// Copyright (C) 2018 François Laignel // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use serde::de; use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer, EnumAccess, SeqAccess, VariantAccess, Visitor}; use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeSeq, SerializeTuple, Serializer}; use std::fmt; use crate::Caps; use crate::CapsFeatures; use crate::CapsFeaturesRef; use crate::CapsRef; use crate::Structure; use crate::StructureRef; enum CapsVariantKinds { Any, Empty, Some, } const CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_ID: u32 = 0; const CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_STR: &str = "Any"; const CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_ID: u32 = 1; const CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_STR: &str = "Empty"; const CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_ID: u32 = 2; const CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_STR: &str = "Some"; const CAPS_VARIANT_NAMES: &[&str] = &[ &CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_STR, &CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_STR, &CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_STR, ]; struct CapsItemSe<'a>(&'a StructureRef, Option<&'a CapsFeaturesRef>); impl<'a> Serialize for CapsItemSe<'a> { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result { let mut tup = serializer.serialize_tuple(2)?; tup.serialize_element(self.0)?; tup.serialize_element(&self.1)?; tup.end() } } struct CapsForIterSe<'a>(&'a CapsRef); impl<'a> Serialize for CapsForIterSe<'a> { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result { let iter = self.0.iter_with_features(); let size = iter.size_hint().0; if size > 0 { let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(size))?; for (structure, features) in iter { let features = if !features.is_any() && features.is_equal(crate::CAPS_FEATURES_MEMORY_SYSTEM_MEMORY.as_ref()) { None } else { Some(features) }; seq.serialize_element(&CapsItemSe(structure, features))?; } seq.end() } else { let seq = serializer.serialize_seq(None)?; seq.end() } } } impl Serialize for CapsRef { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result { if self.is_any() { serializer.serialize_unit_variant( stringify!(Caps), CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_ID, CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_STR, ) } else if self.is_empty() { serializer.serialize_unit_variant( stringify!(Caps), CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_ID, CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_STR, ) } else { serializer.serialize_newtype_variant( stringify!(Caps), CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_ID, CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_STR, &CapsForIterSe(&self), ) } } } impl Serialize for Caps { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result { self.as_ref().serialize(serializer) } } struct CapsItemDe(Structure, Option); struct CapsItemVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CapsItemVisitor { type Value = CapsItemDe; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a tuple `(Structure, Option)`") } fn visit_seq>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result { let structure = seq .next_element::()? .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("Expected a `Structure` for `Caps` item"))?; let features_option = seq.next_element::>()?.ok_or_else(|| { de::Error::custom("Expected an `Option` for `Caps` item") })?; Ok(CapsItemDe(structure, features_option)) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CapsItemDe { fn deserialize>(deserializer: D) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); deserializer.deserialize_tuple(2, CapsItemVisitor) } } struct CapsSome(Caps); struct CapsSomeVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CapsSomeVisitor { type Value = CapsSome; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a sequence of `(Structure, Option)`") } fn visit_seq>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result { let mut caps = Caps::new_empty(); { let caps = caps.get_mut().unwrap(); while let Some(caps_item) = seq.next_element::()? { caps.append_structure_full(caps_item.0, caps_item.1); } } Ok(CapsSome(caps)) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CapsSome { fn deserialize>(deserializer: D) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); deserializer.deserialize_seq(CapsSomeVisitor) } } struct CapsVariantKindsVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CapsVariantKindsVisitor { type Value = CapsVariantKinds; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a Caps variant kind (`Any`, `None` or `Some`)") } fn visit_u32(self, value: u32) -> Result { match value { CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_ID => Ok(CapsVariantKinds::Any), CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_ID => Ok(CapsVariantKinds::Empty), CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_ID => Ok(CapsVariantKinds::Some), _ => Err(de::Error::invalid_value( de::Unexpected::Unsigned(u64::from(value)), &self, )), } } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result { match value { CAPS_VARIANT_ANY_STR => Ok(CapsVariantKinds::Any), CAPS_VARIANT_EMPTY_STR => Ok(CapsVariantKinds::Empty), CAPS_VARIANT_SOME_STR => Ok(CapsVariantKinds::Some), _ => Err(de::Error::unknown_variant(value, CAPS_VARIANT_NAMES)), } } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CapsVariantKinds { fn deserialize>(deserializer: D) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); deserializer.deserialize_identifier(CapsVariantKindsVisitor) } } struct CapsVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CapsVisitor { type Value = Caps; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a Caps enum (`Any`, `None` or `Some()`)") } fn visit_enum>(self, data: A) -> Result { let res = match data.variant()? { (CapsVariantKinds::Any, _v) => Caps::new_any(), (CapsVariantKinds::Empty, _v) => Caps::new_empty(), (CapsVariantKinds::Some, v) => v .newtype_variant::() .map(|caps_some| caps_some.0)?, }; Ok(res) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Caps { fn deserialize>(deserializer: D) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); deserializer.deserialize_enum(stringify!(Caps), CAPS_VARIANT_NAMES, CapsVisitor) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::Array; use crate::Caps; use crate::CapsFeatures; use crate::Fraction; #[test] fn test_serialize() { crate::init().unwrap(); let caps = Caps::builder("foo/bar") .field("int", &12) .field("bool", &true) .field("string", &"bla") .field("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)) .field("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])) .build(); let mut pretty_config = ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default(); pretty_config.new_line = "".to_string(); let res = ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&caps, pretty_config); assert_eq!( Ok(concat!( "Some([", " ((\"foo/bar\", [", " (\"int\", \"i32\", 12),", " (\"bool\", \"bool\", true),", " (\"string\", \"String\", Some(\"bla\")),", " (\"fraction\", \"Fraction\", (1, 2)),", " (\"array\", \"Array\", [", " (\"i32\", 1),", " (\"i32\", 2),", " ]),", " ]), None),", "])" ) .to_owned()), res, ); let caps = Caps::builder("foo/bar") .field("int", &12) .field("bool", &true) .field("string", &"bla") .field("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)) .field("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])) .features(&["foo:bar", "foo:baz"]) .build(); let mut pretty_config = ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default(); pretty_config.new_line = "".to_string(); let res = ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&caps, pretty_config); assert_eq!( Ok(concat!( "Some([", " ((\"foo/bar\", [", " (\"int\", \"i32\", 12),", " (\"bool\", \"bool\", true),", " (\"string\", \"String\", Some(\"bla\")),", " (\"fraction\", \"Fraction\", (1, 2)),", " (\"array\", \"Array\", [", " (\"i32\", 1),", " (\"i32\", 2),", " ]),", " ]), Some(Some([", " \"foo:bar\",", " \"foo:baz\",", " ]))),", "])" ) .to_owned()), res, ); let caps = Caps::builder("foo/bar") .field("int", &12) .field("bool", &true) .field("string", &"bla") .field("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)) .field("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])) .any_features() .build(); let mut pretty_config = ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default(); pretty_config.new_line = "".to_string(); let res = ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&caps, pretty_config.clone()); assert_eq!( Ok(concat!( "Some([", " ((\"foo/bar\", [", " (\"int\", \"i32\", 12),", " (\"bool\", \"bool\", true),", " (\"string\", \"String\", Some(\"bla\")),", " (\"fraction\", \"Fraction\", (1, 2)),", " (\"array\", \"Array\", [", " (\"i32\", 1),", " (\"i32\", 2),", " ]),", " ]), Some(Any)),", "])" ) .to_owned()), res, ); let caps_any = Caps::new_any(); let res = ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&caps_any, pretty_config.clone()); assert_eq!(Ok("Any".to_owned()), res); let caps_empty = Caps::new_empty(); let res = ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&caps_empty, pretty_config); assert_eq!(Ok("Empty".to_owned()), res); } #[test] fn test_deserialize() { use crate::Structure; crate::init().unwrap(); let caps_ron = "Any"; let caps: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ron).unwrap(); assert!(caps.is_any()); let caps_ron = "Empty"; let caps: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ron).unwrap(); assert!(caps.is_empty()); let caps_ron = r#" Some([ ( ("foo/bar", [ ("int", "i32", 12), ("bool", "bool", true), ("string", "String", Some("bla")), ("fraction", "Fraction", (1, 2)), ("array", "Array", [ ("i32", 1), ("i32", 2), ]), ]), None, ), ])"#; let caps: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ron).unwrap(); let s = caps.get_structure(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!( s, Structure::new( "foo/bar", &[ ("int", &12), ("bool", &true), ("string", &"bla"), ("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)), ("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])), ], ) .as_ref() ); let caps_ron = r#" Some([ ( ("foo/bar", [ ("int", "i32", 12), ("bool", "bool", true), ("string", "String", None), ("fraction", "Fraction", (1, 2)), ("array", "Array", [ ("i32", 1), ("i32", 2), ]), ]), Some(Some(["foo:bar", "foo:baz"])), ), ])"#; let caps: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ron).unwrap(); let s = caps.get_structure(0).unwrap(); let str_none: Option<&str> = None; assert_eq!( s, Structure::new( "foo/bar", &[ ("int", &12), ("bool", &true), ("string", &str_none), ("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)), ("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])), ], ) .as_ref() ); let f = caps.get_features(0).unwrap(); assert!(f.is_equal(CapsFeatures::new(&["foo:bar", "foo:baz"]).as_ref())); let caps_ron = r#" Some([ ( ("foo/bar", [ ("int", "i32", 12), ("bool", "bool", true), ("string", "String", Some("bla")), ("fraction", "Fraction", (1, 2)), ("array", "Array", [ ("i32", 1), ("i32", 2), ]), ]), Some(Any), ), ])"#; let caps: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ron).unwrap(); let s = caps.get_structure(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!( s, Structure::new( "foo/bar", &[ ("int", &12), ("bool", &true), ("string", &"bla"), ("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)), ("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])), ], ) .as_ref() ); let f = caps.get_features(0).unwrap(); assert!(f.is_any()); } #[test] fn test_serde_roundtrip() { crate::init().unwrap(); let caps = Caps::new_any(); let caps_ser = ron::ser::to_string(&caps).unwrap(); let caps_de: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ser.as_str()).unwrap(); assert!(caps_de.is_any()); let caps = Caps::new_empty(); let caps_ser = ron::ser::to_string(&caps).unwrap(); let caps_de: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ser.as_str()).unwrap(); assert!(caps_de.is_empty()); let caps = Caps::builder("foo/bar") .field("int", &12) .field("bool", &true) .field("string", &"bla") .field("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)) .field("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])) .build(); let caps_ser = ron::ser::to_string(&caps).unwrap(); let caps_de: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ser.as_str()).unwrap(); assert!(caps_de.is_strictly_equal(&caps)); let caps = Caps::builder("foo/bar") .field("int", &12) .field("bool", &true) .field("string", &"bla") .field("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)) .field("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])) .features(&["foo:bar", "foo:baz"]) .build(); let caps_ser = ron::ser::to_string(&caps).unwrap(); let caps_de: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ser.as_str()).unwrap(); assert!(caps_de.is_strictly_equal(&caps)); let caps = Caps::builder("foo/bar") .field("int", &12) .field("bool", &true) .field("string", &"bla") .field("fraction", &Fraction::new(1, 2)) .field("array", &Array::new(&[&1, &2])) .any_features() .build(); let caps_ser = ron::ser::to_string(&caps).unwrap(); let caps_de: Caps = ron::de::from_str(caps_ser.as_str()).unwrap(); assert!(caps_de.is_strictly_equal(&caps)); } }