import React, { useEffect, useState, useReducer } from 'react'; import { useParams, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { pushModal } from 'loot-core/src/client/actions/modals'; import { css } from 'glamor'; import { send, sendCatch } from 'loot-core/src/platform/client/fetch'; import q, { runQuery, liveQuery } from 'loot-core/src/client/query-helpers'; import { extractScheduleConds } from 'loot-core/src/shared/schedules'; import * as monthUtils from 'loot-core/src/shared/months'; import { useCachedPayees } from 'loot-core/src/client/data-hooks/payees'; import { FormField, FormLabel, Checkbox } from 'loot-design/src/components/forms'; import { colors, styles } from 'loot-design/src/style'; import PayeeAutocomplete from 'loot-design/src/components/PayeeAutocomplete'; import AccountAutocomplete from 'loot-design/src/components/AccountAutocomplete'; import { Stack, Input, InputWithContent, View, Text, Button, ModalButtons } from 'loot-design/src/components/common'; import DateSelect from 'loot-design/src/components/DateSelect'; import { SelectedItemsButton } from 'loot-design/src/components/table'; import SimpleTransactionsTable from '../accounts/SimpleTransactionsTable'; import { usePageType } from '../Page'; import { Page } from '../Page'; import useSelected, { SelectedProvider } from 'loot-design/src/components/useSelected'; import { OpSelect } from '../modals/EditRule'; import { AmountInput, BetweenAmountInput } from '../util/AmountInput'; import { SchedulesProviderRaw } from 'loot-core/src/client/data-hooks/schedules'; import RecurringSchedulePicker from 'loot-design/src/components/RecurringSchedulePicker'; function mergeFields(defaults, initial) { let res = { ...defaults }; if (initial) { // Only merge in fields from `initial` that exist in `defaults` Object.keys(initial).forEach(key => { if (key in defaults) { res[key] = initial[key]; } }); } return res; } function updateScheduleConditions(schedule, fields) { let conds = extractScheduleConds(schedule._conditions); let updateCond = (cond, op, field, value) => { if (cond) { return { ...cond, value }; } if (value != null) { return { op, field, value }; } return null; }; // Validate if ( == null) { return { error: 'Date is required' }; } if (fields.amount == null) { return { error: 'A valid amount is required' }; } return { conditions: [ updateCond(conds.payee, 'is', 'payee', fields.payee), updateCond(conds.account, 'is', 'account', fields.account), updateCond(, 'isapprox', 'date',, // We don't use `updateCond` for amount because we want to // overwrite it completely { op: fields.amountOp, field: 'amount', value: fields.amount } ].filter(Boolean) }; } export default function ScheduleDetails() { let { id, initialFields } = useParams(); let adding = id == null; let payees = useCachedPayees({ idKey: true }); let history = useHistory(); let globalDispatch = useDispatch(); let dateFormat = useSelector(state => { return state.prefs.local.dateFormat || 'MM/dd/yyyy'; }); let pageType = usePageType(); let [state, dispatch] = useReducer( (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'set-schedule': { let schedule = action.schedule; // See if there are custom rules let conds = extractScheduleConds(schedule._conditions); let condsSet = new Set(Object.values(conds)); let isCustom = schedule._conditions.find(c => !condsSet.has(c)) || schedule._actions.find(a => a.op !== 'link-schedule'); return { ...state, schedule: action.schedule, isCustom, fields: { payee: schedule._payee, account: schedule._account, amount: schedule._amount || 0, amountOp: schedule._amountOp || 'isapprox', date: schedule._date, posts_transaction: action.schedule.posts_transaction } }; } case 'set-field': if (!(action.field in state.fields)) { throw new Error('Unknown field: ' + action.field); } let fields = { [action.field]: action.value }; // If we are changing the amount operator either to or // away from the `isbetween` operator, the amount value is // different and we need to convert it if ( action.field === 'amountOp' && action.value !== state.fields.amountOp ) { if (action.value === 'isbetween') { // We need a range if switching to `isbetween`. The // amount field should be a number since we are // switching away from the other ops, but check just in // case fields.amount = typeof state.fields.amount === 'number' ? { num1: state.fields.amount, num2: state.fields.amount } : { num1: 0, num2: 0 }; } else if (state.fields.amountOp === 'isbetween') { // We need just a number if switching away from // `isbetween`. The amount field should be a range, but // also check just in case. We grab just the first // number and use it fields.amount = typeof state.fields.amount === 'number' ? state.fields.amount : state.fields.amount.num1; } } return { ...state, fields: { ...state.fields, ...fields } }; case 'set-transactions': return { ...state, transactions: action.transactions }; case 'set-repeats': return { ...state, fields: { ...state.fields, date: action.repeats ? { frequency: 'monthly', start: monthUtils.currentDay(), patterns: [] } : monthUtils.currentDay() } }; case 'set-upcoming-dates': return { ...state, upcomingDates: action.dates }; case 'form-error': return { ...state, error: action.error }; case 'switch-transactions': return { ...state, transactionsMode: action.mode }; default: throw new Error('Unknown action: ' + action.type); } }, { schedule: null, upcomingDates: null, error: null, fields: mergeFields( { payee: null, account: null, amount: null, amountOp: null, date: null, posts_transaction: false }, initialFields ), transactions: [], transactionsMode: adding ? 'matched' : 'linked' } ); async function loadSchedule() { let { data } = await runQuery( q('schedules') .filter({ id }) .select('*') ); return data[0]; } useEffect(() => { async function run() { if (adding) { let date = { start: monthUtils.currentDay(), frequency: 'monthly', patterns: [] }; let schedule = { posts_transaction: false, _date: date, _conditions: [{ op: 'isapprox', field: 'date', value: date }], _actions: [] }; dispatch({ type: 'set-schedule', schedule }); } else { let schedule = await loadSchedule(); if (schedule && state.schedule == null) { dispatch({ type: 'set-schedule', schedule }); } } } run(); }, []); useEffect(() => { async function run() { let date =; let dates = null; if (date == null) { dispatch({ type: 'set-upcoming-dates', dates: null }); } else { if (date.frequency) { let { data } = await sendCatch('schedule/get-upcoming-dates', { config: date, count: 3 }); dispatch({ type: 'set-upcoming-dates', dates: data }); } else { let today = monthUtils.currentDay(); if (date === today || monthUtils.isAfter(date, today)) { dispatch({ type: 'set-upcoming-dates', dates: [date] }); } else { dispatch({ type: 'set-upcoming-dates', dates: null }); } } } } run(); }, []); useEffect(() => { if ( state.schedule && && state.transactionsMode === 'linked' ) { let live = liveQuery( q('transactions') .filter({ schedule: }) .select('*') .options({ splits: 'none' }), data => dispatch({ type: 'set-transactions', transactions: data }) ); return live.unsubscribe; } }, [state.schedule, state.transactionsMode]); useEffect(() => { let current = true; let unsubscribe; if (state.schedule && state.transactionsMode === 'matched') { let { error, conditions } = updateScheduleConditions( state.schedule, state.fields ); dispatch({ type: 'set-transactions', transactions: [] }); // *Extremely* gross hack because the rules are not mapped to // public names automatically. We really should be doing that // at the database layer conditions = => { if (cond.field === 'description') { return { ...cond, field: 'payee' }; } else if (cond.field === 'acct') { return { ...cond, field: 'account' }; } return cond; }); send('make-filters-from-conditions', { conditions: conditions }).then(({ filters }) => { if (current) { let live = liveQuery( q('transactions') .filter({ $and: filters }) .select('*') .options({ splits: 'none' }), data => dispatch({ type: 'set-transactions', transactions: data }) ); unsubscribe = live.unsubscribe; } }); } return () => { current = false; if (unsubscribe) { unsubscribe(); } }; }, [state.schedule, state.transactionsMode, state.fields]); let selectedInst = useSelected('transactions', state.transactions, []); async function onSave() { dispatch({ type: 'form-error', error: null }); let { error, conditions } = updateScheduleConditions( state.schedule, state.fields ); if (error) { dispatch({ type: 'form-error', error }); return; } let res = await sendCatch(adding ? 'schedule/create' : 'schedule/update', { schedule: { id:, posts_transaction: state.fields.posts_transaction }, conditions }); if (res.error) { dispatch({ type: 'form-error', error: 'An error occurred while saving. Please contact for support.' }); } else { if (adding) { await onLinkTransactions([...selectedInst.items],; } history.goBack(); } } async function onEditRule(ruleId) { let rule = await send('rule-get', { id: ruleId || state.schedule.rule }); globalDispatch( pushModal('edit-rule', { rule, onSave: async () => { let schedule = await loadSchedule(); dispatch({ type: 'set-schedule', schedule }); } }) ); } async function onLinkTransactions(ids, scheduleId) { await send('transactions-batch-update', { updated: => ({ id, schedule: scheduleId || })) }); selectedInst.dispatch({ type: 'select-none' }); } async function onUnlinkTransactions(ids) { await send('transactions-batch-update', { updated: => ({ id, schedule: null })) }); selectedInst.dispatch({ type: 'select-none' }); } if (state.schedule == null) { return null; } function onSwitchTransactions(mode) { dispatch({ type: 'switch-transactions', mode }); selectedInst.dispatch({ type: 'select-none' }); } let payee = payees ? payees[state.fields.payee] : null; // This is derived from the date let repeats = ? !! : false; return ( dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'payee', value: id }) } /> dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'account', value: id }) } /> { switch (op) { case 'is': return 'is exactly'; case 'isapprox': return 'is approximately'; case 'isbetween': return 'is between'; default: throw new Error('Invalid op for select: ' + op); } }} style={{ padding: '0 10px', color: colors.n5, fontSize: 12 }} onChange={(_, op) => dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'amountOp', value: op }) } /> {state.fields.amountOp === 'isbetween' ? ( dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'amount', value }) } /> ) : ( dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'amount', value }) } /> )} {repeats ? ( dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'date', value }) } /> ) : ( dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'date', value: date }) } dateFormat={dateFormat} /> )} {state.upcomingDates && ( Upcoming dates { => ( {monthUtils.format(date, `${dateFormat} EEEE`)} ))} )} { dispatch({ type: 'set-repeats', repeats: }); }} /> { dispatch({ type: 'set-field', field: 'posts_transaction', value: }); }} /> If checked, the schedule will automatically create transactions for you in the specified account {!adding && state.schedule.rule && ( {state.isCustom && ( This schedule has custom conditions and actions )} )} {adding ? ( These transactions match this schedule: Select transactions to link on save ) : ( {' '} { switch (name) { case 'link': onLinkTransactions(ids); break; case 'unlink': onUnlinkTransactions(ids); break; default: } }} /> )} {state.error && {state.error}} ); }