import * as monthUtils from '../../shared/months'; import * as db from '../db'; import { loadMappings } from '../db/mappings'; import { getServer } from '../server-config'; import { syncAccount, reconcileTransactions, addTransactions, fromPlaid } from './sync'; import { loadRules, insertRule } from './transaction-rules'; import * as transfer from './transfer'; const snapshotDiff = require('snapshot-diff'); const { post } = require('../post'); const mockSyncServer = require('../tests/mockSyncServer'); beforeEach(async () => { mockSyncServer.reset(); await global.emptyDatabase()(); await loadMappings(); await loadRules(); }); function getAllTransactions() { return db.all( `SELECT t.*, as payee_name FROM v_transactions_internal t LEFT JOIN payees p ON = t.payee ORDER BY date DESC, amount DESC, id ` ); } function expectSnapshotWithDiffer(initialValue) { let currentValue = initialValue; expect(initialValue).toMatchSnapshot(); return { expectToMatchDiff: value => { expect(snapshotDiff(currentValue, value)).toMatchSnapshot(); currentValue = value; } }; } function prepMockTransactions() { let mockTransactions; mockSyncServer.filterMockData(data => { const account_id = data.accounts[0].account_id; const transactions = data.transactions[account_id].filter(t => !t.pending); mockTransactions = [ ...transactions.filter(t => <= '2017-10-15'), ...transactions.filter(t => === '2017-10-16').slice(0, 1), ...transactions.filter(t => === '2017-10-17').slice(0, 3) ]; return { accounts: data.accounts, transactions: { [account_id]: mockTransactions } }; }); return mockTransactions; } async function prepareDatabase() { await db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group1', name: 'group1', is_income: 1 }); await db.insertCategory({ name: 'income', cat_group: 'group1', is_income: 1 }); const { accounts } = await post(getServer().PLAID_SERVER + '/accounts', { client_id: '', group_id: '', item_id: '1' }); const acct = accounts[0]; const id = await db.insertAccount({ id: 'one', account_id: acct.account_id, name: acct.official_name, balance_current: acct.balances.current }); await db.insertPayee({ id: 'transfer-' + id, name: '', transfer_acct: id }); return { id, account_id: acct.account_id }; } async function getAllPayees() { return (await db.getPayees()).filter(p => p.transfer_acct == null); } describe.skip('Account sync', () => { test('reconcile creates payees correctly', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; let mockTransactions = prepMockTransactions(); let { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(0); await reconcileTransactions(id, [ { date: '2020-01-02', payee_name: 'bakkerij', amount: 4133 }, { date: '2020-01-03', payee_name: 'kroger', amount: 5000 } ]); payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(2); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(transactions.length).toBe(2); expect(transactions.find(t => t.amount === 4133).payee).toBe( payees.find(p => === 'Bakkerij').id ); expect(transactions.find(t => t.amount === 5000).payee).toBe( payees.find(p => === 'Kroger').id ); }); test('reconcile matches single transaction', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; let mockTransactions = prepMockTransactions(); const { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); // The payee can be anything, all that matters is the amount is the same let mockTransaction = mockTransactions.find(t => === '2017-10-17'); let payeeName =; mockTransaction.amount = 29.47; let payeeId = await db.insertPayee({ name: 'macy' }); await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-15', payee: payeeId }); let { added, updated } = await reconcileTransactions( id, mockTransactions.filter(t => >= '2017-10-15').map(fromPlaid) ); expect(added.length).toBe(3); expect(updated.length).toBe(1); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); let transaction = transactions.find(t => t.amount === -2947); expect([0]); // The payee has not been updated - it's still the payee that the original transaction had let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(18); expect(transaction.payee).toBe(payeeId); }); test('reconcile matches multiple transactions', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; let mockTransactions = prepMockTransactions(); const { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); // These should all match, but note that the one with the payee // `macy` should match with the imported one with the same payee // name. This should happen even though other transactions with // the same amount are imported first, i.e. high fidelity matches // always win let mocked = mockTransactions.filter(t => === '2017-10-17'); mocked[0].name = 'Papa Johns east side'; mocked[0].amount = 29.47; mocked[1].name = "Lowe's Store"; mocked[1].amount = 29.47; mocked[2].name = 'macy'; mocked[2].amount = 29.47; // Make sure that it macy is correctly matched from a different // day first, and then the other two are matched based on amount. // And it should never match the same transactions twice await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-15', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'papa johns' }) }); await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'two', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-17', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'lowes' }) }); await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'three', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-17', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'macy' }) }); let { added, updated } = await reconcileTransactions( id, mockTransactions.filter(t => >= '2017-10-15').map(fromPlaid) ); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(updated.length).toBe(3); expect(added.length).toBe(1); expect(transactions.find(t => === 'one').imported_id).toBe( mocked[1].transaction_id ); expect(transactions.find(t => === 'two').imported_id).toBe( mocked[0].transaction_id ); expect(transactions.find(t => === 'three').imported_id).toBe( mocked[2].transaction_id ); }); test('reconcile matches multiple transactions (imported_id wins)', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; let mockTransactions = prepMockTransactions(); const { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); let mocked = mockTransactions.filter(t => === '2017-10-17'); mocked[0].name = 'Papa Johns east side'; mocked[0].amount = 29.47; mocked[1].name = "Lowe's Store"; mocked[1].amount = 29.47; mocked[1].transaction_id = 'imported1'; // Technically, the amount doesn't even matter. The // imported_id will always match no matter what await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: id, amount: -3000, date: '2017-10-15', imported_id: 'imported1', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'papa johns' }) }); await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'two', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-17', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'lowes' }) }); let { added, updated } = await reconcileTransactions( id, mockTransactions.filter(t => >= '2017-10-15').map(fromPlaid) ); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(updated).toEqual(['two', 'one']); expect(added.length).toBe(2); // Make sure lowes, which has the imported_id, is the one that // got matched with the same imported_id expect(transactions.find(t => === 'one').imported_payee).toBe( "Lowe's Store" ); }); test('import never matches existing with financial ids', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; let mockTransactions = prepMockTransactions(); const { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); let differ = expectSnapshotWithDiffer(await getAllTransactions()); mockTransactions = mockTransactions.filter(t => === '2017-10-17'); mockTransactions[0].name = 'foo'; mockTransactions[0].amount = 29.47; mockTransactions[1].name = 'bar'; mockTransactions[1].amount = 29.47; // Make sure, no matter what, it never tries to match with an // existing transaction that already has a financial id await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-15', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'foo' }), imported_id: 'trans1' }); await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'two', account: id, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-15', payee: await db.insertPayee({ name: 'bar' }), imported_id: 'trans2' }); differ.expectToMatchDiff(await getAllTransactions()); monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-17'; await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); differ.expectToMatchDiff(await getAllTransactions()); }); test('import updates transfers when matched', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; let mockTransactions = prepMockTransactions(); const { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); await db.insertAccount({ id: 'two', name: 'two' }); await db.insertPayee({ id: 'transfer-two', name: '', transfer_acct: 'two' }); await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); let differ = expectSnapshotWithDiffer(await getAllTransactions()); const mockTransaction = mockTransactions.find(t => === '2017-10-17'); = "#001 fenn st Macy's 33333 EMX"; mockTransaction.amount = 29.48; const transactionId = await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: 'two', amount: 2948, date: '2017-10-15', payee: 'transfer-' + id }); await transfer.onInsert(await db.getTransaction(transactionId)); differ.expectToMatchDiff(await getAllTransactions()); monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-17'; await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); // Don't use `differ.expectToMatchDiff` because there's too many // changes that look too confusing expect(await getAllTransactions()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('reconcile handles transactions with undefined fields', async () => { const { id: acctId } = await prepareDatabase(); const transactionId = await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: acctId, amount: 2948, date: '2020-01-01' }); await reconcileTransactions(acctId, [ { date: '2020-01-02' }, { date: '2020-01-01', amount: 2948 } ]); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(transactions.length).toBe(2); expect(transactions).toMatchSnapshot(); // No payees should be created let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(0); // Make _at least_ the date is required await expect(reconcileTransactions(acctId, [{}])).rejects.toThrow( /`date` is required/ ); }); test('reconcile run rules with inferred payee', async () => { const { id: acctId } = await prepareDatabase(); await db.insertCategoryGroup({ id: 'group2', name: 'group2' }); let catId = await db.insertCategory({ name: 'Food', cat_group: 'group2' }); let payeeId = await db.insertPayee({ name: 'bakkerij' }); await insertRule({ stage: null, conditions: [{ op: 'is', field: 'payee', value: payeeId }], actions: [{ op: 'set', field: 'category', value: catId }] }); await reconcileTransactions(acctId, [ { date: '2020-01-02', payee_name: 'Bakkerij', amount: 4133 } ]); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); // Even though the payee was inferred from the string name (no // renaming rules ran), it should match the above rule and set the // category expect(transactions.length).toBe(1); expect(transactions[0].payee).toBe(payeeId); expect(transactions[0].category).toBe(catId); // It also should not have created a payee let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(1); expect(payees[0].id).toBe(payeeId); }); test('reconcile avoids creating blank payees', async () => { const { id: acctId } = await prepareDatabase(); await reconcileTransactions(acctId, [ { date: '2020-01-02', payee_name: ' ', amount: 4133 } ]); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); // Even though the payee was inferred from the string name (no // renaming rules ran), it should match the above rule and set the // category expect(transactions.length).toBe(1); expect(transactions[0].payee).toBe(null); expect(transactions[0].amount).toBe(4133); expect(transactions[0].date).toBe(20200102); // It also should not have created a payee let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(0); }); test('reconcile run rules dont create unnecessary payees', async () => { const { id: acctId } = await prepareDatabase(); let payeeId = await db.insertPayee({ name: 'bakkerij-renamed' }); await insertRule({ stage: null, conditions: [{ op: 'is', field: 'imported_payee', value: 'Bakkerij' }], actions: [{ op: 'set', field: 'payee', value: payeeId }] }); await reconcileTransactions(acctId, [ { date: '2020-01-02', payee_name: 'bakkerij', amount: 4133 } ]); let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(1); expect(payees[0].id).toBe(payeeId); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(transactions.length).toBe(1); expect(transactions[0].payee).toBe(payeeId); }); let testMapped = version => { test.skip(`reconcile matches unmapped and mapped payees (${version})`, async () => { const { id: acctId } = await prepareDatabase(); if (version === 'v1') { // This is quite complicated, but important to test. If a payee is // merged with another, a rule sets the payee of a transaction to // the updated one, make sure it still matches an existing // transaction that points to the old merged payee } else if (version === 'v2') { // This is similar to v1, but inverted: make sure that // if a rule sets the payee to an *old* payee, that it still // matches to a transaction with the new payee that it was merged // to } let payeeId1 = await db.insertPayee({ name: 'bakkerij2' }); let payeeId2 = await db.insertPayee({ name: 'bakkerij-renamed' }); // Insert a rule *before* payees are merged. Not that v2 would // fail if we inserted this rule after, because the rule would // set to an *old* payee but the matching would take place on a // *new* payee. But that's ok - it would fallback to matching // amount anyway, so while it loses some fidelity, it's an edge // case that we don't need to worry much about because the user // shouldn't be able able to create rules for a merged payee. // Unless they sync in a rule... await insertRule({ stage: null, conditions: [{ op: 'is', field: 'imported_payee', value: 'Bakkerij' }], actions: [{ op: 'set', field: 'payee', value: payeeId2 }] }); if (version === 'v1') { await db.mergePayees(payeeId2, [payeeId1]); } else if (version === 'v2') { await db.mergePayees(payeeId1, [payeeId2]); } await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'one', account: acctId, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-15', payee: payeeId1 }); // It will try to match to this one first, make sure it matches // the above transaction though await db.insertTransaction({ id: 'two', account: acctId, amount: -2947, date: '2017-10-17', payee: null }); let { added, updated } = await reconcileTransactions(acctId, [ { date: '2017-10-17', payee_name: 'bakkerij', amount: -2947, imported_id: 'imported1' } ]); let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(1); expect(payees[0].id).toBe(version === 'v1' ? payeeId2 : payeeId1); expect(updated.length).toBe(1); expect(updated[0]).toBe('one'); let transactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(transactions.length).toBe(2); expect(transactions.find(t => === 'one').imported_id).toBe( 'imported1' ); }); }; testMapped('v1'); testMapped('v2'); test('addTransactions simply adds transactions', async () => { const { id: acctId } = await prepareDatabase(); let payeeId = await db.insertPayee({ name: 'bakkerij-renamed' }); // Make sure it still runs rules await insertRule({ stage: null, conditions: [{ op: 'is', field: 'imported_payee', value: 'Bakkerij' }], actions: [{ op: 'set', field: 'payee', value: payeeId }] }); let transactions = [ { date: '2017-10-17', payee_name: 'BAKKerij', amount: -2947 }, { date: '2017-10-18', payee_name: 'bakkERIj2', amount: -2947 }, { date: '2017-10-19', payee_name: 'bakkerij3', amount: -2947 }, { date: '2017-10-20', payee_name: 'BakkeriJ3', amount: -2947 } ]; let added = await addTransactions(acctId, transactions); expect(added.length).toBe(transactions.length); let payees = await getAllPayees(); expect(payees.length).toBe(3); let getName = id => payees.find(p => === id).name; let allTransactions = await getAllTransactions(); expect(allTransactions.length).toBe(4); expect( => getName(t.payee))).toEqual([ 'bakkerij3', 'bakkerij3', 'bakkERIj2', 'bakkerij-renamed' ]); }); test('imports transactions for current day and adds latest', async () => { monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-15'; monthUtils.currentMonth = () => '2017-10'; const { id, account_id } = await prepareDatabase(); expect((await getAllTransactions()).length).toBe(0); await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); expect(await getAllTransactions()).toMatchSnapshot(); monthUtils.currentDay = () => '2017-10-17'; await syncAccount('userId', 'userKey', id, account_id, 'bank'); expect(await getAllTransactions()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });