import asyncStorage from '../platform/server/asyncStorage'; import { fetch } from '../platform/server/fetch'; import fs from '../platform/server/fs'; import * as sqlite from '../platform/server/sqlite'; import * as monthUtils from '../shared/months'; import encryption from './encryption'; import { HTTPError, PostError, FileDownloadError, FileUploadError } from './errors'; import { runMutator } from './mutators'; import { post } from './post'; import * as prefs from './prefs'; import { getServer } from './server-config'; let AdmZip = require('adm-zip'); let uuid = require('../platform/uuid'); let UPLOAD_FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS = 7; async function checkHTTPStatus(res) { if (res.status !== 200) { return res.text().then(str => { throw new HTTPError(res.status, str); }); } else { return res; } } async function fetchJSON(...args) { let res = await fetch(...args); res = await checkHTTPStatus(res); return res.json(); } export async function checkKey() { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); let { cloudFileId, encryptKeyId } = prefs.getPrefs(); let res; try { res = await post(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/user-get-key', { token: userToken, fileId: cloudFileId }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { error: { reason: 'network' } }; } // This == comparison is important, they could be null or undefined // eslint-disable-next-line return { valid: == encryptKeyId && // eslint-disable-line (encryptKeyId == null || encryption.hasKey(encryptKeyId)) }; } export async function resetSyncState(newKeyState) { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); let { cloudFileId } = prefs.getPrefs(); if (process.env.IS_BETA) { return { error: { reason: 'beta-version' } }; } try { await post(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/reset-user-file', { token: userToken, fileId: cloudFileId }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof PostError) { return { error: { reason: e.reason === 'unauthorized' ? 'unauthorized' : 'network' } }; } return { error: { reason: 'internal' } }; } if (newKeyState) { try { await post(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/user-create-key', { token: userToken, fileId: cloudFileId, keyId: newKeyState.key.getId(), keySalt: newKeyState.salt, testContent: newKeyState.testContent }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof PostError) { return { error: { reason: 'network' } }; } return { error: { reason: 'internal' } }; } } return {}; } export async function exportBuffer() { let { id, budgetName } = prefs.getPrefs(); if (!budgetName) { return null; } let budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(id); // create zip let zipped = new AdmZip(); // We run this in a mutator even though its not mutating anything // because we are reading the sqlite file from disk. We want to make // sure that we get a valid snapshot of it so we want this to be // serialized with all other mutations. await runMutator(async () => { let rawDbContent = await fs.readFile( fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite'), 'binary' ); // Do some post-processing of the database. We NEVER upload the cache with // the database; this forces new downloads to always recompute everything // which is not only safer, but reduces the filesize a lot. let memDb = await sqlite.openDatabase(rawDbContent); sqlite.execQuery( memDb, ` DELETE FROM kvcache; DELETE FROM kvcache_key; ` ); let dbContent = sqlite.exportDatabase(memDb); sqlite.closeDatabase(memDb); // mark it as a file that needs a new clock so when a new client // downloads it, it'll get set to a unique node let meta = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile(fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.json')) ); meta.resetClock = true; let metaContent = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(meta), 'utf8'); zipped.addFile('db.sqlite', dbContent); zipped.addFile('metadata.json', metaContent); }); return Buffer.from(zipped.toBuffer()); } export async function importBuffer(fileData, buffer) { let zipped = new AdmZip(buffer); let entries = zipped.getEntries(); let dbEntry = entries.find(e => e.entryName.includes('db.sqlite')); let metaEntry = entries.find(e => e.entryName.includes('metadata.json')); if (!dbEntry || !metaEntry) { throw FileDownloadError('invalid-zip-file'); } let dbContent = zipped.readFile(dbEntry); let metaContent = zipped.readFile(metaEntry); let meta; try { meta = JSON.parse(metaContent.toString('utf8')); } catch (err) { throw FileDownloadError('invalid-meta-file'); } // Update the metadata. The stored file on the server might be // out-of-date with a few keys meta = { ...meta, cloudFileId: fileData.fileId, groupId: fileData.groupId, lastUploaded: monthUtils.currentDay(), encryptKeyId: fileData.encryptMeta ? fileData.encryptMeta.keyId : null }; let budgetDir = fs.getBudgetDir(; if (await fs.exists(budgetDir)) { // Don't remove the directory so that backups are retained let dbFile = fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite'); let metaFile = fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.json'); if (await fs.exists(dbFile)) { await fs.removeFile(dbFile); } if (await fs.exists(metaFile)) { await fs.removeFile(metaFile); } } else { await fs.mkdir(budgetDir); } await fs.writeFile(fs.join(budgetDir, 'db.sqlite'), dbContent); await fs.writeFile(fs.join(budgetDir, 'metadata.json'), JSON.stringify(meta)); return { id: }; } export async function upload() { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); if (!userToken) { throw FileUploadError('unauthorized'); } // We never change the server from the beta version if (process.env.IS_BETA) { throw FileUploadError('beta-version'); } let zipContent = await exportBuffer(); if (zipContent == null) { return; } let { id, groupId, budgetName, cloudFileId, encryptKeyId } = prefs.getPrefs(); let uploadContent = zipContent; let uploadMeta = null; // The upload process encrypts with the key tagged in the prefs for // the file. It will upload the file and the server is responsible // for checking that the key is up-to-date and rejecting it if not if (encryptKeyId) { let encrypted; try { encrypted = await encryption.encrypt(zipContent, encryptKeyId); } catch (e) { throw FileUploadError('encrypt-failure', { isMissingKey: e.message === 'missing-key' }); } uploadContent = encrypted.value; uploadMeta = encrypted.meta; } if (!cloudFileId) { cloudFileId = uuid.v4Sync(); } let res; try { res = await fetchJSON(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/upload-user-file', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Length': uploadContent.length, 'Content-Type': 'application/encrypted-file', 'X-ACTUAL-TOKEN': userToken, 'X-ACTUAL-FILE-ID': cloudFileId, 'X-ACTUAL-NAME': encodeURIComponent(budgetName), 'X-ACTUAL-FORMAT': 2, ...(uploadMeta ? { 'X-ACTUAL-ENCRYPT-META': JSON.stringify(uploadMeta) } : null), ...(groupId ? { 'X-ACTUAL-GROUP-ID': groupId } : null) }, body: uploadContent }); } catch (err) { console.log('Upload failure', err); let reason = err instanceof PostError ? err.reason : 'network'; if (err instanceof PostError) { throw new FileUploadError( err.reason === 'unauthorized' ? 'unauthorized' : err.reason || 'network' ); } throw FileUploadError('internal'); } if (res.status === 'ok') { // Only save it if we are still working on the same file if (prefs.getPrefs() && prefs.getPrefs().id === id) { await prefs.savePrefs({ lastUploaded: monthUtils.currentDay(), cloudFileId, groupId: res.groupId }); } } else { throw FileUploadError('internal'); } } export async function possiblyUpload() { let { cloudFileId, groupId, lastUploaded, id } = prefs.getPrefs(); let threshold = lastUploaded && monthUtils.addDays(lastUploaded, UPLOAD_FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS); let currentDay = monthUtils.currentDay(); // We only want to try to upload every UPLOAD_FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS days if (lastUploaded && currentDay < threshold) { return; } // We only want to upload existing cloud files that are part of a // valid group if (!cloudFileId || !groupId) { return; } // Don't block on uploading upload().catch(err => {}); } export async function removeFile(fileId) { const [[, userToken]] = await asyncStorage.multiGet(['user-token']); await post(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/delete-user-file', { token: userToken, fileId }); } export async function listRemoteFiles() { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); if (!userToken) { return null; } let res; try { res = await fetchJSON(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/list-user-files', { headers: { 'X-ACTUAL-TOKEN': userToken } }); } catch (e) { console.log('Error', e); return null; } if (res.status === 'error') { return null; } return => ({ ...file, hasKey: encryption.hasKey(file.encryptKeyId) })); } export async function download(fileId, replace) { let userToken = await asyncStorage.getItem('user-token'); let buffer; try { buffer = await fetch(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/download-user-file', { headers: { 'X-ACTUAL-TOKEN': userToken, 'X-ACTUAL-FILE-ID': fileId } }) .then(checkHTTPStatus) .then(res => { if (res.arrayBuffer) { return res.arrayBuffer().then(ab => Buffer.from(ab)); } return res.buffer(); }); } catch (err) { console.log('Download failure', err); throw FileDownloadError('download-failure'); } let res; try { res = await fetchJSON(getServer().SYNC_SERVER + '/get-user-file-info', { headers: { 'X-ACTUAL-TOKEN': userToken, 'X-ACTUAL-FILE-ID': fileId } }); } catch (err) { throw FileDownloadError('internal', { fileId }); } if (res.status !== 'ok') { throw FileDownloadError('internal', { fileId }); } let fileData =; // The download process checks if the server gave us decrypt // information. It is assumed that this key has already been loaded // in, which is done in a previous step if (fileData.encryptMeta) { try { buffer = await encryption.decrypt(buffer, fileData.encryptMeta); } catch (e) { throw FileDownloadError('decrypt-failure', { isMissingKey: e.message === 'missing-key' }); } } return importBuffer(fileData, buffer, replace); }