import throttle from 'throttleit'; import { send } from '../../platform/client/fetch'; import constants from '../constants'; import { pushModal } from './modals'; import { addNotification, addGenericErrorNotification } from './notifications'; export function applyBudgetAction(month, type, args) { return async function() { switch (type) { case 'budget-amount': await send('budget/budget-amount', { month, category: args.category, amount: args.amount }); break; case 'copy-last': await send('budget/copy-previous-month', { month }); break; case 'set-zero': await send('budget/set-zero', { month }); break; case 'set-3-avg': await send('budget/set-3month-avg', { month }); break; case 'set-all-future': await send('budget/set-all-future', { startMonth: month }); break; case 'hold': await send('budget/hold-for-next-month', { month, amount: args.amount }); break; case 'hold-all-future': await send('budget/hold-for-future-months', { startMonth: month, amount: args.amount }); break; case 'reset-hold': await send('budget/reset-hold', { month }); break; case 'cover': await send('budget/cover-overspending', { month, to:, from: args.from }); break; case 'transfer-available': await send('budget/transfer-available', { month, amount: args.amount, category: args.category }); break; case 'transfer-category': await send('budget/transfer-category', { month, amount: args.amount, from: args.from, to: }); break; case 'carryover': { await send('budget/set-carryover', { startMonth: month, category: args.category, flag: args.flag }); break; } default: } }; } export function getCategories() { return async function(dispatch) { const categories = await send('get-categories'); dispatch({ type: constants.LOAD_CATEGORIES, categories }); return categories; }; } export function createCategory(name, groupId, isIncome) { return async function(dispatch) { let id = await send('category-create', { name, groupId, isIncome }); dispatch(getCategories()); return id; }; } export function deleteCategory(id, transferId) { return async function(dispatch, getState) { let { error } = await send('category-delete', { id, transferId }); if (error) { let msg; switch (error) { case 'category-type': dispatch( addNotification({ type: 'error', message: 'A category must be transferred to another of the same type (expense or income)' }) ); break; default: dispatch(addGenericErrorNotification()); } throw new Error(error); } else { dispatch(getCategories()); // Also need to refresh payees because they might use one of the // deleted categories as the default category dispatch(getPayees()); } }; } export function updateCategory(category) { return async dispatch => { await send('category-update', category); dispatch(getCategories()); }; } export function moveCategory(id, groupId, targetId) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { await send('category-move', { id, groupId, targetId }); await dispatch(getCategories()); }; } export function moveCategoryGroup(id, targetId) { return async dispatch => { await send('category-group-move', { id, targetId }); await dispatch(getCategories()); }; } export function createGroup(name) { return async dispatch => { let id = await send('category-group-create', { name }); dispatch(getCategories()); return id; }; } export function updateGroup(group) { // Strip off the categories field if it exist. It's not a real db // field but groups have this extra field in the client most of the // time const { categories, ...rawGroup } = group; return async dispatch => { await send('category-group-update', rawGroup); await dispatch(getCategories()); }; } export function deleteGroup(id, transferId) { return async function(dispatch, getState) { const group = getState().queries.categories.grouped.find(g => === id); await send('category-group-delete', { id, transferId }); await dispatch(getCategories()); // See `deleteCategory` for why we need this await dispatch(getPayees()); }; } export function getPayees() { return async function(dispatch) { let payees = await send('payees-get'); dispatch({ type: constants.LOAD_PAYEES, payees }); return payees; }; } export function initiallyLoadPayees() { return async function(dispatch, getState) { if (getState().queries.payees.length === 0) { return dispatch(getPayees()); } }; } export function createPayee(name) { return async dispatch => { return send('payee-create', { name: name.trim() }); }; } export function getAccounts() { return async function(dispatch) { const accounts = await send('accounts-get'); dispatch({ type: constants.LOAD_ACCOUNTS, accounts }); return accounts; }; } export function updateAccount(account) { return async function(dispatch) { dispatch({ type: constants.UPDATE_ACCOUNT, account }); await send('account-update', account); }; } export function createAccount(name, type, balance, offBudget) { return async function(dispatch) { let id = await send('account-create', { name, type, balance, offBudget }); await dispatch(getAccounts()); await dispatch(getPayees()); return id; }; } export function openAccountCloseModal(accountId) { return async function(dispatch, getState) { const { balance, numTransactions } = await send('account-properties', { id: accountId }); const account = getState().queries.accounts.find( acct => === accountId ); dispatch( pushModal('close-account', { account, balance, canDelete: numTransactions === 0 }) ); }; } export function closeAccount(accountId, transferAccountId, categoryId, forced) { return async function(dispatch) { await send('account-close', { id: accountId, transferAccountId, categoryId, forced }); dispatch(getAccounts()); }; } export function reopenAccount(accountId) { return async function(dispatch) { await send('account-reopen', { id: accountId }); dispatch(getAccounts()); }; } export function forceCloseAccount(accountId) { return closeAccount(accountId, null, null, true); } let _undo = throttle(() => send('undo'), 100); let _redo = throttle(() => send('redo'), 100); let _undoEnabled = true; export function setUndoEnabled(flag) { _undoEnabled = flag; } export function undo() { return async () => { if (_undoEnabled) { _undo(); } }; } export function redo() { return async () => { if (_undoEnabled) { _redo(); } }; }