/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ package dereferencing import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/url" "github.com/go-fed/activity/streams" "github.com/go-fed/activity/streams/vocab" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/ap" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/db" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/id" ) // EnrichRemoteStatus takes a status that's already been inserted into the database in a minimal form, // and populates it with additional fields, media, etc. // // EnrichRemoteStatus is mostly useful for calling after a status has been initially created by // the federatingDB's Create function, but additional dereferencing is needed on it. func (d *deref) EnrichRemoteStatus(ctx context.Context, username string, status *gtsmodel.Status) (*gtsmodel.Status, error) { if err := d.populateStatusFields(ctx, status, username); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := d.db.UpdateByID(ctx, status.ID, status); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("EnrichRemoteStatus: error updating status: %s", err) } return status, nil } // GetRemoteStatus completely dereferences a remote status, converts it to a GtS model status, // puts it in the database, and returns it to a caller. The boolean indicates whether the status is new // to us or not. If we haven't seen the status before, bool will be true. If we have seen the status before, // it will be false. // // If refresh is true, then even if we have the status in our database already, it will be dereferenced from its // remote representation, as will its owner. // // If a dereference was performed, then the function also returns the ap.Statusable representation for further processing. // // SIDE EFFECTS: remote status will be stored in the database, and the remote status owner will also be stored. func (d *deref) GetRemoteStatus(ctx context.Context, username string, remoteStatusID *url.URL, refresh bool) (*gtsmodel.Status, ap.Statusable, bool, error) { new := true // check if we already have the status in our db maybeStatus, err := d.db.GetStatusByURI(ctx, remoteStatusID.String()) if err == nil { // we've seen this status before so it's not new new = false // if we're not being asked to refresh, we can just return the maybeStatus as-is and avoid doing any external calls if !refresh { return maybeStatus, nil, new, nil } } statusable, err := d.dereferenceStatusable(ctx, username, remoteStatusID) if err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error dereferencing statusable: %s", err) } accountURI, err := ap.ExtractAttributedTo(statusable) if err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error extracting attributedTo: %s", err) } // do this so we know we have the remote account of the status in the db _, _, err = d.GetRemoteAccount(ctx, username, accountURI, false) if err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: couldn't derive status author: %s", err) } gtsStatus, err := d.typeConverter.ASStatusToStatus(ctx, statusable) if err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error converting statusable to status: %s", err) } if new { ulid, err := id.NewULIDFromTime(gtsStatus.CreatedAt) if err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error generating new id for status: %s", err) } gtsStatus.ID = ulid if err := d.populateStatusFields(ctx, gtsStatus, username); err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error populating status fields: %s", err) } if err := d.db.PutStatus(ctx, gtsStatus); err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error putting new status: %s", err) } } else { gtsStatus.ID = maybeStatus.ID if err := d.populateStatusFields(ctx, gtsStatus, username); err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error populating status fields: %s", err) } if err := d.db.UpdateByID(ctx, gtsStatus.ID, gtsStatus); err != nil { return nil, statusable, new, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteStatus: error updating status: %s", err) } } return gtsStatus, statusable, new, nil } func (d *deref) dereferenceStatusable(ctx context.Context, username string, remoteStatusID *url.URL) (ap.Statusable, error) { if blocked, err := d.db.IsDomainBlocked(ctx, remoteStatusID.Host); blocked || err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusable: domain %s is blocked", remoteStatusID.Host) } transport, err := d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, username) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusable: transport err: %s", err) } b, err := transport.Dereference(context.Background(), remoteStatusID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusable: error deferencing %s: %s", remoteStatusID.String(), err) } m := make(map[string]interface{}) if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &m); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusable: error unmarshalling bytes into json: %s", err) } t, err := streams.ToType(context.Background(), m) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving json into ap vocab type: %s", err) } // Article, Document, Image, Video, Note, Page, Event, Place, Mention, Profile switch t.GetTypeName() { case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsArticle: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsArticle) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsArticle") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsDocument: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsDocument) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsDocument") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsImage: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsImage) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsImage") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsVideo: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsVideo) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsVideo") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsNote: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsNote) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsNote") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsPage: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsPage) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsPage") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsEvent: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsEvent) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsEvent") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsPlace: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsPlace) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsPlace") } return p, nil case gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsProfile: p, ok := t.(vocab.ActivityStreamsProfile) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("DereferenceStatusable: error resolving type as ActivityStreamsProfile") } return p, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusable: type name %s not supported", t.GetTypeName()) } // populateStatusFields fetches all the information we temporarily pinned to an incoming // federated status, back in the federating db's Create function. // // When a status comes in from the federation API, there are certain fields that // haven't been dereferenced yet, because we needed to provide a snappy synchronous // response to the caller. By the time it reaches this function though, it's being // processed asynchronously, so we have all the time in the world to fetch the various // bits and bobs that are attached to the status, and properly flesh it out, before we // send the status to any timelines and notify people. // // Things to dereference and fetch here: // // 1. Media attachments. // 2. Hashtags. // 3. Emojis. // 4. Mentions. // 5. Posting account. // 6. Replied-to-status. // // SIDE EFFECTS: // This function will deference all of the above, insert them in the database as necessary, // and attach them to the status. The status itself will not be added to the database yet, // that's up the caller to do. func (d *deref) populateStatusFields(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Status, requestingUsername string) error { l := d.log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "func": "dereferenceStatusFields", "status": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", status), }) l.Debug("entering function") // make sure we have a status URI and that the domain in question isn't blocked statusURI, err := url.Parse(status.URI) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusFields: couldn't parse status URI %s: %s", status.URI, err) } if blocked, err := d.db.IsDomainBlocked(ctx, statusURI.Host); blocked || err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("DereferenceStatusFields: domain %s is blocked", statusURI.Host) } // we can continue -- create a new transport here because we'll probably need it t, err := d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestingUsername) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating transport: %s", err) } // in case the status doesn't have an id yet (ie., it hasn't entered the database yet), then create one if status.ID == "" { newID, err := id.NewULIDFromTime(status.CreatedAt) if err != nil { return err } status.ID = newID } // 1. Media attachments. // // At this point we should know: // * the media type of the file we're looking for (a.File.ContentType) // * the blurhash (a.Blurhash) // * the file type (a.Type) // * the remote URL (a.RemoteURL) // This should be enough to pass along to the media processor. attachmentIDs := []string{} for _, a := range status.Attachments { l.Tracef("dereferencing attachment: %+v", a) // it might have been processed elsewhere so check first if it's already in the database or not maybeAttachment := >smodel.MediaAttachment{} err := d.db.GetWhere(ctx, []db.Where{{Key: "remote_url", Value: a.RemoteURL}}, maybeAttachment) if err == nil { // we already have it in the db, dereferenced, no need to do it again l.Tracef("attachment already exists with id %s", maybeAttachment.ID) attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, maybeAttachment.ID) continue } if err != db.ErrNoEntries { // we have a real error return fmt.Errorf("error checking db for existence of attachment with remote url %s: %s", a.RemoteURL, err) } // it just doesn't exist yet so carry on l.Debug("attachment doesn't exist yet, calling ProcessRemoteAttachment", a) deferencedAttachment, err := d.mediaHandler.ProcessRemoteAttachment(ctx, t, a, status.AccountID) if err != nil { l.Errorf("error dereferencing status attachment: %s", err) continue } l.Debugf("dereferenced attachment: %+v", deferencedAttachment) deferencedAttachment.StatusID = status.ID deferencedAttachment.Description = a.Description if err := d.db.Put(ctx, deferencedAttachment); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error inserting dereferenced attachment with remote url %s: %s", a.RemoteURL, err) } attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, deferencedAttachment.ID) } status.AttachmentIDs = attachmentIDs // 2. Hashtags // 3. Emojis // 4. Mentions // At this point, mentions should have the namestring and mentionedAccountURI set on them. // // We should dereference any accounts mentioned here which we don't have in our db yet, by their URI. mentionIDs := []string{} for _, m := range status.Mentions { if m.ID != "" { // we've already populated this mention, since it has an ID l.Debug("mention already populated") continue } if m.TargetAccountURI == "" { // can't do anything with this mention l.Debug("target URI not set on mention") continue } targetAccountURI, err := url.Parse(m.TargetAccountURI) if err != nil { l.Debugf("error parsing mentioned account uri %s: %s", m.TargetAccountURI, err) continue } var targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account if a, err := d.db.GetAccountByURL(ctx, targetAccountURI.String()); err == nil { targetAccount = a } else if a, _, err := d.GetRemoteAccount(ctx, requestingUsername, targetAccountURI, false); err == nil { targetAccount = a } else { // we can't find the target account so bail l.Debug("can't retrieve account targeted by mention") continue } mID, err := id.NewRandomULID() if err != nil { return err } m = >smodel.Mention{ ID: mID, StatusID: status.ID, Status: m.Status, CreatedAt: status.CreatedAt, UpdatedAt: status.UpdatedAt, OriginAccountID: status.Account.ID, OriginAccountURI: status.AccountURI, OriginAccount: status.Account, TargetAccountID: targetAccount.ID, TargetAccount: targetAccount, NameString: m.NameString, TargetAccountURI: targetAccount.URI, TargetAccountURL: targetAccount.URL, } if err := d.db.Put(ctx, m); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating mention: %s", err) } mentionIDs = append(mentionIDs, m.ID) } status.MentionIDs = mentionIDs // status has replyToURI but we don't have an ID yet for the status it replies to if status.InReplyToURI != "" && status.InReplyToID == "" { statusURI, err := url.Parse(status.InReplyToURI) if err != nil { return err } if replyToStatus, err := d.db.GetStatusByURI(ctx, status.InReplyToURI); err == nil { // we have the status status.InReplyToID = replyToStatus.ID status.InReplyTo = replyToStatus status.InReplyToAccountID = replyToStatus.AccountID status.InReplyToAccount = replyToStatus.Account } else if replyToStatus, _, _, err := d.GetRemoteStatus(ctx, requestingUsername, statusURI, false); err == nil { // we got the status status.InReplyToID = replyToStatus.ID status.InReplyTo = replyToStatus status.InReplyToAccountID = replyToStatus.AccountID status.InReplyToAccount = replyToStatus.Account } } return nil }