import * as dateFns from 'date-fns'; import { RuleError } from '../errors'; import { monthFromDate, yearFromDate, isBefore, isAfter, addDays, subDays, parseDate } from '../../shared/months'; import { fastSetMerge } from '../../shared/util'; import { sortNumbers, getApproxNumberThreshold } from '../../shared/rules'; import { recurConfigToRSchedule } from '../../shared/schedules'; import { Schedule as RSchedule } from '../util/rschedule'; function safeNumber(n) { return isNaN(n) ? null : n; } function safeParseInt(n) { return safeNumber(parseInt(n)); } function assert(test, type, msg) { if (!test) { throw new RuleError(type, msg); } } export function parseRecurDate(desc) { try { let rules = recurConfigToRSchedule(desc); return { type: 'recur', schedule: new RSchedule({ rrules: rules }) }; } catch (e) { throw new RuleError('parse-recur-date', e.message); } } export function parseDateString(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { return null; } else if (str.length === 10) { // YYYY-MM-DD if (!dateFns.isValid(dateFns.parseISO(str))) { return null; } return { type: 'date', date: str }; } else if (str.length === 7) { // YYYY-MM if (!dateFns.isValid(dateFns.parseISO(str + '-01'))) { return null; } return { type: 'month', date: str }; } else if (str.length === 4) { // YYYY if (!dateFns.isValid(dateFns.parseISO(str + '-01-01'))) { return null; } return { type: 'year', date: str }; } return null; } export function parseBetweenAmount(between) { let { num1, num2 } = between; if (typeof num1 !== 'number' || typeof num2 !== 'number') { return null; } return { type: 'between', num1, num2 }; } let CONDITION_TYPES = { date: { ops: ['is', 'isapprox', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte'], nullable: false, parse(op, value, fieldName) { let parsed = typeof value === 'string' ? parseDateString(value) : value.frequency != null ? parseRecurDate(value) : null; assert( parsed, 'date-format', `Invalid date format (field: ${fieldName})` ); // Approximate only works with exact & recurring dates if (op === 'isapprox') { assert( parsed.type === 'date' || parsed.type === 'recur', 'date-format', `Invalid date value for "isapprox" (field: ${fieldName})` ); } // These only work with exact dates else if (op === 'gt' || op === 'gte' || op === 'lt' || op === 'lte') { assert( parsed.type === 'date', 'date-format', `Invalid date value for "${op}" (field: ${fieldName})` ); } return parsed; } }, id: { ops: ['is', 'contains', 'oneOf'], nullable: true, parse(op, value, fieldName) { if (op === 'oneOf') { assert( Array.isArray(value), 'no-empty-array', `oneOf must have an array value (field: ${fieldName})` ); return value; } return value; } }, string: { ops: ['is', 'contains', 'oneOf'], nullable: false, parse(op, value, fieldName) { if (op === 'oneOf') { assert( Array.isArray(value), 'no-empty-array', `oneOf must have an array value (field: ${fieldName}): ${JSON.stringify( value )}` ); return value.filter(Boolean).map(val => val.toLowerCase()); } if (op === 'contains') { assert( typeof value === 'string' && value.length > 0, 'no-empty-string', `contains must have non-empty string (field: ${fieldName})` ); } return value.toLowerCase(); } }, number: { ops: ['is', 'isapprox', 'isbetween', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte'], nullable: false, parse(op, value, fieldName) { let parsed = typeof value === 'number' ? { type: 'literal', value } : parseBetweenAmount(value); assert( parsed != null, 'not-number', `Value must be a number or between amount: ${JSON.stringify( value )} (field: ${fieldName})` ); if (op === 'isbetween') { assert( parsed.type === 'between', 'number-format', `Invalid between value for "${op}" (field: ${fieldName})` ); } else { assert( parsed.type === 'literal', 'number-format', `Invalid number value for "${op}" (field: ${fieldName})` ); } return parsed; } }, boolean: { ops: ['is'], nullable: false, parse(op, value, fieldName) { assert( typeof value === 'boolean', 'not-boolean', `Value must be a boolean: ${value} (field: ${fieldName})` ); return value; } } }; export class Condition { constructor(op, field, value, options, fieldTypes) { let typeName = fieldTypes.get(field); assert(typeName, 'internal', 'Invalid condition field: ' + field); let type = CONDITION_TYPES[typeName]; // It's important to validate rules because a faulty rule might mess // up the user's transaction (and be very confusing) assert( type, 'internal', `Invalid condition type: ${typeName} (field: ${field})` ); assert( type.ops.includes(op), 'internal', `Invalid condition operator: ${op} (type: ${typeName}, field: ${field})` ); if (type.nullable !== true) { assert(value != null, 'no-null', `Field cannot be empty: ${field}`); } // For strings, an empty string is equal to null if (typeName === 'string' && type.nullable !== true) { assert(value !== '', 'no-null', `Field cannot be empty: ${field}`); } this.rawValue = value; this.unparsedValue = value; this.op = op; this.field = field; this.value = type.parse ? type.parse(op, value, field) : value; this.options = options; this.type = typeName; } eval(object) { let fieldValue = object[this.field]; if (fieldValue === undefined) { return false; } if (typeof fieldValue === 'string') { fieldValue = fieldValue.toLowerCase(); } let type = this.type; if (type === 'number' && this.options) { if (this.options.outflow) { if (fieldValue > 0) { return false; } fieldValue = -fieldValue; } else if (this.options.inflow) { if (fieldValue < 0) { return false; } } } let extractValue = v => (type === 'number' ? v.value : v); switch (this.op) { case 'isapprox': case 'is': if (type === 'date') { if (fieldValue == null) { return false; } if (this.value.type === 'recur') { let { schedule } = this.value; if (this.op === 'isapprox') { let fieldDate = parseDate(fieldValue); return schedule.occursBetween( dateFns.subDays(fieldDate, 2), dateFns.addDays(fieldDate, 2) ); } else { return schedule.occursOn({ date: parseDate(fieldValue) }); } } else { let { date } = this.value; if (this.op === 'isapprox') { let fullDate = parseDate(date); let high = addDays(fullDate, 2); let low = subDays(fullDate, 2); return fieldValue >= low && fieldValue <= high; } else { switch (this.value.type) { case 'date': return fieldValue === date; case 'month': return monthFromDate(fieldValue) === date; case 'year': return yearFromDate(fieldValue) === date; default: } } } } else if (type === 'number') { let number = this.value.value; if (this.op === 'isapprox') { let threshold = getApproxNumberThreshold(number); return ( fieldValue >= number - threshold && fieldValue <= number + threshold ); } return fieldValue === number; } return fieldValue === this.value; case 'isbetween': { // The parsing logic already checks that the value is of the // right type (only numbers with high and low) let [low, high] = sortNumbers(this.value.num1, this.value.num2); return fieldValue >= low && fieldValue <= high; } case 'contains': if (fieldValue === null) { return false; } return fieldValue.indexOf(this.value) !== -1; case 'oneOf': if (fieldValue === null) { return false; } return this.value.indexOf(fieldValue) !== -1; case 'gt': if (fieldValue === null) { return false; } else if (type === 'date') { return isAfter(fieldValue,; } return fieldValue > extractValue(this.value); case 'gte': if (fieldValue === null) { return false; } else if (type === 'date') { return ( fieldValue === || isAfter(fieldValue, ); } return fieldValue >= extractValue(this.value); case 'lt': if (fieldValue === null) { return false; } else if (type === 'date') { return isBefore(fieldValue,; } return fieldValue < extractValue(this.value); case 'lte': if (fieldValue === null) { return false; } else if (type === 'date') { return ( fieldValue === || isBefore(fieldValue, ); } return fieldValue <= extractValue(this.value); default: } return false; } getValue() { return this.value; } serialize() { return { op: this.op, field: this.field, value: this.unparsedValue, type: this.type, ...(this.options ? { options: this.options } : null) }; } } let ACTION_OPS = ['set', 'link-schedule']; export class Action { constructor(op, field, value, options, fieldTypes) { assert( ACTION_OPS.includes(op), 'internal', `Invalid action operation: ${op}` ); if (op === 'set') { let typeName = fieldTypes.get(field); assert(typeName, 'internal', `Invalid field for action: ${field}`); this.field = field; this.type = typeName; } else if (op === 'link-schedule') { this.field = null; this.type = 'id'; } this.op = op; this.rawValue = value; this.value = value; this.options = options; } exec(object) { switch (this.op) { case 'set': object[this.field] = this.value; break; case 'link-schedule': object.schedule = this.value; break; default: } } serialize() { return { op: this.op, field: this.field, value: this.value, type: this.type, ...(this.options ? { options: this.options } : null) }; } } export class Rule { constructor({ id, stage, conditions, actions, fieldTypes }) { = id; this.stage = stage; this.conditions = c => new Condition(c.op, c.field, c.value, c.options, fieldTypes) ); this.actions = a => new Action(a.op, a.field, a.value, a.options, fieldTypes) ); } evalConditions(object) { if (this.conditions.length === 0) { return false; } return this.conditions.every(condition => { return condition.eval(object); }); } execActions(object) { let changes = {}; this.actions.forEach(action => action.exec(changes)); return changes; } exec(object) { if (this.evalConditions(object)) { return this.execActions(object); } return null; } // Apply is similar to exec but applies the changes for you apply(object) { let changes = this.exec(object); return Object.assign({}, object, changes); } getId() { return; } serialize() { return { id:, stage: this.stage, conditions: => c.serialize()), actions: => a.serialize()) }; } } export class RuleIndexer { constructor({ field, method }) { this.field = field; this.method = method; this.rules = new Map(); } getIndex(key) { if (!this.rules.has(key)) { this.rules.set(key, new Set()); } return this.rules.get(key); } getIndexForValue(value) { return this.getIndex(this.getKey(value) || '*'); } getKey(value) { if (typeof value === 'string' && value !== '') { if (this.method === 'firstchar') { return value[0].toLowerCase(); } return value.toLowerCase(); } return null; } getIndexes(rule) { let cond = rule.conditions.find(cond => cond.field === this.field); let indexes = []; if (cond && (cond.op === 'oneOf' || cond.op === 'is')) { if (cond.op === 'oneOf') { cond.value.forEach(val => indexes.push(this.getIndexForValue(val))); } else { indexes.push(this.getIndexForValue(cond.value)); } } else { indexes.push(this.getIndex('*')); } return indexes; } index(rule) { let indexes = this.getIndexes(rule); indexes.forEach(index => { index.add(rule); }); } remove(rule) { let indexes = this.getIndexes(rule); indexes.forEach(index => { index.delete(rule); }); } getApplicableRules(object) { let indexedRules; if (this.field in object) { let key = this.getKey(object[this.field]); if (key) { indexedRules = this.rules.get(key); } } return fastSetMerge( indexedRules || new Set(), this.rules.get('*') || new Set() ); } } const OP_SCORES = { is: 10, oneOf: 9, isapprox: 5, isbetween: 5, gt: 1, gte: 1, lt: 1, lte: 1, contains: 0 }; function computeScore(rule) { let initialScore = rule.conditions.reduce((score, condition) => { if (OP_SCORES[condition.op] == null) { console.log(`Found invalid operation while ranking: ${condition.op}`); return 0; } return score + OP_SCORES[condition.op]; }, 0); if ( rule.conditions.every( cond => cond.op === 'is' || cond.op === 'isapprox' || cond.op === 'oneOf' ) ) { return initialScore * 2; } return initialScore; } function _rankRules(rules) { let scores = new Map(); rules.forEach(rule => { scores.set(rule, computeScore(rule)); }); // No matter the order of rules, this must always return exactly the same // order. That's why rules have ids: if two rules have the same score, it // sorts by id return [...rules].sort((r1, r2) => { let score1 = scores.get(r1); let score2 = scores.get(r2); if (score1 < score2) { return -1; } else if (score1 > score2) { return 1; } else { let id1 = r1.getId(); let id2 = r2.getId(); return id1 < id2 ? -1 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : 0; } }); } export function rankRules(rules) { let pre = []; let normal = []; let post = []; for (let rule of rules) { switch (rule.stage) { case 'pre': pre.push(rule); break; case 'post': post.push(rule); break; default: normal.push(rule); } } pre = _rankRules(pre); normal = _rankRules(normal); post = _rankRules(post); return pre.concat(normal).concat(post); } export function migrateIds(rule, mappings) { // Go through the in-memory rules and patch up ids that have been // "migrated" to other ids. This is a little tricky, but a lot // easier than trying to keep an up-to-date mapping in the db. This // is necessary because ids can be transparently mapped as items are // merged/deleted in the system. // // It's very important here that we look at `rawValue` specifically, // and only apply the patches to the other `value` fields. We always // need to keep the original id around because undo can walk // backwards, and we need to be able to consistently apply a // "projection" of these mapped values. For example: if we have ids // [1, 2] and applying mappings transforms it to [2, 2], if `1` gets // mapped to something else there's no way to no to map *only* the // first id back to make [1, 2]. Keeping the original value around // solves this. for (let ci = 0; ci < rule.conditions.length; ci++) { let cond = rule.conditions[ci]; if (cond.type === 'id') { switch (cond.op) { case 'is': cond.value = mappings.get(cond.rawValue) || cond.rawValue; cond.unparsedValue = cond.value; break; case 'oneOf': cond.value = => mappings.get(v) || v); cond.unparsedValue = [...cond.value]; break; default: } } } for (let ai = 0; ai < rule.actions.length; ai++) { let action = rule.actions[ai]; if (action.type === 'id') { if (action.op === 'set') { action.value = mappings.get(action.rawValue) || action.rawValue; } } } } // This finds all the rules that reference the `id` export function iterateIds(rules, fieldName, func) { let counts = {}; let i; ruleiter: for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { let rule = rules[i]; for (let ci = 0; ci < rule.conditions.length; ci++) { let cond = rule.conditions[ci]; if (cond.type === 'id' && cond.field === fieldName) { switch (cond.op) { case 'is': if (func(rule, cond.value)) { continue ruleiter; } break; case 'oneOf': for (let vi = 0; vi < cond.value.length; vi++) { if (func(rule, cond.value[vi])) { continue ruleiter; } } break; default: } } } for (let ai = 0; ai < rule.actions.length; ai++) { let action = rule.actions[ai]; if (action.type === 'id' && action.field === fieldName) { // Currently `set` is the only op, but if we add more this // will need to be extended if (action.op === 'set') { if (func(rule, action.value)) { break; } } } } } }