'use strict'; var expect = require('expect.js'); var gradients = require('index'); // [ // { // type: 'linear-gradient', // orientation: { // type: 'directional', // value: 'right' // }, // colorStops: [ // { // type: 'literal', // value: 'transparent', // length: { // value: '10', // type: 'px' // } // }, // { // type: 'hex', // value: 'c2c2c2', // length: { // value: '10', // type: 'px' // } // } // ] // } // ] describe('gradient-parser.js', function () { var ast, subject; it('should exist', function () { expect(typeof gradients.parse).to.equal('function'); }); describe('error cases', function() { it('one more comma in definitions', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient(red, blue),'); }).to.throwException(/One extra comma/); }); it('one more comma in colors', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient(red, blue,)'); }).to.throwException(/Expected color definition/); }); it('invalid input', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient(red, blue) aaa'); }).to.throwException(/Invalid input not EOF/); }); it('missing open call', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient red, blue'); }).to.throwException(/Missing \(/); }); it('missing comma before color stops', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient(to right red, blue)'); }).to.throwException(/Missing comma before color stops/); }); it('missing color stops', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient(to right, )'); }).to.throwException(/Expected color definition/); }); it('missing closing call', function() { expect(function() { gradients.parse('linear-gradient(to right, red, blue aaa'); }).to.throwException(/Missing \)/); }); }); describe('when parsing a simple definition', function() { beforeEach(function() { ast = gradients.parse('linear-gradient(red, blue)'); subject = ast[0]; }); it('should get the gradient type', function () { expect(subject.type).to.equal('linear-gradient'); }); it('should get the orientation', function() { expect(subject.orientation).to.be(undefined); }); describe('colors', function() { it('should get all colors', function() { expect(subject.colorStops).to.have.length(2); }); describe('first color', function() { beforeEach(function() { subject = subject.colorStops[0]; }); it('should get literal type', function() { expect(subject.type).to.equal('literal'); }); it('should get the right color', function() { expect(subject.value).to.equal('red'); }); }); describe('second color', function() { beforeEach(function() { subject = subject.colorStops[1]; }); it('should get literal type', function() { expect(subject.type).to.equal('literal'); }); it('should get the right color', function() { expect(subject.value).to.equal('blue'); }); }); }); }); ['px', 'em', '%'].forEach(function(metric) { describe('parse color stop for metric '+ metric, function() { beforeEach(function() { ast = gradients.parse('linear-gradient(blue 10' + metric + ', transparent)'); subject = ast[0]; }); describe('the first color', function() { beforeEach(function() { subject = subject.colorStops[0]; }); it('should have the length', function() { expect(subject.length.type).to.equal(metric); expect(subject.length.value).to.equal('10'); }); }); }); }); [ {type: 'angular', unparsedValue: '145deg', value: '145'}, {type: 'directional', unparsedValue: 'to left top', value: 'left top'} ].forEach(function(orientation) { describe('parse orientation ' + orientation.type, function() { beforeEach(function() { ast = gradients.parse('linear-gradient(' + orientation.unparsedValue + ', blue, green)'); subject = ast[0].orientation; }); it('should parse value', function() { expect(subject.type).to.equal(orientation.type); expect(subject.value).to.equal(orientation.value); }); }); }); [ {type: 'literal', unparsedValue: 'red', value: 'red'}, {type: 'hex', unparsedValue: '#c2c2c2', value: 'c2c2c2'}, {type: 'rgb', unparsedValue: 'rgb(243, 226, 195)', value: ['243', '226', '195']}, {type: 'rgba', unparsedValue: 'rgba(243, 226, 195)', value: ['243', '226', '195']} ].forEach(function(color) { describe('parse color type '+ color.type, function() { beforeEach(function() { ast = gradients.parse('linear-gradient(12deg, ' + color.unparsedValue + ', blue, green)'); subject = ast[0].colorStops[0]; }); it('should parse value', function() { expect(subject.type).to.equal(color.type); expect(subject.value).to.eql(color.value); }); }); }); });