name mismatch:\nRust: {:?}\nC: {:?}", rust_name, c_name,); continue; } if rust_value != c_value { results.record_failed(); eprintln!( "Constant value mismatch for {}\nRust: {:?}\nC: {:?}", rust_name, rust_value, &c_value ); continue; } results.record_passed(); } results.expect_total_success(); } #[test] #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn cross_validate_layout_with_c() { let mut c_layouts = Vec::new(); for l in get_c_output("layout").unwrap().lines() { let mut words = l.trim().split(';'); let name = words.next().expect("Failed to parse name").to_owned(); let size = words .next() .and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) .expect("Failed to parse size"); let alignment = words .next() .and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) .expect("Failed to parse alignment"); c_layouts.push((name, Layout { size, alignment })); } let mut results = Results::default(); for ((rust_name, rust_layout), (c_name, c_layout)) in RUST_LAYOUTS.iter().zip(c_layouts.iter()) { if rust_name != c_name { results.record_failed(); eprintln!("Name mismatch:\nRust: {:?}\nC: {:?}", rust_name, c_name,); continue; } if rust_layout != c_layout { results.record_failed(); eprintln!( "Layout mismatch for {}\nRust: {:?}\nC: {:?}", rust_name, rust_layout, &c_layout ); continue; } results.record_passed(); } results.expect_total_success(); } fn get_c_output(name: &str) -> Result> { let tmpdir = Builder::new().prefix("abi").tempdir()?; let exe = tmpdir.path().join(name); let c_file = Path::new("tests").join(name).with_extension("c"); let cc = Compiler::new().expect("configured compiler"); cc.compile(&c_file, &exe)?; let mut abi_cmd = Command::new(exe); let output = abi_cmd.output()?; if !output.status.success() { return Err(format!("command {:?} failed, {:?}", &abi_cmd, &output).into()); } Ok(String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?) } const RUST_LAYOUTS: &[(&str, Layout)] = &[ ( "GstGLAPI", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLAllocationParams", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLAsyncDebug", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseFilter", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseFilterClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseMemory", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseMemoryAllocator", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseMemoryAllocatorClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseMemoryError", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseMemoryTransfer", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseSrc", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBaseSrcClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBuffer", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBufferAllocationParams", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBufferAllocator", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBufferAllocatorClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBufferPool", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLBufferPoolClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLColorConvert", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLColorConvertClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLConfigCaveat", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLConfigSurfaceType", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLContext", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLContextClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLContextError", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLDisplay", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLDisplayClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLDisplayType", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLFilter", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLFilterClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLFormat", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLFramebuffer", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLFramebufferClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLMemory", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLMemoryAllocator", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLMemoryAllocatorClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLMemoryPBO", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLMemoryPBOAllocator", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLMemoryPBOAllocatorClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLOverlayCompositor", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLOverlayCompositorClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLPlatform", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLQuery", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLQueryType", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLRenderbuffer", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLRenderbufferAllocationParams", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLRenderbufferAllocator", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLRenderbufferAllocatorClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLSLError", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLSLProfile", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLSLStage", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLSLStageClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLSLVersion", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLShader", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLShaderClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLStereoDownmix", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLSyncMeta", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLTextureTarget", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLUpload", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLUploadClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLUploadReturn", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLVideoAllocationParams", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLViewConvert", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLViewConvertClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLWindow", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLWindowClass", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ( "GstGLWindowError", Layout { size: size_of::(), alignment: align_of::(), }, ), ]; const RUST_CONSTANTS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ ( "GST_BUFFER_POOL_OPTION_GL_SYNC_META", "GstBufferPoolOptionGLSyncMeta", ), ( "GST_BUFFER_POOL_OPTION_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_2D", "GstBufferPoolOptionGLTextureTarget2D", ), ( "GST_BUFFER_POOL_OPTION_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXTERNAL_OES", "GstBufferPoolOptionGLTextureTargetExternalOES", ), ( "GST_BUFFER_POOL_OPTION_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_RECTANGLE", "GstBufferPoolOptionGLTextureTargetRectangle", ), ("GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_GL_BUFFER", "memory:GLBuffer"), ("GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_GL_MEMORY", "memory:GLMemory"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_ERROR_COMPILE", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_ERROR_LINK", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_ERROR_PROGRAM", "2"), ("(guint) GST_GLSL_PROFILE_ANY", "4294967295"), ("(guint) GST_GLSL_PROFILE_COMPATIBILITY", "4"), ("(guint) GST_GLSL_PROFILE_CORE", "2"), ("(guint) GST_GLSL_PROFILE_ES", "1"), ("(guint) GST_GLSL_PROFILE_NONE", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_100", "100"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_110", "110"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_120", "120"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_130", "130"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_140", "140"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_150", "150"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_300", "300"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_310", "310"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_320", "320"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_330", "330"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_400", "400"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_410", "410"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_420", "420"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_430", "430"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_440", "440"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_450", "450"), ("(gint) GST_GLSL_VERSION_NONE", "0"), ("GST_GL_ALLOCATION_PARAMS_ALLOC_FLAG_ALLOC", "1"), ("GST_GL_ALLOCATION_PARAMS_ALLOC_FLAG_BUFFER", "16"), ("GST_GL_ALLOCATION_PARAMS_ALLOC_FLAG_USER", "65536"), ("GST_GL_ALLOCATION_PARAMS_ALLOC_FLAG_VIDEO", "8"), ("GST_GL_ALLOCATION_PARAMS_ALLOC_FLAG_WRAP_GPU_HANDLE", "4"), ("GST_GL_ALLOCATION_PARAMS_ALLOC_FLAG_WRAP_SYSMEM", "2"), ("(gint) GST_GL_ALPHA", "6406"), ("(guint) GST_GL_API_ANY", "4294967295"), ("(guint) GST_GL_API_GLES1", "32768"), ("GST_GL_API_GLES1_NAME", "gles1"), ("(guint) GST_GL_API_GLES2", "65536"), ("GST_GL_API_GLES2_NAME", "gles2"), ("(guint) GST_GL_API_NONE", "0"), ("(guint) GST_GL_API_OPENGL", "1"), ("(guint) GST_GL_API_OPENGL3", "2"), ("GST_GL_API_OPENGL3_NAME", "opengl3"), ("GST_GL_API_OPENGL_NAME", "opengl"), ("GST_GL_BASE_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_NAME", "GLBaseMemory"), ("(gint) GST_GL_BASE_MEMORY_ERROR_FAILED", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GL_BASE_MEMORY_ERROR_OLD_LIBS", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_BASE_MEMORY_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE", "2"), ( "(guint) GST_GL_BASE_MEMORY_TRANSFER_NEED_DOWNLOAD", "1048576", ), ("(guint) GST_GL_BASE_MEMORY_TRANSFER_NEED_UPLOAD", "2097152"), ("GST_GL_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR_NAME", "GLBuffer"), ( "GST_GL_COLOR_CONVERT_EXT_FORMATS", ", BGR10A2_LE, RGB10A2_LE, P010_10LE, P012_LE, P016_LE, Y212_LE, Y412_LE", ), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONFIG_CAVEAT_NONE", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONFIG_CAVEAT_NON_CONFORMANT", "2"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONFIG_CAVEAT_SLOW", "1"), ("GST_GL_CONFIG_STRUCTURE_NAME", "gst-gl-context-config"), ("(guint) GST_GL_CONFIG_SURFACE_TYPE_NONE", "0"), ("(guint) GST_GL_CONFIG_SURFACE_TYPE_PBUFFER", "2"), ("(guint) GST_GL_CONFIG_SURFACE_TYPE_PIXMAP", "4"), ("(guint) GST_GL_CONFIG_SURFACE_TYPE_WINDOW", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_CREATE_CONTEXT", "4"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_FAILED", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_OLD_LIBS", "3"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE", "5"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_WRONG_API", "2"), ("(gint) GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_WRONG_CONFIG", "1"), ("GST_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE_CGL", "gst.gl.context.CGL"), ("GST_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE_EAGL", "gst.gl.context.EAGL"), ("GST_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE_EGL", "gst.gl.context.EGL"), ("GST_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE_GLX", "gst.gl.context.GLX"), ("GST_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE_WGL", "gst.gl.context.WGL"), ("(gint) GST_GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8", "35056"), ("(gint) GST_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16", "33189"), ("GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE", "gst.gl.GLDisplay"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_ANDROID", "2048"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_ANY", "4294967295"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_COCOA", "4"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_DISPMANX", "16"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_EAGL", "512"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_EGL", "32"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_EGL_DEVICE", "256"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_GBM", "128"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE", "0"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_VIV_FB", "64"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_WAYLAND", "2"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_WIN32", "8"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_WINRT", "1024"), ("(guint) GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_X11", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_LUMINANCE", "6409"), ("(gint) GST_GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA", "6410"), ("GST_GL_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_NAME", "GLMemory"), ("GST_GL_MEMORY_PBO_ALLOCATOR_NAME", "GLMemoryPBO"), ( "GST_GL_MEMORY_VIDEO_EXT_FORMATS", ", BGR10A2_LE, RGB10A2_LE, P010_10LE, P012_LE, P016_LE, Y212_LE, Y412_LE", ), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_ANY", "4294967295"), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_CGL", "8"), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_EAGL", "16"), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_EGL", "1"), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_GLX", "2"), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_NONE", "0"), ("(guint) GST_GL_PLATFORM_WGL", "4"), ("(gint) GST_GL_QUERY_NONE", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GL_QUERY_TIMESTAMP", "2"), ("(gint) GST_GL_QUERY_TIME_ELAPSED", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_R16", "33322"), ("(gint) GST_GL_R8", "33321"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RED", "6403"), ("GST_GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALLOCATOR_NAME", "GLRenderbuffer"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RG", "33319"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RG16", "33324"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RG8", "33323"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGB", "6407"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGB10_A2", "32857"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGB16", "32852"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGB565", "36194"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGB8", "32849"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGBA", "6408"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGBA16", "32859"), ("(gint) GST_GL_RGBA8", "32856"), ( "(gint) GST_GL_STEREO_DOWNMIX_ANAGLYPH_AMBER_BLUE_DUBOIS", "2", ), ( "(gint) GST_GL_STEREO_DOWNMIX_ANAGLYPH_GREEN_MAGENTA_DUBOIS", "0", ), ("(gint) GST_GL_STEREO_DOWNMIX_ANAGLYPH_RED_CYAN_DUBOIS", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_2D", "1"), ("GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_2D_STR", "2D"), ("(gint) GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXTERNAL_OES", "3"), ("GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXTERNAL_OES_STR", "external-oes"), ("(gint) GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_NONE", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_RECTANGLE", "2"), ("GST_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET_RECTANGLE_STR", "rectangle"), ("(gint) GST_GL_UPLOAD_DONE", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_UPLOAD_ERROR", "-1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_UPLOAD_RECONFIGURE", "-3"), ("(gint) GST_GL_UPLOAD_UNSHARED_GL_CONTEXT", "-100"), ("(gint) GST_GL_UPLOAD_UNSUPPORTED", "-2"), ("(gint) GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR_FAILED", "0"), ("(gint) GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR_OLD_LIBS", "1"), ("(gint) GST_GL_WINDOW_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE", "2"), ("GST_MAP_GL", "131072"), ];