'use strict'; var expect = require('expect.js'); var gradients = require('../build/node'); function pprint(ast) { console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, true, 2)); } describe('lib/stringify.js', function () { var subject; it('should exist', function () { expect(typeof gradients.stringify).to.equal('function'); }); describe('serialization', function() { it('if tree is null', function() { expect(gradients.stringify(null)).to.equal(''); }); it('should serialize a simple gradient', function() { var gradientDef = 'linear-gradient(black, white)'; expect(gradients.stringify(gradients.parse(gradientDef))).to.equal(gradientDef); }); it('should serialize gradient with hex', function() { var gradientDef = 'linear-gradient(#fff, white)'; expect(gradients.stringify(gradients.parse(gradientDef))).to.equal(gradientDef); }); it('should serialize gradient with rgb', function() { var gradientDef = 'linear-gradient(rgb(1, 2, 3), white)'; expect(gradients.stringify(gradients.parse(gradientDef))).to.equal(gradientDef); }); it('should serialize gradient with rgba', function() { var gradientDef = 'linear-gradient(rgba(1, 2, 3, .0), white)'; expect(gradients.stringify(gradients.parse(gradientDef))).to.equal(gradientDef); }); it('should serialize gradient with deg', function() { var gradientDef = 'linear-gradient(45deg, #fff, transparent)'; expect(gradients.stringify(gradients.parse(gradientDef))).to.equal(gradientDef); }); it('should serialize gradient with directional', function() { var gradientDef = 'linear-gradient(to left, #fff, transparent)'; expect(gradients.stringify(gradients.parse(gradientDef))).to.equal(gradientDef); }); describe('all metric values', function() { [ 'px', 'em', '%' ].forEach(function(metric) { var expectedResult; describe('stringify color stop for metric '+ metric, function() { beforeEach(function() { expectedResult = 'linear-gradient(blue 10.3' + metric + ', transparent)'; var ast = gradients.parse(expectedResult); subject = gradients.stringify(ast); }); it('should result as expected', function() { expect(subject).to.equal(expectedResult); }); }); }); }); describe('different radial declarations', function() { [ 'ellipse farthest-corner', 'ellipse cover', 'circle cover', 'center bottom, ellipse cover', 'circle at 87.23px -58.3px', 'farthest-corner, red, blue', 'farthest-corner at 87.23px -58.3px, red, blue' ].forEach(function(declaration) { it('should parse ' + declaration + ' declaration', function() { var expectedResult = 'radial-gradient(' + declaration + ', red, blue)'; var ast = gradients.parse(expectedResult); subject = gradients.stringify(ast); expect(subject).to.equal(expectedResult); }); }); }); }); });