# size - calculates variable's memory consumption at runtime ### Part of the [Transflow Project](http://transflow.ru/) Sometimes you may need a tool to measure the size of object in your Go program at runtime. This package makes an attempt to do so. Package based on `binary.Size()` from Go standard library. Features: - supports non-fixed size variables and struct fields: `struct`, `int`, `slice`, `string`, `map`; - supports complex types including structs with non-fixed size fields; - supports all basic types (numbers, bool); - supports `chan` and `interface`; - supports pointers; - implements infinite recursion detection (i.e. pointer inside struct field references to parent struct). ### Usage example ``` package main import ( "fmt" // Use latest tag. "github.com/DmitriyVTitov/size" ) func main() { a := struct { a int b string c bool d int32 e []byte f [3]int64 }{ a: 10, // 8 bytes b: "Text", // 16 (string itself) + 4 = 20 bytes c: true, // 1 byte d: 25, // 4 bytes e: []byte{'c', 'd', 'e'}, // 24 (slice itself) + 3 = 27 bytes f: [3]int64{1, 2, 3}, // 3 * 8 = 24 bytes } // 84 + 3 (padding) = 87 bytes fmt.Println(size.Of(a)) } // Output: 87 ```